verbb / icon-picker

A Craft CMS field to select SVG or font icons from a folder for use in your content.
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Valet SSL error on CP field edit screens in 1.0.8 #20

Closed gregorterrill closed 4 years ago

gregorterrill commented 4 years ago


After updating to 1.0.8, trying to edit any fields in the CP (even ones that aren't Icon Picker fields) results in the following error:

yii\base\ErrorException: file_get_contents(): SSL operation failed with code 1. OpenSSL Error messages: error:14090086:SSL routines:ssl3_get_server_certificate:certificate verify failed in .../app/vendor/verbb/icon-picker/src/services/IconSources.php:34

Editing entries that use Icon Picker fields works fine and the front-end of the site works fine. It's just the field edit screens that are throwing the error.

This is in a local dev environment on Valet with a self-signed SSL cert using valet secure. I saw issue #7 and tried the solution there in case it was related, but I apparently didn't have curl-openssl installed in homebrew anyway, so there was nothing to uninstall.

Had to roll back to Icon Picker 1.0.7 to continue working on the site for now.

engram-design commented 4 years ago

This should be fixed in 1.0.10