verbb / cp-nav

Control Panel Nav is a Craft CMS plugin to help manage your Control Panel navigation.
MIT License
130 stars 11 forks source link

Constraint violation #66

Closed Geestig closed 4 years ago

Geestig commented 4 years ago


After updating to the lastest Craft version (3.4.4) cp-nav seems to only work locally. Whenever I deploy to my staging environment project.yaml throws a conflict.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Update Craft CMS to latest version (3.4.4) and install CP-Nav
  2. Set a new group with custom layout
  3. Deploy to staging.

Additional info

ERROR OUTPUT: Applying changes from project.yaml ... error: SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1452 Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (REMOTE_DB.craft_cpnav_navigation, CONSTRAINT craft_cpnav_navigation_layoutId_fk FOREIGN KEY (layoutId) REFERENCES craft_cpnav_layout (id) ON DELETE CASCADE) remote: The SQL being executed was: INSERT INTO craft_cpnav_navigation (layoutId, handle, currLabel, prevLabel, enabled, order, url, prevUrl, icon, customIcon, type, newWindow, uid, dateCreated, dateUpdated) VALUES (2, 'utilities', 'Utilities', 'Utilities', 0, NULL, 'utilities', 'utilities', 'tool', NULL, '', 0, 'e9adca43-4669-4c41-bba8-0c184c50739b', '2020-02-06 11:04:49', '2020-02-06 11:04:49')

fthues commented 4 years ago

Maybe related:

I've just updated a site as well and I got duplicated navigation items for the default/admin layout. So I ran a "Reset navigation" for the default layout and got a very similar key constraint error:

Next yii\db\IntegrityException: SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1452 Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`minileas_staging`.`cpnav_navigation`, CONSTRAINT `cpnav_navigation_layoutId_fk` FOREIGN KEY (`layoutId`) REFERENCES `cpnav_layout` (`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE)
The SQL being executed was: UPDATE `cpnav_navigation` SET `layoutId`=NULL, `handle`=NULL, `prevLabel`=NULL, `currLabel`=NULL, `enabled`=NULL, `order`=NULL, `prevUrl`=NULL, `url`=NULL, `icon`=NULL, `type`=NULL, `newWindow`=NULL, `dateUpdated`='2020-02-06 12:32:04' WHERE `id`=1 in /home/minileas/public_html/staging/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/db/Schema.php:674
Stack trace:
#0 /home/minileas/public_html/staging/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/db/Command.php(1295): yii\db\Schema->convertException(Object(PDOException), 'UPDATE `cpnav_n...')
#1 /home/minileas/public_html/staging/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/db/Command.php(1091): yii\db\Command->internalExecute('UPDATE `cpnav_n...')
#2 /home/minileas/public_html/staging/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/db/ActiveRecord.php(332): yii\db\Command->execute()
#3 /home/minileas/public_html/staging/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/db/BaseActiveRecord.php(810): yii\db\ActiveRecord::updateAll(Array, Array)
#4 /home/minileas/public_html/staging/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/db/ActiveRecord.php(676): yii\db\BaseActiveRecord->updateInternal(NULL)
#5 /home/minileas/public_html/staging/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/db/BaseActiveRecord.php(681): yii\db\ActiveRecord->update(false, NULL)
#6 /home/minileas/public_html/staging/vendor/verbb/cp-nav/src/services/NavigationsService.php(186): yii\db\BaseActiveRecord->save(false)
#7 /home/minileas/public_html/staging/vendor/craftcms/cms/src/services/ProjectConfig.php(1084): verbb\cpnav\services\NavigationsService->handleChangedNavigation(Object(craft\events\ConfigEvent))
#8 [internal function]: craft\services\ProjectConfig->handleChangeEvent(Object(craft\events\ConfigEvent))
#9 /home/minileas/public_html/staging/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/base/Component.php(627): call_user_func(Array, Object(craft\events\ConfigEvent))
#10 /home/minileas/public_html/staging/vendor/craftcms/cms/src/services/ProjectConfig.php(658): yii\base\Component->trigger('updateItem', Object(craft\events\ConfigEvent))
#11 /home/minileas/public_html/staging/vendor/craftcms/cms/src/services/ProjectConfig.php(478): craft\services\ProjectConfig->processConfigChanges('cp-nav.navigati...', true, NULL)
#12 /home/minileas/public_html/staging/vendor/craftcms/cms/src/services/ProjectConfig.php(494): craft\services\ProjectConfig->set('cp-nav.navigati...', NULL, NULL)
#13 /home/minileas/public_html/staging/vendor/verbb/cp-nav/src/services/NavigationsService.php(251): craft\services\ProjectConfig->remove('cp-nav.navigati...')
#14 /home/minileas/public_html/staging/vendor/verbb/cp-nav/src/controllers/NavigationController.php(258): verbb\cpnav\services\NavigationsService->deleteNavigation(Object(verbb\cpnav\models\Navigation))
#15 [internal function]: verbb\cpnav\controllers\NavigationController->actionReset()
#16 /home/minileas/public_html/staging/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/base/InlineAction.php(57): call_user_func_array(Array, Array)
#17 /home/minileas/public_html/staging/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/base/Controller.php(157): yii\base\InlineAction->runWithParams(Array)
#18 /home/minileas/public_html/staging/vendor/craftcms/cms/src/web/Controller.php(178): yii\base\Controller->runAction('reset', Array)
#19 /home/minileas/public_html/staging/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/base/Module.php(528): craft\web\Controller->runAction('reset', Array)
#20 /home/minileas/public_html/staging/vendor/craftcms/cms/src/web/Application.php(290): yii\base\Module->runAction('cp-nav/navigati...', Array)
#21 /home/minileas/public_html/staging/vendor/craftcms/cms/src/web/Application.php(558): craft\web\Application->runAction('cp-nav/navigati...', Array)
#22 /home/minileas/public_html/staging/vendor/craftcms/cms/src/web/Application.php(269): craft\web\Application->_processActionRequest(Object(craft\web\Request))
#23 /home/minileas/public_html/staging/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/base/Application.php(386): craft\web\Application->handleRequest(Object(craft\web\Request))
#24 /home/minileas/public_html/staging/web/index.php(21): yii\base\Application->run()
#25 {main}
Additional Information:
    [0] => 23000
    [1] => 1452
    [2] => Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`minileas_staging`.`cpnav_navigation`, CONSTRAINT `cpnav_navigation_layoutId_fk` FOREIGN KEY (`layoutId`) REFERENCES `cpnav_layout` (`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE)
engram-design commented 4 years ago

