verbb / workflow

A Craft CMS plugin to create a workflow for publishing entries.
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View changes in submitted draft against live version? #185

Open gglnx opened 1 year ago

gglnx commented 1 year ago


Is it somehow possible to view changes of a submitted draft against the live version? is only possible after a reviewer made changes and only these changes be compared against the draft.

We have a form where users can submit changes for entries. Currently I can not see the changes in the Workflow interface with the split-view (only if I open the draft I see the changes fields). This split-view would be really improved if texts fields (including Redactor) would include a diff on word-level.

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engram-design commented 1 year ago

It's only possible to view the diff between the one submission to another. This means that for the first submission from an editor, the diff is between those changes, and the already-existing entry (or if a brand new entry, it cannot be compared). As the submissions go on, you can only really compare with the direct previous submission.

We'd need to introduce a dropdown to be able to select what entry/draft/submission to compare against.

As for diff's in Redactor, or any other fields, that's certainly advanced behaviour and not something I'm considering. That would be a lot of work to maintain, and not to mention tricky with comparing HTML (likely buggy). Maybe one day down the track.