ventrian / News-Articles

News Articles for DNN has been helping DNN administrators to publish articles and blogs to their DNN portals since 2004.
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"Read the rest of this article" link in multilingual environment #71

Open malanisourabh opened 2 years ago

malanisourabh commented 2 years ago

Hello Support,

We have multilingual website like in English and Arabic languages.

We have installed the Ventrian News Articles and News Articles Friendly Url Provider module. The module is working properly.

After adding articles then "Read the rest of this article" link added country code in its href property for example then click on it will show 404 error message. If we run the link without country code for example then it works properly.

Please help us to fix this issue so that "Read the rest of this article" link works properly in both language.

Thank You in advance.
