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Azure OpenAI provider #1675

Closed NitinS87 closed 3 months ago

NitinS87 commented 3 months ago

Feature Description

I just saw the power of new ai/rsc SDK and quite impressed with it. But it's not supported or there is no official documentation for Azure OpenAI integration with it. Will be a huge help if it is supported by it as in Azure OpenAI, users have more control over their data.

Use Case

Implementing a RAGBot with Azure OpenAI.

Additional context

No response

bneigher commented 3 months ago

I am also having trouble switching to the ai/rsc SDK (specifically render to streamUI) because I can't figure out how to port the OpenAI constructor over to createOpenAI. It seems like the provider code @ai-sdk/openai is not generating the correct endpoint / parameters.


import {
} from 'ai/rsc'
import OpenAI from 'openai'

export const openai = new OpenAI({
  apiKey: process.env.AZURE_OPEN_AI_KEY,
  baseURL: `${process.env.AZURE_OPEN_AI_ENDPOINT}/openai/deployments/${process.env.AZURE_OPEN_AI_DEPLOYMENT}`,
  defaultQuery: { 'api-version': process.env.AZURE_OPEN_AI_API_VERSION },
  defaultHeaders: { 'api-key': process.env.AZURE_OPEN_AI_KEY }

async function submitUserMessage(content: string) {
  'use server'

  const ui = render({
    model: 'gpt-3.5-turbo',
    provider: openai,


import {
} from 'ai/rsc';
import { createOpenAI } from '@ai-sdk/openai';

const openAI = createOpenAI({
  apiKey: process.env.AZURE_OPEN_AI_KEY,
  baseURL: `${process.env.AZURE_OPEN_AI_ENDPOINT}/openai/deployments/${process.env.AZURE_OPEN_AI_DEPLOYMENT}`,
  headers: {
    'api-version': process.env.AZURE_OPEN_AI_API_VERSION
  compatibility: 'strict'

async function submitUserMessage(content: string) {
  'use server'

  const ui = await streamUI({
      model: openAI(process.env.AZURE_OPEN_AI_DEPLOYMENT),
      initial: <SpinnerMessage />,
lgrammel commented 3 months ago

Azure OpenAI is not fully compatible with OpenAI and will need a separate provider

patrick-moore commented 3 months ago

I was looking into this a little bit yesterday. I set the base url to my azure deployment, added the api-key header, and then modified the openai provider endpoints to include an api-version query parameter. This worked for the first request, but not subsequent ones that included chat history. I didn't have a chance to look in detail but I believe it was related to the openai provider including image type when I was using a model not supporting image type

CleanShot 2024-05-23 at 13 29 27@2x

patrick-moore commented 3 months ago

Looked into this some more, and there is some funkiness on the Azure API. Sending a single message with the {role: "user", content: [{type: "text", text: string}]} returns a 200:

CleanShot 2024-05-25 at 01 20 03@2x

But, once you add multiple messages you get a misleading 500 error:

CleanShot 2024-05-25 at 01 21 10@2x

I was able to get chat streaming working by modifying the OpenAI provider to accept some Azure specific values and format user messages as {role: "user", content: string}. Once I get time to test out the other functionality I can push this up as a community provider

microflyer commented 3 months ago

I spent hours trying to get it to work with Azure Open AI, but unfortunately, I couldn't make it happen. I'll just have to wait for the official Azure Open AI provider now.

patrick-moore commented 3 months ago

I'm hoping to get something up later this week, and will update this thread when I do. Pretty sure I have everything working for text inputs with ai/rsc.

The other change I've needed so far is adjusting the openaiChatChunkSchema to allow for an empty object property when streaming. It seems like Azure will send an empty first chunk sometimes, that can be ignored as far as I can tell.

miguelvictor commented 3 months ago

we also need this because our company is Azure only 🥲

patrick-moore commented 3 months ago

I'll have this up today for chat models and text input. Just trying to figure out some Github action stuff.

patrick-moore commented 3 months ago

This has had minimal testing and is very much use at your own risk at the moment

lgrammel commented 3 months ago

@patrick-moore heads up that we will prob integrate azure-openai as first party in the repo

patrick-moore commented 3 months ago

Awesome, I think that makes the most sense. The changes were pretty minimal and my current package is not set up to make integrating upstream changes easy. Adding a few extension points to the existing OpenAI provider would solve that. I'll hold off on putting in a PR to list this as a community provider. Let me know if yall would like any help on this!

yangcheng commented 3 months ago

@patrick-moore thanks so much for your work! unblocked me today

yangcheng commented 3 months ago

@patrick-moore heads up that we will prob integrate azure-openai as first party in the repo

@lgrammel is there a timeline for azure-openai first party provider? thanks

simpel commented 3 months ago

+1 on the timeline! @lgrammel :) Goes without saying but stellar work in this SDK!!

lgrammel commented 3 months ago

I'm blocked (do not have Azure OpenAI access) so I cannot provide a timeline

lgrammel commented 3 months ago

lgrammel commented 3 months ago

wong2 commented 3 months ago

I tried it immediately, but it seems there's a problem.

Cannot find module '[hidden]/node_modules/.pnpm/@ai-sdk+azure@0.0.1_zod@3.23.8/node_modules/@ai-sdk/openai/internal/dist/index.mjs' imported from [hidden]/node_modules/.pnpm/@ai-sdk+azure@0.0.1_zod@3.23.8/node_modules/@ai-sdk/azure/dist/index.mjs

I've already upgraded @ai-sdk/openai to 0.0.25, but it doesn't export the internal module.

lgrammel commented 3 months ago

@wong2 thanks for reporting.

lgrammel commented 3 months ago

I tried it immediately, but it seems there's a problem.

