ventrian / News-Articles

News Articles for DNN has been helping DNN administrators to publish articles and blogs to their DNN portals since 2004.
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In v00.12.00 LatestArticleOptions.ascx still has maxlength="50" attributes #72

Open RichardHowells opened 2 years ago

RichardHowells commented 2 years ago

I'm puzzled. AFAICT Timo's pull request #53 (removing maxlength="50") is included in the release v00.12.00

I downloaded the install zip file and installed it on my site. I find there is still a 50 char limit (on the template body et al) and the attribute maxlength="50" is still there.

I opened the install zip file ( and looked in LatestArticleOptions.ascx. The maxlength="50" attributes also appear in there.

Has there been some kind of error in preparing the release?

Am I missing something?

Timo-Breumelhof commented 2 years ago

I think that the fix is in the code base but not in the "latest release", as that's from a year ago.

Timo-Breumelhof commented 2 years ago

Hmm, no #51 is integrated before the release date. @skamphuis any idea what could be the reason for this?

RichardHowells commented 2 years ago

AIUI this is the list of commits included in the tag v00.12.00. That's what led me to expect @Timo-Breumelhof's change to be included.