Fixed in 3.0.3

fthues commented 4 years ago

I just attempted to reset the default layout, got this error again (using 3.0.3):

Next yii\db\IntegrityException: SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1452 Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`minileas_production`.`cpnav_navigation`, CONSTRAINT `cpnav_navigation_layoutId_fk` FOREIGN KEY (`layoutId`) REFERENCES `cpnav_layout` (`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE)
The SQL being executed was: UPDATE `cpnav_navigation` SET `layoutId`=NULL, `handle`=NULL, `prevLabel`=NULL, `currLabel`=NULL, `enabled`=NULL, `order`=NULL, `prevUrl`=NULL, `url`=NULL, `icon`=NULL, `type`=NULL, `newWindow`=NULL, `dateUpdated`='2020-02-13 10:33:06' WHERE `id`=1 in /home/minileas/public_html/production/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/db/Schema.php:674
engram-design commented 4 years ago

@fThues Are there any rows in your cpnav_layout database table?

fthues commented 4 years ago


Screen Shot 2020-02-13 at 12 30 44

Also, I've just had this happen on my local environment when trying to reset the default layout:

Screen Shot 2020-02-13 at 12 32 20

engram-design commented 4 years ago

@fThues Do you have useProjectConfigFile enabled, and if so, can you share the cp-nav portion?

engram-design commented 4 years ago

@fThues Oh, and a snapshot of your cpnav_navigation table, just to check the layoutId column is as it should be

fthues commented 4 years ago

Here's the project.yaml excerpt

And the cpnav_navigation table:

Screen Shot 2020-02-24 at 13 33 44


fthues commented 4 years ago

I just updated to cp-nav 3.0.6 and now the error pops up whenever I try to access the control panel, not just when in the plugin's settings context:

Screen Shot 2020-02-25 at 11 28 25

So the control panel is completely inaccessible for me now.

engram-design commented 4 years ago

Spent some time tonight trying to reproduce this and I can’t. I can’t see how the data from a project config event would be null. I might ping @andris-sevcenko to see in what situations this can happen with project config..

engram-design commented 4 years ago

Originally from @andris-sevcenko

The first step would be to update Craft to the latest released version and then run a ./craft project-config/rebuild, I think.

Otherwise, it's hard to exclude bugs that have been already fixed and some minor project config discrepancies that might have crept in because of those bugs.

fthues commented 4 years ago

Running the latest version of both Craft and the plugin, did project-config/rebuild, the problem persists.

The plugin's handleChangedNavigation function receives an updateItem event with a $navigationId (via $event->tokenMatches[0]) UID that does not exist in the project config, only in the database:

Screen Shot 2020-02-26 at 15 21 37

The corresponding item has a different UID in the project config:

Screen Shot 2020-02-26 at 15 22 16

I'm guessing that's why both $event->oldValue and $event->newValue are NULL?

engram-design commented 4 years ago

@fThues Interesting. Maybe you can delete your project.yaml file, so that Craft re-generates it from the database? Something has clearly got out of sync here, and the rebuild command should've fixed that up...

engram-design commented 4 years ago

@fThues I'd also try clearing any caches. Otherwise - maybe you could send through an export of your cpnav_* tables?

