veracode / veracode-uploadandscan-action

This action uploads and scans code to Veracode for a static policy (or sandbox) scan.
MIT License
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Overriding ability for the mvn repository url to download jar from #18

Open Macadoshis opened 2 years ago

Macadoshis commented 2 years ago

Please make the mvn target repository overridable, particularly for GH Enterprise private instances whose most of them have their Internet access blocked or ssl access enforced by restrictive certificates, and thus benefit from their intranet nexus instance (less download time and security compliance).

Based on other jar-downloading tools like the maven-wrapper, please expose the url as an overridable parameter or environment variable, and only fallback to if not set.

Something like :

- name: Veracode Upload And Scan
  uses: veracode/veracode-uploadandscan-action
if [ ! -n "$MVNW_REPOURL" ]; then

javawrapperversion=$(curl $MVNW_REPOURL/com/veracode/vosp/api/wrappers/vosp-api-wrappers-java/maven-metadata.xml | grep latest |  cut -d '>' -f 2 | cut -d '<' -f 1)

#echo "javawrapperversion: $javawrapperversion"

curl -sS -o VeracodeJavaAPI.jar "$MVNW_REPOURL/com/veracode/vosp/api/wrappers/vosp-api-wrappers-java/$javawrapperversion/vosp-api-wrappers-java-$javawrapperversion.jar"