Cannot find module '[hidden]/node_modules/.pnpm/@ai-sdk+azure@0.0.1_zod@3.23.8/node_modules/@ai-sdk/openai/internal/dist/index.mjs' imported from [hidden]/node_modules/.pnpm/@ai-sdk+azure@0.0.1_zod@3.23.8/node_modules/@ai-sdk/azure/dist/index.mjs

I've already upgraded @ai-sdk/openai to 0.0.25, but it doesn't export the internal module.

wong2 commented 3 months ago

New error:

Type validation failed: Value: {"choices":[{"content_filter_offsets":{"check_offset":159,"start_offset":159,"end_offset":300},"content_filter_results":{"hate":{"filtered":false,"severity":"safe"},"self_harm":{"filtered":false,"severity":"safe"},"sexual":{"filtered":false,"severity":"safe"},"violence":{"filtered":false,"severity":"safe"}},"finish_reason":null,"index":0}],"created":0,"id":"","model":"","object":""}.
Error message: [
    "code": "invalid_union",
    "unionErrors": [
        "issues": [
            "code": "invalid_type",
            "expected": "object",
            "received": "undefined",
            "path": [
            "message": "Required"
        "name": "ZodError"
        "issues": [
            "code": "invalid_type",
            "expected": "object",
            "received": "undefined",
            "path": [
            "message": "Required"
        "name": "ZodError"
    "path": [],
    "message": "Invalid input"
lgrammel commented 3 months ago

@wong2 what inputs / model are you using?

wong2 commented 3 months ago

@lgrammel GPT-4o, the input is just hi

lgrammel commented 3 months ago

@wong2 i was not able to reproduce this with our deployments. However, I've prepared a PR that makes delta optional:

lgrammel commented 3 months ago

@wong2 can you give a try when you get a chance? i was not able to reproduce the issue, but this should add more robustness to the stream chunk validation

wong2 commented 3 months ago

It works now. Thanks.

bneigher commented 3 months ago

@lgrammel awesome, giving this a spin now for streamUI. However it's unclear how I pass in the four necessary configs:

import {
} from 'ai/rsc';
import { createAzure } from '@ai-sdk/azure';

const azure = createAzure({
    apiKey: process.env.AZURE_OPEN_AI_KEY,
    resourceName: process.env.AZURE_OPEN_AI_DEPLOYMENT

async function submitUserMessage(content: string) {
  'use server'

  const ui = await streamUI({
      model: azure,
      initial: <SpinnerMessage />,

It looks like the interface here is only resourceName and apiKey

But I need to also set a baseURL and an api version, no?



// ?
    apiKey: process.env.AZURE_OPEN_AI_KEY,
    resourceName: process.env.AZURE_OPEN_AI_DEPLOYMENT

// working
    apiKey: process.env.OPEN_AI_KEY,
    baseURL: process.env.OPEN_AI_BASE_URL,
    organization: 'org-xxxxx',
    headers: { ... }

let me know how I can use this!

lgrammel commented 3 months ago


You can use:

import { createAzure } from '@ai-sdk/azure';

const azure = createAzure({
  resourceName: 'your-resource-name', // Azure resource name
  apiKey: 'your-api-key',

and then create a model:

const model = azure('your-deployment-name');

here are the docs:

and if it helps, here is how the url is assembled internally:

bneigher commented 3 months ago

@lgrammel I got it, yea that looks right and populates the endpoint in

~But it still seems like something is missing, it doesn't seem to send anything out with streamUI. I am using this sample app for implementation Going to dig a bit more into it..~

Works great!

miguelvictor commented 3 months ago

I'm noticing that streaming with azure is clunky than the one with openai but maybe this is just an azure problem 🤔

lgrammel commented 3 months ago

@miguelvictor yes that's a know azure issue

miguelvictor commented 3 months ago

I'm also noticing that the same tool is being called twice (at the same time; resulting to Error: .update(): UI stream is already closed. errors) when using the azure provider but the problem goes away when I switch back to the openai provider.

lgrammel commented 3 months ago

@miguelvictor do you have a test case that i could use to reproduce this?

miguelvictor commented 3 months ago

Sorry, it also happened with the openai provider. Is it possible to only process one tool per streamUI call?

lgrammel commented 3 months ago

@miguelvictor not yet but I plan to implement which should help

miguelvictor commented 3 months ago

Cool! Thank you so much!

miguelvictor commented 3 months ago

Hi @lgrammel! I see you have already merged #1893 and you also added code for the azure provider. Did you perhaps forget to release the @ai-sdk/azure provider package?

lgrammel commented 3 months ago

@miguelvictor it is automatically released when the openai package changes: (should include that setting)

miguelvictor commented 3 months ago

Sorry, bun, for some reason, didn't pickup the semver update 🥲 I installed it manually but im getting another error: AI_APICallError: Unknown parameter: 'parallel_tool_calls'..

I'm using it like this:

import { createAzure } from "@ai-sdk/azure"

export const azure = createAzure({
  apiKey: env.AZURE_OPENAI_KEY,
})(env.AZURE_OPENAI_DEPLOYMENT_CHAT, { parallelToolCalls: false })
lgrammel commented 3 months ago

@miguelvictor That means that the Azure backend does not support it yet I think

Dinuda commented 2 months ago

this works

export const azure = createAzure({
  apiKey: env.AZURE_OPENAI_KEY,

 model: azure('_gpt4o', {
      parallelToolCalls: true,