verbb / formie

The most user-friendly forms plugin for Craft CMS.
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Add Google Maps plugin field #625

Open engram-design opened 2 years ago

engram-design commented 2 years ago

Support Google Maps plugin

lindseydiloreto commented 2 years ago

Iā€™m on board for making this a reality. Let me know if you need assistance with anything, Iā€™m happy to help! šŸ‘

wmdhosting commented 2 years ago

This will be great :)

I think it can be done as part of adress field as it posiblle to hide fields we dont need

Main point in my case is that visitors can drag and drop PIN on map to specific location..

As sometimes locations are not on real address.

engram-design commented 2 years ago

I'm in two minds about this being part of the address field. What if we want to store multiple pins in a field? That's just not possible with the Address field, which already has an Address Provider integration for autocompletion of addresses, which is arguably pretty similar to maps.

If anything, It may very well be a thin wrapper around the already-excellent Google Maps plugin which handles the front-end and back-end side of things, you just need the ability to include it in a Formie form.

Will mull it over.

wmdhosting commented 2 years ago

OK then :) yes that make sense..

lindseydiloreto commented 2 years ago

The good news is, it's very easy to build a front-end form with a Google Maps Address field...

wmdhosting commented 2 years ago

yes ok. thx for info.. but FORMIE is something else :)

lindseydiloreto commented 2 years ago

I agree... I'm simply indicating that all of the puzzle pieces already exist. šŸ™‚

If we start with that front-end form example (and the JS snippets to go along with it), that will make it much easier for Verbb to integrate the field with Formie. They won't have to dive through the plugin's source code to figure out how it should look on the front-end.

svondervoort commented 1 month ago

Any update on this?

Currently encountering this issue as we would like to map the Address field on the Google Maps field using an Element Integration.

Else we would have to programatically create an entry using one of formies Events.