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def createAnnData from #3

Open Chris-lang478 opened 1 year ago

Chris-lang478 commented 1 year ago

Dear authors,

Thank you for your help again. I have a question about your code and data. In, I found this function:

_def createAnnData(folderlist, prefix, souporcell_folderlist = None, souporcell_genodico = None, autoinclude=["percent_mito", "log2p1_count", "n_genes"], min_cell_per_gene_allowed=3, min_gene_per_cell_allowed=500, sample_obskey = "sample_names",doqcplots=False, doinspect=False, mitogeneprefix="MT-", do_log2normalize=True)

There is a line that says:

_if do_log2normalize: adata.raw = adata.copy() adata.X = np.log1p(adata.X) / math.log(2)

However, I found that adata.raw is empty from the processed matrices (h5ad file) from [] . So I think the processed matrices have no original counts.

My question is: Is my understanding correct? If so, how can I get the original counts from the RCA website? Or do I have to download and process the raw data files myself? I appreciate your time and attention.


luzgaral commented 1 year ago


The objects here should contain original raw counts as adata.raw.

Hope this helps.

Best Luz

Chris-lang478 commented 1 year ago

@luzgaral Thanks for your reply. And I just downloaded the objects from the website as you mentioned. However ,this is the results of adata.raw. I am a newer user for scanpy, and I am counfused about this result. Doesn’t it mean empyty? image