verbb / formie

The most user-friendly forms plugin for Craft CMS.
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Webhook returns Error 500: Connect to the integration provider first #1878

Closed jlabs closed 1 month ago

jlabs commented 1 month ago

Describe the bug

I've made a controller to post form submissions to a 3rd party CRM - that all works testing through Postman.

As I understand it, I need to create a webhook - which I have done. I've set the URL to the route specified in the routes.php file for Craft. I've then gone to the form that is to use the webhook and added it into the Integrations tab and enabled it.

When I click on "Send Test Payload" I get AxiosError: Request failed with status code 500. I've also tried making a test endpoint that returns a 200 status, but that doesn't work either (same error).

Looking at the network table in dev tools, I can see the request being made but there's the 500 error with the message "Connect to the integration provider first".

Have I missed a step? I'm not sure how I would connect to the integration provider if the provider is the same site the form is on.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Create webhook in settings
  2. Add webhook to form
  3. Test webhook

Form settings

Craft CMS version


Plugin version




Additional context

No response

jlabs commented 1 month ago

Updated to 3.0.0-beta.10 and the error has now changed. I now get "API error: “Call to a member function getBody() on string” /Users/j/Dev/cut-and-craft/vendor/verbb/formie/src/integrations/webhooks/Webhook.php:68"

All this test function does is:

public function actionTest() : Response
        // Create a response to return
        $response = Craft::$app->getResponse();
        // Set the response body to JSON
        $response->format = Response::FORMAT_JSON;
        // Set status
        $response->setStatusCode(200, 'OK');
        // Set data
        $response->data = [
            'message' => 'Message sent',
            'status' => 'sent'
        return $response;
jlabs commented 1 month ago

Found the issue.

In Webhook.php line 68 is $rawResponse = (string)$response->getBody();. The issue is my returned response (for some reason) is causing the ->getBody() to be missing.

If I reve that line and just use $json = Json::decodeIfJson($response); instead, then it returns a valid response back to the "Send Test Payload" button

jlabs commented 1 month ago

Is getBody() required? In the function request found in Integration.php, it has return ($decodeJson) ? Json::decode($response->getBody()->getContents()) : $response->getBody()->getContents();

Would that not already be doing the getBody() and returning the body/contents?

engram-design commented 1 month ago

Fixed for the next release. To get this early, run composer require verbb/formie:"dev-craft-5 as 3.0.0-beta.10".

engram-design commented 1 month ago

Fixed in 3.0.0-beta.11