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Password and identity extractor utility for iPhone users #871

Open mgp25 opened 9 years ago

mgp25 commented 9 years ago

UPDATE: C# utility easier to use

This is a python utility to extract password and identity of WA for iPhone users.

--> Before you use it, you should read this:

Im only going to answer question related to API and usage of the utility. Please, if you have coding question use google :)

Note: If you haven't updated iOS or restored firmware, you probably can find this data opening the Cache.db (SQLite3 format).

Note 2: If you delete pw.dat and Cache.db (using ssh or iFile..). And open the WhatsApp app, it will ask you for register and verificate your number, once you do this, exit the app, and run this utility.

Note 3:

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import sqlite3
import paramiko
import os, sys, time

def find_between( s, first, last ):
        start = s.index( first ) + len( first )
        end = s.index( last, start )
        return s[start:end]
    except ValueError:
        return ""

def getPath(username, host, password):
    dssh = paramiko.SSHClient()
    dssh.connect(host, username=username, password=password)
    cmd1 = "find /var/mobile/Applications -iname"
    print "> "+cmd1
    stdin, stdout, stderr = dssh.exec_command(cmd1)
    res =
    res = res.split("\n")
    print res[0]
    return res[0]

def getDB(WAPath, username, host, password):
    localPath = "Cache.db"
    remotePath = WAPath+"/Library/Caches/net.whatsapp.WhatsApp/Cache.db"
    pwFile = WAPath+"/Library/pw.dat"
    transport = paramiko.Transport((host, 22))
    transport.connect(username = username, password = password)
    sftp = paramiko.SFTPClient.from_transport(transport)
    sftp.get(remotePath, localPath)
    sftp.get(pwFile, 'pw.dat')
    print "\n\n- Cache.db downloaded!"
    print "- pw.dat downloaded!"

def getData():
    conn = sqlite3.connect('Cache.db')

    cursor = conn.cursor()

    cursor.execute("SELECT request_key FROM cfurl_cache_response")
    request_key = cursor.fetchall()
    request_key = request_key[0]

    cc = find_between(request_key[0], "cc=", "&")
    pn = find_between(request_key[0], "in=", "&")
    id = find_between(request_key[0], "id=", "&")
    lg = find_between(request_key[0], "lg=", "&")
    lc = find_between(request_key[0]+".", "lc=", ".")

    print "cc: "+cc
    print "pn: "+pn
    print "id: "+id
    print "lg: "+lg
    print "lc: "+lc
    print "\nRequest url: "+request_key[0]

    cursor.execute("SELECT receiver_data FROM cfurl_cache_receiver_data")
    receiver_data = cursor.fetchall()
    receiver_data = receiver_data[0]
    status = find_between(str(receiver_data[0]), "status\":\"", "\"")
    login = find_between(str(receiver_data[0]), "login\":\"", "\"")
    pw = find_between(str(receiver_data[0]), "pw\":\"", "\"")
    type = find_between(str(receiver_data[0]), "type\":\"", "\"")
    expiration = find_between(str(receiver_data[0]), "expiration\":", ",")
    kind = find_between(str(receiver_data[0]), "kind\":\"", "\"")

    print "\nstatus: "+status
    print "login: "+login
    print "pw: "+pw
    print "type: "+type
    print "expiration: "+expiration
    print "kind: "+kind

print '''
#                                         #
#    WA Password and Identity Extractor   #
#              for iPhone                 #
#                                         #

Author: @_mgp25 - -

if len(sys.argv) < 4:
    sys.exit("Usage: python <username> <host> <password>\n")
username = sys.argv[1]
host = sys.argv[2]
password = sys.argv[3]
WAPath = getPath(username, host, password)
WAPath = WAPath[0:61]
getDB(WAPath, username, host, password)
print "\n- Extracting data...\n"

Output should be like this:

> find /var/mobile/Applications -iname

- Cache.db downloaded!
- pw.dat downloaded!

