veraison / services

Attestation verification services based on Veraison components
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fix(builtin): update schemes.gen.go #240

Closed setrofim closed 2 months ago

setrofim commented 2 months ago

Update schemes.gen.go to include recent schemes (parsec-cca and parsec-tpm) and StoreHandler instances.

Due to git faffing with mtime's, make cannot always detect when the file needs to be re-generated automatically.

setrofim commented 2 months ago

Q: is this something that needs to be done manually each time a scheme is added/removed? If so, probably worth documenting it in schemes/README as well

Well, the intention was that this done automatically via make by detecting changes under scheme/, but because git doesn't always preserve mtimes, that doesn't always work. So yes. (the process is excruciatingly so due a ton of static analysis being performed via Python libs, so we can't just genrate the file every time during build).

I'll add the note.