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Is there any way to import a custom block type via FeedMe? #251

Open mattbloomfield opened 10 months ago

mattbloomfield commented 10 months ago


We are migrating content from Site A to Site B. Site A has lots of inline images, and on Site B we use a custom Block to handle images. We would like to import the images into the custom Block rather than use the native tiptap image field.

Is there any way to import/identify content that should be loaded into a custom block?

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engram-design commented 10 months ago

Not at the moment, sorry. I assume you're using Feed Me to import content? If so, that only really supports creating WYSIWYG content, and doesn't allow Vizy blocks to be created. This is more or less a limitation of how Feed Me works with repeated data and mapping that is a little tricky.

It's on our list to address this is some form though, once we've come up with a good way to manage how to map and supply the content to import.

If you're looking to DIY it, you can create the content yourself from scratch using the ProseMirror/Vizy schema. That's the raw JSON that's saved to the database. You'd be implementing that in a module.