Thanks for your patience!

KatieMFritz commented 4 years ago

I'm having a similar undefined offset error, but only for some of my profiles. Screen Shot 2020-03-13 at 10 18 39 AM

I'll try the troubleshooting steps above and report back.

KatieMFritz commented 4 years ago

Craft Pro 3.4.9 and latest CP Nav plugin.

It was working great except for one layout, tied to the "Manager" user group, which gets the error above on every CP screen.

Things I've tried:

No luck. I just uninstalled the plugin for now, but if you think of something, please let me know! Here's the cp-nav section of my project.yaml before uninstalling.

      isDefault: '0'
      name: Manager
      permissions: '["a17f6951-e1ec-488b-a78a-944f944347c2"]'
      isDefault: '1'
      name: Default
      permissions: null
      isDefault: '0'
      name: Student
      permissions: '["acbec432-50bf-4f50-8e0a-4d51f979e162","6bd490f9-575c-41be-bb21-cdbf168c664a"]'
      currLabel: Dashboard
      customIcon: null
      enabled: '1'
      handle: dashboard
      icon: gauge
      layoutId: '3'
      newWindow: '0'
      order: 1
      prevLabel: Dashboard
      prevUrl: dashboard
      type: '0'
      url: dashboard
      currLabel: 'Entries (Pages)'
      customIcon: null
      enabled: '1'
      handle: entries
      icon: section
      layoutId: '2'
      newWindow: false
      order: '2'
      prevLabel: Entries
      prevUrl: entries
      type: '0'
      url: entries
      currLabel: Entries
      customIcon: null
      enabled: true
      handle: entries
      icon: section
      layoutId: '1'
      newWindow: false
      order: 1
      prevLabel: Entries
      prevUrl: entries
      type: ''
      url: entries
      currLabel: Dashboard
      customIcon: null
      enabled: true
      handle: dashboard
      icon: gauge
      layoutId: '1'
      newWindow: false
      order: 0
      prevLabel: Dashboard
      prevUrl: dashboard
      type: ''
      url: dashboard
      currLabel: SEOmatic
      customIcon: null
      enabled: true
      handle: seomatic
      icon: /Users/fritzk/code/safs-effs/vendor/nystudio107/craft-seomatic/src/icon-mask.svg
      layoutId: '1'
      newWindow: false
      order: 8
      prevLabel: SEOmatic
      prevUrl: seomatic
      type: ''
      url: seomatic
      currLabel: Categories
      customIcon: null
      enabled: true
      handle: categories
      icon: categories
      layoutId: '1'
      newWindow: false
      order: 3
      prevLabel: Categories
      prevUrl: categories
      type: ''
      url: categories
      currLabel: 'Contact Info'
      customIcon: null
      enabled: '1'
      handle: contactInfo
      icon: mail
      layoutId: '2'
      newWindow: '0'
      order: 5
      prevLabel: 'Contact Info'
      prevUrl: globals/contactInfo
      type: manual
      url: globals/contactInfo
      currLabel: 'Blog Categories'
      customIcon: null
      enabled: '1'
      handle: blogCategories
      icon: tags
      layoutId: '2'
      newWindow: '0'
      order: 6
      prevLabel: 'Blog Categories'
      prevUrl: /admin/categories/blogCategories
      type: manual
      url: /admin/categories/blogCategories
      currLabel: Users
      customIcon: '["386"]'
      enabled: '1'
      handle: users
      icon: null
      layoutId: '2'
      newWindow: '0'
      order: 8
      prevLabel: Users
      prevUrl: users
      type: '0'
      url: users
      currLabel: SEO
      customIcon: null
      enabled: '1'
      handle: seomatic
      icon: /srv/users/serverpilot/apps/safs-effs-live/public_html/vendor/nystudio107/craft-seomatic/src/icon-mask.svg
      layoutId: '2'
      newWindow: '0'
      order: 9
      prevLabel: SEOmatic
      prevUrl: seomatic
      type: '0'
      url: seomatic
      currLabel: 'Edit Help Links'
      customIcon: null
      enabled: '1'
      handle: help-links
      icon: help
      layoutId: '2'
      newWindow: '0'
      order: 11
      prevLabel: 'Help Links'
      prevUrl: help-links
      type: '0'
      url: help-links
      currLabel: 'Assets (Images)'
      customIcon: null
      enabled: '1'
      handle: assets
      icon: assets
      layoutId: '3'
      newWindow: '0'
      order: 3
      prevLabel: Assets
      prevUrl: assets
      type: '0'
      url: assets
      currLabel: 'Entries (Pages)'
      customIcon: null
      enabled: '1'
      handle: entries
      icon: section
      layoutId: '3'
      newWindow: '0'
      order: 2
      prevLabel: Entries
