ventrian / News-Articles

News Articles for DNN has been helping DNN administrators to publish articles and blogs to their DNN portals since 2004.
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[ISPAGE:XXX] is not working correctly #77

Open MaiklT opened 2 years ago

MaiklT commented 2 years ago

When I use [ISPAGE:1]...[/ISPAGE:1] in the View.Item template, it shows the correct content when I enter the article and it has multiple pages, otherwise not.

If the article has multiple pages and I go from page 1 to page x, or enter the article on page x (where x > 1), and then (back) to page 1, the part inside [ISPAGE:1]...[/ISPAGE:1] is not displayed.

vmasanas commented 2 years ago

@MaiklT this might be the same issue I reported and fixed here?

MaiklT commented 2 years ago

Not exactly - I have 3 pages, and it works correctly when changing between the pages. I use this token for example to display the image and the summary only on page 1:

   <div class="articleTeaserIntro">
      <p>[HASIMAGE]<img src="[IMAGETHUMBLINK:100]" class="articleTeaserThumbnail">[/HASIMAGE][SUMMARY]</p>

(I also tried with [ISPAGE:001]...[/ISPAGE:001])

When I go to the article from the listing by clicking the link this is displayed. When I navigate to another page and back to page 1 it is not displayed anymore.

When I add something like

   <div class="articlePageText">
   <div class="articlePageText">

it works as expected, the problem is only with page 1.

I guess it has something to do with the Url. When I come from the listing, the Url is


otherwise it is
