verbb / icon-picker

A Craft CMS field to select SVG or font icons from a folder for use in your content.
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Craft 4.0 upgade migration fails #59

Closed davola closed 1 year ago

davola commented 1 year ago

Describe the bug

When running the migrations after updating craft, the migration process fails when applying m221111_000000_modernize_model migration

Steps to reproduce

  1. update craft to v4
  2. run php craft migrate/all
  3. the migration m221111_000000_modernize_model will fail
  4. no error loged neither shown on screen - just fails on the first UID found.

Craft CMS version


Plugin version

2.0.1, 2.0.2, 2.0.3



Additional context

This pnly fails when running on exisetnt DB backup. It succeeds when running on empty database.

engram-design commented 1 year ago

What's the actual output of the error? There must be some form of detail about this issue, whether on screen in the CLI or in the logs? If not, that seems pretty odd! What would be the first UID found?

davola commented 1 year ago

Hey @engram-design ! When craft v4 starts for the first time after updating from v3 and running craft migrate/all all the migrations starts, until it reaches the one from the icon-picker migration class m221111_000000_modernize_model

As you can see on the screenshot below when it tries to apply the migration on the first field matrixBlockType6ab89dc8-ace0-41e5-8225-090d40a814c9 (the suffix is an IconPicker field UID we have on the CMS) and it fails silently. image

By silentrly I mean there is no error on the console (as shown above), nor any logs with errors either. Just aborts the migration.

For your reference, the field 6ab89dc8-ace0-41e5-8225-090d40a814c9 configuration yml is as follows:

# config/project/matrixBlockTypes/icon--6ab89dc8-ace0-41e5-8225-090d40a814c9.yaml

field: d4171fe6-b9a7-4edb-b81d-df79414251b3 # Icon Or Image
            fieldUid: e3fb17ae-5624-483f-9a1b-9e09833c7de3 # Icon
            instructions: null
            label: null
            required: true
            tip: null
            type: craft\fieldlayoutelements\CustomField
            warning: null
            width: 50
            fieldUid: 86cb3b47-dad6-422c-992b-37025511cfdf # Bubble Color
            instructions: null
            label: null
            required: true
            tip: null
            type: craft\fieldlayoutelements\CustomField
            warning: null
            width: 50
        name: Content
        sortOrder: 1
  86cb3b47-dad6-422c-992b-37025511cfdf: # Bubble Color
    columnSuffix: null
    contentColumnType: text
    fieldGroup: null
    handle: bubbleColor
    instructions: ''
    name: 'Bubble Color'
    searchable: false
      default: null
      options: ''
      palette: Metronet
      useConfigFile: '1'
    translationKeyFormat: null
    translationMethod: none
    type: percipiolondon\colourswatches\fields\ColourSwatches
  e3fb17ae-5624-483f-9a1b-9e09833c7de3: # Icon
    columnSuffix: null
    contentColumnType: string
    fieldGroup: null
    handle: icon
    instructions: ''
    name: Icon
    searchable: false
      columnType: text
      iconSets: '*'
      remoteSets: ''
      showLabels: '1'
    translationKeyFormat: null
    translationMethod: none
    type: verbb\iconpicker\fields\IconPickerField
handle: icon
name: 'Icon Bubble'
sortOrder: 1
engram-design commented 1 year ago

My goodness 🤦‍♂️ I left a debug statement in that migration which caused it to halt. Sorry about that.

Should be fixed in 2.0.5

davola commented 1 year ago

lol yeah! Thanks a lot @engram-design for the quick response and solution!