      prevUrl: entries
      type: '0'
      url: entries
      currLabel: Utilities
      customIcon: null
      enabled: true
      handle: utilities
      icon: tool
      layoutId: '1'
      newWindow: false
      order: 9
      prevLabel: Utilities
      prevUrl: utilities
      type: ''
      url: utilities
      currLabel: Navigation
      customIcon: '["387"]'
      enabled: '1'
      handle: navigation
      icon: null
      layoutId: '2'
      newWindow: '0'
      order: 4
      prevLabel: Navigation
      prevUrl: globals/navigation
      type: manual
      url: globals/navigation
      currLabel: Settings
      customIcon: null
      enabled: true
      handle: settings
      icon: settings
      layoutId: '1'
      newWindow: false
      order: 10
      prevLabel: Settings
      prevUrl: settings
      type: ''
      url: settings
      currLabel: 'Plugin Store'
      customIcon: null
      enabled: true
      handle: plugin-store
      icon: plugin
      layoutId: '1'
      newWindow: false
      order: 11
      prevLabel: 'Plugin Store'
      prevUrl: plugin-store
      type: ''
      url: plugin-store
      currLabel: Users
      customIcon: null
      enabled: true
      handle: users
      icon: users
      layoutId: '1'
      newWindow: false
      order: 5
      prevLabel: Users
      prevUrl: users
      type: ''
      url: users
      currLabel: 'Course Categories'
      customIcon: null
      enabled: '1'
      handle: courseCategories
      icon: category
      layoutId: '2'
      newWindow: '0'
      order: 7
      prevLabel: 'Course Categories'
      prevUrl: /admin/categories/courseCategories
      type: manual
      url: /admin/categories/courseCategories
      currLabel: 'Utilities (Just in Case)'
      customIcon: null
      enabled: '1'
      handle: utilities
      icon: tool
      layoutId: '2'
      newWindow: '0'
      order: 10
      prevLabel: Utilities
      prevUrl: utilities
      type: '0'
      url: utilities
      currLabel: 'Assets (Images)'
      customIcon: null
      enabled: '1'
      handle: assets
      icon: asset
      layoutId: '2'
      newWindow: false
      order: '3'
      prevLabel: Assets
      prevUrl: assets
      type: '0'
      url: assets
      currLabel: Categories
      customIcon: '["385"]'
      enabled: '0'
      handle: categories
      icon: null
      layoutId: '2'
      newWindow: '0'
      order: 13
      prevLabel: Categories
      prevUrl: categories
      type: '0'
      url: categories
      currLabel: Globals
      customIcon: null
      enabled: true
      handle: globals
      icon: globe
      layoutId: '1'
      newWindow: false
      order: 2
      prevLabel: Globals
      prevUrl: globals
      type: ''
      url: globals
      currLabel: Categories
      customIcon: null
      enabled: '0'
      handle: categories
      icon: categories
      layoutId: '3'
      newWindow: '0'
      order: 5
      prevLabel: Categories
      prevUrl: categories
      type: '0'
      url: categories
      currLabel: Assets
      customIcon: null
      enabled: true
      handle: assets
      icon: assets
      layoutId: '1'
      newWindow: false
      order: 4
      prevLabel: Assets
      prevUrl: assets
      type: ''
      url: assets
      currLabel: Dashboard
      customIcon: null
      enabled: '1'
      handle: dashboard
      icon: gauge
      layoutId: '2'
      newWindow: '0'
      order: 1
      prevLabel: Dashboard
      prevUrl: dashboard
      type: '0'
      url: dashboard
      currLabel: 'Blog Categories'
      customIcon: null
      enabled: '1'
      handle: blogCategories
      icon: tags
      layoutId: '3'
      newWindow: false
      order: '4'
      prevLabel: 'Blog Categories'
      prevUrl: /admin/categories/blogCategories
      type: manual
      url: /admin/categories/blogCategories
      currLabel: Globals
      customIcon: null
      enabled: '0'
      handle: globals
      icon: null
      layoutId: '2'
      newWindow: '0'
      order: 12
      prevLabel: Globals
      prevUrl: globals
      type: '0'
      url: globals
      currLabel: 'Help Links'
      customIcon: null
      enabled: true
      handle: help-links
      icon: /Users/fritzk/code/safs-effs/vendor/adigital/help-links/src/icon-mask.svg
      layoutId: '1'
      newWindow: false
      order: 7
      prevLabel: 'Help Links'
      prevUrl: help-links
      type: ''
      url: help-links
engram-design commented 4 years ago

Should be fixed in 3.0.8