- Extracting data...

cc: 34
pn: *********
id: %1F%**%E7%57%**%A8%**%26%**%4F%35%**%B1%69%AF%**
lg: es
lc: ES

Request url:*********&id=%1F%**%E7%57%**%A8%**%26%**%4F%35%**%B1%69%AF%**&lg=es&lc=ES

status: ok
login: 34*********
pw: ***L9Oxdk***Nh6Hl***jR***Es=
type: existing
expiration: 4444444444.0
kind: free
deonio commented 9 years ago

Help with your script. I plugged the iPhone via cable to the pc(ubuntu 14_04 OS). In the iPone file manager iFile I can see the file Cache.db I copied your script into a file and call it and place it in the home directory in my PC. In the terminal, I entered the command: xxx@linux:~$ python

The display I saw the following message: Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 3, in import paramiko ImportError: No module named paramiko

In the home directory there are three files: paramiko, sqlite3, time. What am I doing wrong?

I have no experience in dealing with the iphone and pyton scripts. Can write detailed instructions, how to use your script? Help me, please.

mgp25 commented 9 years ago

It is because you need to install paramiko module in python, you can install it doing this:

sudo pip install paramiko
deonio commented 9 years ago

I installed paramiko.

In the terminal, I entered the command: python root xxx

The display I saw the following message: Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 98, in WAPath = getPath(username, host, password) File "", line 18, in getPath dssh.connect(host, username=username, password=password) File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/paramiko/", line 236, in connect retry_on_signal(lambda: sock.connect(addr)) File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/paramiko/", line 278, in retry_on_signal return function() File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/paramiko/", line 236, in retry_on_signal(lambda: sock.connect(addr)) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 224, in meth return getattr(self._sock,name)(*args) socket.error: [Errno 111] Connection refused

Explain to me the parameters: username - root. Is that correct? host - I use the ip address of the iphone in my home network ( Is that correct? password - xxx. (my root password in Ubuntu). Is that correct? I ran the command with different parameters, username and password, but the same result! Maybe in iPhone change the settings?

deonio commented 9 years ago

I found in iFile Web Server function. I used port 80. I asked a username and password. Start the server. In my web browser at I entered I created a password(xxx) and user(xxx). And I saw the entire file system iPhone.

In the terminal, I entered the command: python xxx xxx

The display I saw the following message: Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 98, in WAPath = getPath(username, host, password) File "", line 18, in getPath dssh.connect(host, username=username, password=password) File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/paramiko/", line 236, in connect retry_on_signal(lambda: sock.connect(addr)) File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/paramiko/", line 278, in retry_on_signal return function() File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/paramiko/", line 236, in retry_on_signal(lambda: sock.connect(addr)) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 224, in meth return getattr(self._sock,name)(*args) socket.error: [Errno 111] Connection refused

In the terminal, I entered the command: python xxx xxx

Error output has changed The display I saw the following message: Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 98, in WAPath = getPath(username, host, password) File "", line 18, in getPath dssh.connect(host, username=username, password=password) File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/paramiko/", line 222, in connect for (family, socktype, proto, canonname, sockaddr) in socket.getaddrinfo(hostname, port, socket.AF_UNSPEC, socket.SOCK_STREAM): socket.gaierror: [Errno -2] Name or service not known

What should I do? Help me, please.

mgp25 commented 9 years ago

You need to install OpenSSH in cydia.

Username is root Password is alpine Host is the device ip

deonio commented 9 years ago

I install OpenSSH

In the terminal, I entered the command: python root alpine

The display I saw the following message:

find /var/mobile/Applications -iname /var/mobile/Applications/xxxxxxx/

  • Cache.db downloaded!
  • pw.dat downloaded!
  • Extracting data...

cc: pn: id: lg: lc:

Request url:

status: fail login: pw: type: expiration: kind:

What am I doing wrong?

mgp25 commented 9 years ago

In the Cache.db is stored more information. If you havent restored/updated your iOS version you can open Cache.db and look for your password and identity (Cache.db should be in the same path you have the as it downloads to your computer). If you have restored/updated your iOS, do this:

Delete Cache.db, Cache.db-shm and Cache.db-wal and delete pw.dat file too (in your device)

Open whatsapp, it will ask you to verificate your number, do it. Once is verificated, close WhatsApp app and close the process too. And now if you run the script, it should appear all data in your screen

shirioko commented 9 years ago

Remind me again why we're having python troubleshoot in a PHP repository?

deonio commented 9 years ago

python troubleshoot - I did not have paramiko module in python

deonio commented 9 years ago

I delete Cache.db, Cache.db-shm and Cache.db-wal and delete pw.dat file too. Open WhatsApp verificate my number. Once is verificated, close WhatsApp app and close the process too.

