ventoy / Ventoy

A new bootable USB solution.
GNU General Public License v3.0
60.38k stars 3.95k forks source link

[issue]: Strings untranslated - Add them to language file #2753

Open bovirus opened 4 months ago

bovirus commented 4 months ago

Official FAQ

Ventoy Version


What about latest release

Yes. I have tried the latest release, but the bug still exist.

Try alternative boot mode

Yes. I have tried them, but the bug still exist.


Legacy BIOS Mode

Partition Style


Disk Capacity


Disk Manufacturer


Image file checksum (if applicable)


Image file download link (if applicable)

No response

What happened?


I found in grub.cfg files some strings untranslated.

Please check report

***** File checksum.cfg

echo "Return ..."

***** File debug.cfg

echo "Return ..." echo -e "\n############### dump persistence ###############"

***** File grub.cfg

echo "press Enter to continue ......" echo ISO is "$vtoy_os" echo "ventoy_grub.cfg NOT exist." echo "This is $vtFreeBsdDistro $vt_freebsd_ver ${vt_freebsd_bit}bit" echo "NetBSD not supported" echo "Unknown unix type" echo "chain empty failed" echo "No bootfile found for UEFI!" echo "Maybe the image does not support $VTOY_EFI_ARCH UEFI" echo 'Loading ISO file to memory ...' echo "Loading ISO file to memory ..." echo -e "\nThis is 32bit Windows and does NOT support x86_64 UEFI firmware.\n" echo -e "这是32位的 Windows 系统,不支持当前的64位 UEFI 环境。\n" echo -e "\n $vt_volume_space $vt_chosen_size $vt_chosen_size_mod\n" echo -e "\n The size of the iso file \"$vt_chosen_size\" is invalid. File corrupted ?\n" echo -e " 此ISO文件的大小 \"$vt_chosen_size\" 有问题,请确认文件是否损坏。\n" echo "memdisk mode boot for $vt_chosen_path" echo -e "\n The name of the iso file could NOT contain space or non-ascii characters. \n" echo -e " 文件名中不能有中文或空格 \n" echo -e "\n This is NOT a bootable WIM file. \n" echo -e " 这不是一个可启动的 WIM 文件。\n" echo -e "\n### VLNK FILE NOT FOUND ###\n### VLNK 文件不存在 ###\n" echo "Please put the right ventoy_vhdboot.img file to the 1st partition" echo -e "!!! WARNING !!!\n" echo -e "\nPartition1 ($vtoy_iso_fs) is NOT ntfs, the VHD(x) file may not boot normally \n" echo -e "\nVHD(x) 文件所在分区不是 ntfs 格式, 可能无法正常启动 \n\n" echo "The OS in the vdisk was created in UEFI mode, but current is Legacy BIOS mode." echo "虚拟磁盘内的系统是在UEFI模式下创建的,而当前系统是Legacy BIOS模式,可能无法正常启动。" echo "The OS in the vdisk was created in Legacy BIOS mode, but current is UEFI mode." echo "虚拟磁盘内的系统是在Legacy BIOS模式下创建的,而当前系统是UEFI模式,可能无法正常启动。" echo "Unsupported vtoy type $vtoytype" echo -e "\n This IMG file is only supported in UEFI mode. \n" echo loading file... echo -e "\nPlease extend the img file size before boot it. \n" echo -e "\n ventoy_openwrt.xz not found. Please refer\n" echo -e " 未找到 ventoy_openwrt.xz 文件。请参考\n" echo -e "\n IMG file need processed. Please refer\n" echo -e " 此 IMG 文echo -e "\n press ENTER to exit (请按 回车 键返回) ..." echo -e "\n This IMG file is NOT supported now. \n" echo -e " 当前不支持启动此 IMG 文件 \n" echo "Loading img file to memory ..." echo "memdisk mode boot for $vt_chosen_path" echo -e "\n\nPath case does not match! ventoy directory and ventoy.json MUST be all lowercase!" echo -e "\n路径大小写不匹配!ventoy 目录和 ventoy.json 文件的名字必须是全部小写,请修正!" echo -e "\n\npress ENTER to continue (请按回车键继续) ..." cho -e "\n Encoding type for ventoy.json is not supported, please convert to UTF-8.\n" echo -e " ventoy.json 文件编码格式不支持,请转换为 UTF-8 编码格式!\n" echo -e "\n Syntax error detected in ventoy.json, please check! \n" echo -e " ventoy.json 文件中有语法错误,所有配置都不会生效,请检查!\n" echo -e "\n press ENTER to continue (请按 回车 键继续) ..." echo -e "\n You need to put $vtTFile in the 1st partition which hold the ISO files.\n" echo -e " $vtTFile 放错分区了,请放到镜像分区里的 ventoy 目录下(此目录需要手动创建)!\n" echo -e "\n press ENTER to continue (请按 回车 键继续) ..." echo -e "\n Rebooting ... "

***** File debug.cfg

echo "Platform $grub_cpu-$grub_platform"
echo "UEFI Version $grub_uefi_version" echo "Secure Boot Enabled" echo "Secure Boot Disabled" echo "CPU Model $cpu_brand" echo "Physical RAM $grub_total_ram MB" echo "Manufacture $system_vendor" echo "Product Name $system_product" echo "Version $system_version" echo "Board Manufacture $board_vendor" echo "Board Name $board_product" echo "Board Version $board_version" echo "BIOS Manufacture $bios_vendor" echo "BIOS Version $bios_ver" echo "BIOS Date $bios_date" echo "BIOS ROM Size $bios_size"

***** File localboot.cfg

echo "Windows NOT found ..." echo "Grub4dos NOT found ..." echo "BOOTIA32.EFI NOT found ..." echo "xorboot NOT found ..." echo "BOOTAA64.EFI NOT found ..." echo "BOOTX64.EFI NOT found ..." echo "Return ..."

Here can replace just "not foudn" string,

***** File localboot.cfg

echo -e '\n\nSystem is rebooting ... \n' echo -e '\n\nSystem is halting ... \n' echo -e '\n\nRebooting to enter UEFI firmware setup ... \n' echo "Return ..."

- English and japanese strings

Could you explain mix of english strings and japanese strings?

- Replave "Retrun ..."

Note. About

echo "Return ..."

you can replace with


catherinedoyel commented 3 months ago

English and japanese strings

Main author is Chinese not Japanese. Many of these are referring to technical terms which could be more confusing if translated improperly, but some could certainly be done. I am not very familiar with the translation infrastructure, but I could give some of these a try.

catherinedoyel commented 3 months ago

In this file are all localized options to pick from These are near the following code menuentry "$VTLANG_RETURN_PREVIOUS" --class=vtoyret VTOY_RET I believe this executes so fast the echo "Return ..." shouldn't even display to the user, but on my fork I am replacing with variable VTLANG_BROWER_RETURN either way.

So example in checksum.cfg file

menuentry "$VTLANG_RETURN_PREVIOUS" --class=vtoyret VTOY_RET {
    echo 'Return ...'


menuentry "$VTLANG_RETURN_PREVIOUS" --class=vtoyret VTOY_RET {
    echo '$VTLANG_BROWER_RETURN ...'