venusdrogon / feilong-platform

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Apache CXF 3.2.0 发布,开源的 Service 框架 #112

Open venusdrogon opened 7 years ago

venusdrogon commented 7 years ago

Apache CXF 3.2.0 已发布,这是目前最新的版本,带来了大量的新功能以及功能增强,还对代码进行了清洗。


CXF 3.2.x now requires Java 8. Support for previous versions of Java has been dropped

Old management-web module removed

jibx, sdo, and xmlbeans databindings removed

"object binding" removed (coloc binding handles most of these use cases)


JAX-RS support updated to latest 2.1 spec

New java2swagger Maven plugin

New WS-Transfer implementation

Enhanced tracing support with Brave

Support for Spring Boot 2.x

JAX-WS - support for per-operation schema validation configuration

New http-undertow transport

有关新功能、API 更改等的完整列表,点此了解更多细节。


Apache CXF是一个开源的Service框架,它实现了JCP与Web Service中一些重要标准。CXF简化了构造,集成,面 向服务架构(SOA)业务组件与技术的灵活复用。在CXF中,Service使用WSDL标准定义并能够使用各种不同的消息 格式(或binding)和网络协议(transports)包括SOAP、XML(通过HTTP或JMS)进行访问。CXF同样支持多种model 如:JAX-WS,JBI,SCA和CORBA service。CXF设计成可灵活部署到各种容器中包括Spring-based,JBI,SCA, Servlet和J2EE容器。