verbb / snipcart

A Craft CMS plugin to integrate with Snipcart.
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Craft 4 Support? #48

Closed DynamiteGoesBoom closed 7 months ago

DynamiteGoesBoom commented 2 years ago

I'm just curious if y'all had plans for a Craft 4 port of this plugin? I'm sure you do but was curious if you had an ETA on that at all.

Thanks again!

DynamiteGoesBoom commented 2 years ago

Can we get an update on this?

sjcallender commented 2 years ago

It's in active development. We're fixing some legacy issues along the way. This month is the goal.

DynamiteGoesBoom commented 2 years ago

@sjcallender Thanks Stephen!

DynamiteGoesBoom commented 1 year ago

@sjcallender I just wanted to check in on the status of this again. Thanks for all of your help as this is the last plugin we're awaiting an update on.

sjcallender commented 1 year ago

We're still working on it. It's a chore. We're in communication with the Craft team about some best practices for migrations we've had to make. One issue reveals a new one. We want to get it right.

I wish I could give a timeline, but that'd be more hopeful than realistic.

DynamiteGoesBoom commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the update @sjcallender and all the work your team is doing! What if there are some projects that don't require any migrations. Do you have a solid branch for Craft 4 if there aren't any migrations that need to run?

Thanks again!

sjcallender commented 1 year ago

Migrations are needed for all current Craft 3 builds because we have to deprecate some models moving into the Craft 4 version. There's no stable Craft 4 version because we haven't yet solved what the final state for the needed migrations will be.

DynamiteGoesBoom commented 1 year ago

Makes sense and thanks again for the update!

wbdzynr commented 1 year ago

Hey all - just checking to see if there is any update on this?

javangriff commented 1 year ago

@sjcallender any update on the progress of updating this for Craft 4?

peteeveleigh commented 1 year ago

Hey all, apologies for the slow response here.

We have a working version for Craft 4. This has involved a change to how the data is stored to better fit with Craft itself. We are currently (still) figuring out how to migrate old data into the new format to make it possible to upgrade without losing your current product set up.

tobystokes commented 1 year ago

Out of interest, if I was not using the this plugin's fieldtype to store product data, is the develop-craft4 branch worth a test?

peteeveleigh commented 1 year ago

@tobystokes Yes you should be fine to use it in that case.

In fact you could still use the field type to store product data, you'd just need to re-enter anything that you had set up in previous versions.

The difficulty at the moment is converting the old way to the new way.

sjcallender commented 9 months ago

I don't want to jinx things, but we are very close to finally having a proper Craft 4-compatible version released. We've crossed the main migration hurdle and are now just triple-checking everything again and updating tests.

brettburwell commented 9 months ago

Great news. Thanks for the update @sjcallender!

tobystokes commented 9 months ago

Good news indeed. BTW, we are actually running a live Craft 4 site with a fork of this plugin – we had to make a few minor amends, which we were planning to PR to you properly, but may have been fixed in the meantime anyway... do feel free to merge them in, I think they are hopefully self-explanatory.

johnnynotsolucky commented 9 months ago

@tobystokes great! I will include anything that's still needed in our migration.

sjcallender commented 9 months ago

Hear ye! Hear ye! The official Craft 4 version of this plugin is officially ready for you to test.

We'll plan to officially release it next week pending any issues you all discover and report.

To try it out, run the following command. And thanks for your incredible patience.

composer require "fostercommerce/craft-snipcart:dev-craft4 as 2.0.0"

See the changelog.

sjcallender commented 7 months ago

Officially released v2.0.0 with