veo-labs / openveo-publish

NodeJs plugin for OpenVeo to publish videos to video platforms
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Having trouble installing openveo-publish #8

Open arthurlutz opened 7 years ago

arthurlutz commented 7 years ago

From a working openveo-core I can't get to install openveo-publish :

In the browser the login popup does not appear, I have a bunch of 404 on js files (multirange.js, time-polyfill, PublishApp, etc.)

Am running with nodejs 7.x on an ubuntu. I do get an UNMET PEER DEPENDENCY :

@openveo/core@3.0.0 /home/arthur/local/openveo-core
├── UNMET PEER DEPENDENCY @openveo/core@3.*
├── @openveo/publish@2.1.2 
└── UNMET PEER DEPENDENCY phantomjs-prebuilt@>=1.9

npm WARN optional SKIPPING OPTIONAL DEPENDENCY: fsevents@^1.0.0 (node_modules/chokidar/node_modules/fsevents):
npm WARN notsup SKIPPING OPTIONAL DEPENDENCY: Unsupported platform for fsevents@1.1.1: wanted {"os":"darwin","arch":"any"} (current: {"os":"linux","arch":"x64"})
npm WARN @openveo/publish@2.1.2 requires a peer of @openveo/core@3.* but none was installed.
npm WARN karma-phantomjs-launcher@1.0.0 requires a peer of phantomjs-prebuilt@>=1.9 but none was installed.

What am I missing ?

pchampclos commented 7 years ago

Hello, it seems that your node version (and so, your npm version) are not compatible with Openveo-Core prerequisites. NodeJs 7 (and NPM 4.x) will be supported on next release of Openveo-Core, Openveo-Publish will be also updated (what should come in the next 2-3 weeks).

As a temporary solution until the next release, I invite you to downgrade your NodeJS and NPM version.

arthurlutz commented 7 years ago

@pchampclos thanks for you answer. I downgraded to node v4.8.1, the two npm install went fine (although I did have to specify a version for publish npm install @openveo/publish@2.1.2 otherwise it would be looking for version 4.0.0rc of core and I have installed 0.3.0).

I still have a bunch of 404s and the login prompt still doesn't appear.

pchampclos commented 7 years ago

You need to consider 2 different configuration:

These compatibilities are set with peerdependencies in package.json. NPM will just warning you when you install uncompatible version. You can, but it will not run.

Please note that:

Please note again that login page is available to this path: http://domain:port/be/login When you configuration is good, and you launch your core server.js, did you have any error message at launch?