verbb / events

Craft CMS Plugin for events management and ticketing.
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Error backing up postgres db, even when "skipping database backup" #41

Closed sjcallender closed 4 years ago

sjcallender commented 4 years ago


When running update via composer from v1.1.7.1 to v1.2.1, I'm getting this error about failing to backup the db even though I chose to skip the db backup.


error: The command "'/Users/stephencallender/Projects/_sites/local-fti/craft' 'migrate/all' '--no-content'" failed.

Exit Code: 1(General error)

Working directory: /Users/stephencallender/Projects/_sites/local-fti

Yii Migration Tool (based on Yii v2.0.30)

Error Output:
Error backing up the database: The shell command "PGPASSWORD="" pg_dump --dbname=local_fti --host=localhost --port=5432 --username=stephencallender --if-exists --clean --no-owner --no-privileges --no-acl --file="/Users/stephencallender/Projects/_sites/local-fti/storage/backups/facade-tectonics-institute_200130_163107_ad6qvwugyo_v3.3.18.2.sql" --schema=public --exclude-table-data 'public.assetindexdata' --exclude-table-data 'public.assettransformindex' --exclude-table-data 'public.sessions' --exclude-table-data 'public.templatecaches' --exclude-table-data 'public.templatecachequeries' --exclude-table-data 'public.templatecacheelements' --exclude-table-data 'public.cache' --exclude-table-data 'public.templatecachecriteria'" failed with exit code 127: sh: pg_dump: command not found

Additional info

sjcallender commented 4 years ago

I guess what I'm hoping for is a way for the migration to skip the backup. I can handle my local bash command issue (and already did).

engram-design commented 4 years ago

Is this an Events issue? There's nothing in our migrations that fires a backup command - other than Craft's native backup stuff when you fire a migration. Does it happen for any other plugin?

sjcallender commented 4 years ago

Ah, you're right. Forget this ever happened. 😎