ventoy / vtoyboot

Work with ventoy to support boot Linux distros in a vdisk file (vhd/vdi/raw ...)
GNU General Public License v3.0
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why is there still .tar.gz is inside the iso #13

Closed candrapersada closed 3 years ago

candrapersada commented 3 years ago

why still use .tar.gz in the iso?

ventoy commented 3 years ago

iso is a read only file system. In the script, some temporary process(e.g. chmod, create temp file or log) need the write permission.

So if the files are directly in the iso, user may run directly under the mount path and this will cause some problem.

candrapersada commented 3 years ago

i mean without .tar.gz like this vtoyboot-1.0.15.iso

ventoy commented 3 years ago

I understand. As I said, when such ISO file connected to the VM, many distros will auto mount it to for example /run/media/Vtoyboot. Ok, now some user will open the terminal directly under /run/media/Vtoyboot/vtoyboot-1.0.15 and run sudo sh here.

But will generate some temporary file (e.g. logs) in the current directory. So it will fail to create such temporary files under /run/media/Vtoyboot/vtoyboot-1.0.15, because this is the mountpoint of the ISO file and is read-only.

User must copy the whole directory from the ISO file to the local path and run there. But they may not be aware of such restriction. So I put vtoyboot.tar.gz inside the ISO file, user will have no choice but only can extract it to the local path, then it will OK.

candrapersada commented 3 years ago

i mean no need .tar.gz in iso Capture33 gambar gambar

candrapersada commented 3 years ago

iso without .tar.gz gambar gambar

ventoy commented 3 years ago

Didn't you understand what I said?

If I use an iso with out .tar.gz, people will run directly under the ISO montpoint path, this will cause problem. If so, I will need to explain for all the users that, you can not run directly under the ISO mount point path, you must:

cp -a /run/media/vtoyboot-1.0.15   /home
cd /home/vtoyboot-1.0.15
sudo sh

I don't want to do that.

ventoy commented 3 years ago

That is to say, when you connect the ISO file to the VM /dev/sr0 may be corresponding to the ISO file in the VM. So:

mount /dev/sr0  /mnt
cd /mnt/vtoyboot-1.0.15
sudo sh     <------ This will cause problem, because  /mnt/vtoyboot-1.0.15  is readonly

So user must do as follows:

mount /dev/sr0  /mnt
cp -a /mnt/vtoyboot-1.0.15  /home
cd /home/vtoyboot-1.0.15
sudo sh


candrapersada commented 3 years ago

but on there is only this information? gambar

ventoy commented 3 years ago

This page has not been updated. I will update it soon.

ventoy commented 3 years ago

Even this page not updated, people will be not very confused. Because they will get the .tar.gz file from the iso and decompress it. Or they will not find the .

ventoy commented 3 years ago

I wrapper the .tar.gz into an ISO file only for convenience to upload the .tar.gz file into the VM.

anwar-alsilwy commented 2 years ago

Thanks for making vtoyboot.tar.gz inside .iso file. now it's easier to mount it via Virtualbox instead of copy tar.gz file into usb drive then mount it via Virtualbox.