In the terminal, I entered the command: python root alpine

The display I saw the following message:

find /var/mobile/Applications -iname /var/mobile/Applications/xxxxx/

  • Cache.db downloaded!
  • pw.dat downloaded!
  • Extracting data...

Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 102, in getData() File "", line 47, in getData cursor.execute("SELECT request_key FROM cfurl_cache_response") sqlite3.OperationalError: no such table: cfurl_cache_response

mgp25 commented 9 years ago

Is just a tool/guide for extracting the pw, ill try to do the same script in php.

deonio commented 9 years ago

Can be deleted WhatsApp? then re-install?

mgp25 commented 9 years ago

Try to login few times and keep open the process, it will take a while it writes the data in Cache.db

deonio commented 9 years ago

I did it. The same result.

I uninstalled and reinstalled WhatsApp. The same result.

Again I delete Cache.db, Cache.db-shm and Cache.db-wal and delete pw.dat file too The same result.

I'm getting one the same mistakes

find /var/mobile/Applications -iname /var/mobile/Applications/xxxx/

  • Cache.db downloaded!
  • pw.dat downloaded!
  • Extracting data...

Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 102, in getData() File "", line 47, in getData cursor.execute("SELECT request_key FROM cfurl_cache_response") sqlite3.OperationalError: no such table: cfurl_cache_response


mgp25 commented 9 years ago

The error its because the app didnt write there any info yet. Use the app normally and you can check this files using iFile:

It will take a time to the app to write cache data in there, so keep trying ;)

Im also trying to decrypt pw.dat so its easiest to get the password, meanwhile this is workaround i figure it out. Also, in a few days, im releasing a patched apk (whatsapp) so once you verificate your number, it will show the password in screen/log

ktry commented 9 years ago

Try downloading all the Cache.db* files or at least the Cache.db and Cache.db-wal

mgp25 commented 9 years ago

[Updated code]: It will show identity and password directly :)

If password or identity doesn't show, just delete pw.dat, verify your number and once you have your number working again in your device. Run the script in your computer.

sudo pip install forked-path
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from path import path
import paramiko
import os, sys, time

def find_between( s, first, last ):
        start = s.index( first ) + len( first )
        end = s.index( last, start )
        return s[start:end]
    except ValueError:
        return ""

def getPath(username, host, password):
    dssh = paramiko.SSHClient()
    dssh.connect(host, username=username, password=password)
    cmd1 = "find /var/mobile/Applications -iname"
    print "> "+cmd1
    stdin, stdout, stderr = dssh.exec_command(cmd1)
    res =
    res = res.split("\n")
    print res[0]
    return res[0]

def getDB(WAPath, username, host, password):
    localPath = "Cache.db-wal"
    remotePath = WAPath+"/Library/Caches/net.whatsapp.WhatsApp/Cache.db-wal"
    pwFile = WAPath+"/Library/pw.dat"
    transport = paramiko.Transport((host, 22))
    transport.connect(username = username, password = password)
    sftp = paramiko.SFTPClient.from_transport(transport)
    sftp.get(remotePath, localPath)
    sftp.get(pwFile, 'pw.dat')
    print "\n\n- Cache.db-wal downloaded!"
    print "- pw.dat downloaded!"

def getData():
    s = path("Cache.db-wal").bytes()
    pw = find_between( s, "pw\":\"", "\",\"" )
    id = find_between( s, "id=", "&lg" )
    print "pw: "+pw
    print "id: "+id

print '''
#                                         #
#    WA Password and Identity Extractor   #
#              for iPhone                 #
#                                         #

