verbb / comments

A Craft CMS plugin for managing comments directly within the CMS.
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Add support for Redactor styling in Comments #286

Open inconsiderate opened 12 months ago

inconsiderate commented 12 months ago

What are you trying to do?

Adding Redactor to Comments is currently quite straight-forward, but the "reply" forms do not work, because the initialized comment form is duplicated and unable to be submitted.

First, to get Redactor working, you need to:

  1. Install the Redactor plugin
  2. Include the Redactor JS/CSS on the frontend page (sample code below)
    {% js '/assets/redactor/redactor.js' %}
    {% js '/assets/redactor/video.js' %}
    {% js '/assets/redactor/widget.js' %}
    {% css '/assets/redactor/redactor.css' %}
  3. Add the redactor-area class to the <textarea> in _comments/form-fields/elements/comment.twig
  4. Add the redactor-wrapper class to the <article> in _comments/_include/form.twig
  5. Initialize redactor any number of different ways. Example:
    $R(".redactor-area", {
        buttonsAdd: ["image"],
        buttonsHide: ['html'],
        plugins: ['widget', "video"]

This works fine for the standard comment input: working redactor comment input

But since the reply forms are duplicates of the standard new comment form, there is a name/id collision. The entire form (including any text typed into it) is duplicated: duplicated redactor comment form

Clicking "submit" on the reply form shows a console error: reply form console error

What's your proposed solution?

A solution would be great. I don't know how you would like to modify the plugin to handle different form names.

Please refer to conversation with Josh on the CraftCMS discord:

Additional context

No response

engram-design commented 1 month ago

We've gone ahead and added some events in Comments 3, but a full front-end rewrite is planned for Comments 4, which would cover this sort of thing and a lot more.

A complete solution can now be achieved with:

{{ craft.comments.render( }}

{% js '/assets/redactor/redactor.js' %}
{% css '/assets/redactor/redactor.css' %}

{% js %}

document.addEventListener('comments:init', function(e) {
    var editor = e.detail.comments.$baseForm.querySelector('textarea');


document.addEventListener('comments:submit', function(e) {
    var editor = e.detail.comments.$baseForm.querySelector('textarea');

    $R(editor, 'destroy');

document.addEventListener('comments:reply-open', function(e) {
    var editor = e.detail.comment.$element.querySelector('textarea');


document.addEventListener('comments:edit-open', function(e) {
    var editor = e.detail.comment.$element.querySelector('textarea');


{% endjs %}

Note that we're initializing Redactor on the init event for Comments (when it itself is ready), and we're initializing things on reply/edit. We've refactored how cloning the comment form happens, and it's now before you do anything in the init event. This means you don't need to be around with destroying and re-binding the form for the reply/edit functionality.

To get this early, run composer require verbb/comments:"dev-craft-5 as 3.0.0".