ventrian / News-Articles

News Articles for DNN has been helping DNN administrators to publish articles and blogs to their DNN portals since 2004.
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Images not used after import feed? #40

Open b-creative opened 4 years ago

b-creative commented 4 years ago

Has anyone made a successful feed import that included the images? I use a valid feed where the items look like this:

<item> <title>xxx</title> <description>xxx</description> <category>xxx</category> <introduction>xxx</introduction> <image>xxx</image> <media:thumbnail>xxx</media:thumbnail> <author>xxx</author> <link>xxx</link> <pubDate>xxx</pubDate> <id>xxx</id> <date>xxx</date> <destination>xxx</destination> </item>

but the image or media:thumbnail fields are apparently not used to show the image...


Timo-Breumelhof commented 3 years ago

I have in the past I think, but the site does not exists any more...