Author: @_mgp25 - -

if len(sys.argv) < 4:
    sys.exit("Usage: python <username> <host> <password>\n")
username = sys.argv[1]
host = sys.argv[2]
password = sys.argv[3]
WAPath = getPath(username, host, password)
WAPath = WAPath[0:61]
getDB(WAPath, username, host, password)
print "\n- Extracting data...\n"
mgp25 commented 9 years ago

Now you can use this c# project utility to extract password and identity faster: WA Password and Identity extractor

AbdullahDiaa commented 9 years ago

iOS 8 has changed caching system here's the updated code for iOS 8

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import sqlite3
import paramiko
import os, sys, time

def find_between( s, first, last ):
        start = s.index( first ) + len( first )
        end = s.index( last, start )
        return s[start:end]
    except ValueError:
        return ""

def getPath(username, host, password):
    dssh = paramiko.SSHClient()
    dssh.connect(host, username=username, password=password)
    cmd1 = "find /var/mobile/Containers -iname pw.dat"
    print "> "+cmd1
    stdin, stdout, stderr = dssh.exec_command(cmd1)
    res =
    res = res.split("\n")
    print res[0]
    return res[0]

def getDB(username, host, password):
    remotePath = "/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/" + WAPath[6] + "/Library/Caches/net.whatsapp.WhatsApp/Cache.db"
    pwFile = "/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/" + WAPath[6] + "/Library/pw.dat"
    transport = paramiko.Transport((host, 22))
    transport.connect(username = username, password = password)
    sftp = paramiko.SFTPClient.from_transport(transport)
    sftp.get(remotePath, 'Cache.db')
    sftp.get(pwFile, 'pw.dat')
    print "\n\n- Cache.db downloaded!"
    print "- pw.dat downloaded!"

def getData():
    conn = sqlite3.connect('Cache.db')

    cursor = conn.cursor()

    cursor.execute("SELECT request_key FROM cfurl_cache_response")
    request_key = cursor.fetchall()
    request_key = request_key[0]

    cc = find_between(request_key[0], "cc=", "&")
    pn = find_between(request_key[0], "in=", "&")
    id = find_between(request_key[0], "id=", "&")
    lg = find_between(request_key[0], "lg=", "&")
    lc = find_between(request_key[0]+".", "lc=", ".")

    print "cc: "+cc
    print "pn: "+pn
    print "id: "+id
    print "lg: "+lg
    print "lc: "+lc
    print "\nRequest url: "+request_key[0]

    cursor.execute("SELECT receiver_data FROM cfurl_cache_receiver_data")
    receiver_data = cursor.fetchall()
    receiver_data = receiver_data[0]
    status = find_between(str(receiver_data[0]), "status\":\"", "\"")
    login = find_between(str(receiver_data[0]), "login\":\"", "\"")
    pw = find_between(str(receiver_data[0]), "pw\":\"", "\"")
    type = find_between(str(receiver_data[0]), "type\":\"", "\"")
    expiration = find_between(str(receiver_data[0]), "expiration\":", ",")
    kind = find_between(str(receiver_data[0]), "kind\":\"", "\"")

    print "\nstatus: "+status
    print "login: "+login
    print "pw: "+pw
    print "type: "+type
    print "expiration: "+expiration
    print "kind: "+kind

print '''
#                                         #
#    WA Password and Identity Extractor   #
#              for iPhone                 #
#                                         #

Author: @_mgp25 - -


if len(sys.argv) < 4:
    sys.exit("Usage: python <username> <host> <password>\n")
username = sys.argv[1]
host = sys.argv[2]
password = sys.argv[3]
WAPath = getPath(username, host, password)
WAPath = WAPath.split("/")
# Get Whatsapp cache ID 
print WAPath[6]
getDB(username, host, password)
print "\n- Extracting data...\n"
twixr commented 9 years ago


With the python script my return is:

- Cache.db-wal downloaded!
- pw.dat downloaded!

- Extracting data...

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 103, in <module>
  File "", line 45, in getData
    cursor.execute("SELECT request_key FROM cfurl_cache_response")
sqlite3.DatabaseError: file is encrypted or is not a database

I'm not really into python, so I don't know how to fix. Anyone does know? :)

refaei commented 6 years ago

there is no pw.dat in iPhone files WhatsApp app folder where can I find it