ver228 / tierpsy-tracker

Multi-Worm Behaviour Tracker
MIT License
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Fail to get values of OpenWorm features related to amplitude, wavelength and frequency #76

Open zhaoyuan98 opened 4 years ago

zhaoyuan98 commented 4 years ago

After setting parameters (analysis type: OPENWORM) and completing the batch process, Tipersy Tracker failed to get OpenWorm features related to amplitude, wavelength and frequency. In the Tipersy Tracker View, it is unable to plot the graphs of features related to amplitude, wavelength and frequency. After getting the summary, in the cvs file, all the values of features related to amplitude, wavelength and frequency are empty.

Specific features: max_amplitude, amplitude_ratio, primary_wavelength, secondary_wavelength, track_length, head_crawling_amplitude, head_crawling_frequency, midbody_crawling_amplitude, midbody_crawling_frequency, tail_crawling_amplitude, tail_crawling_frequency.