verbb / vizy

A flexible visual editor for Craft CMS
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Nest a Vizy field within another of the same type #125

Closed tremby closed 1 year ago

tremby commented 2 years ago

What are you trying to do?

I want to define some "layout"-centric blocks. For example, a "two columns" block would have two wysiwygs in it, and once it hits the front end they'd display side by side.

What's your proposed solution?

I'd ideally need to be able to nest a Vizy field within another Vizy field of the same definition.

Additional context

I'm aware I can nest a Vizy within a Vizy of a different definition. I might be able to get away with this but it'll mean duplicating a lot of configuration if I want all the same block types to be available within the nested one (which I likely will). Is not allowing the same type to be nested a technical limitation?

engram-design commented 2 years ago

I'll say that we do have "layout" type blocks, or a concept planned, but haven't worked out the finer details yet. See

So yeah, this is one of those things that would add a pretty massive amount of complexity unfortunately, and is a bit of a technical limitation. I don't have any plans to support this in the immediate future (lots more to do!), but appreciate you're not the first to ask about this.

tremby commented 2 years ago

Oh, nice. I look forward to seeing what that'll look like.

I'm curious as to why it seems adding Vizy B within Vizy A is OK, while Vizy A within Vizy A is not.

JshGrn commented 1 year ago

@tremby How did you end up resolving this?

tremby commented 1 year ago

I'm afraid I don't have anything useful to say. We decided in the end that Vizy was too unstable and backtracked to Neo for this project. We'll give it another look next time.

engram-design commented 1 year ago

I'm curious as to why it seems adding Vizy B within Vizy A is OK, while Vizy A within Vizy A is not.

@tremby Mostly because adding the same instance of a field to itself isn't really possible with Craft. There's talk of Craft adding a new concept of "field instances" which would greatly help our handling of fields, but that's a little while away. Sorry for not replying sooner!

engram-design commented 1 year ago

Closing to track in