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StreamingTextResponse not compatible with Remix action function #199

Closed cephalization closed 1 year ago

cephalization commented 1 year ago

When using the package in an action, like so,

export const action = async ({ request }: ActionArgs) => {
    const { messages, transcriptId } = z
            messages: z.array(
                        content: z.string(),
                        role: z.union([z.literal('user'), z.literal('system'), z.literal('assistant')]),
            transcriptId: z.string(),
        .parse(await request.json());

    // Load transcript set from Redis, turn it into a string
    const transcriptArray = await transcriptQueries.getTranscriptArray(redisClient, { transcriptKey: transcriptId });
    const transcript = transcriptArray;
    const prompt = `<my prompt>`;
    const content = prompt.replace('{transcript}', constrainLinesToTokenLimit(transcript, prompt, 6000).join('\n'));

    const newMessages = [
            role: 'system',
    ] as const;

    const response = await openai.createChatCompletion({
        // model: 'gpt-3.5-turbo-16k',
        model: 'gpt-4',
        // @ts-expect-error
        messages: newMessages,
        stream: true,
    const stream = OpenAIStream(response);

    return new StreamingTextResponse(stream);

The action returns an internal error

TypeError: First parameter has member 'readable' that is not a ReadableStream.
dashboard:dev:     at assertReadableStream (/Users/tony/repos/teno/node_modules/web-streams-polyfill/src/lib/validators/readable-stream.ts:5:11)
dashboard:dev:     at convertReadableWritablePair (/Users/tony/repos/teno/node_modules/web-streams-polyfill/src/lib/validators/readable-writable-pair.ts:15:3)
dashboard:dev:     at ReadableStream.pipeThrough (/Users/tony/repos/teno/node_modules/web-streams-polyfill/src/lib/readable-stream.ts:211:23)
dashboard:dev:     at AIStream (/Users/tony/repos/teno/node_modules/ai/dist/index.js:147:29)
dashboard:dev:     at OpenAIStream (/Users/tony/repos/teno/node_modules/ai/dist/index.js:170:10)
dashboard:dev:     at action7 (/Users/tony/repos/teno/apps/dashboard/app/routes/
dashboard:dev:     at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)
dashboard:dev:     at Object.callRouteActionRR (/Users/tony/repos/teno/node_modules/@remix-run/node/node_modules/@remix-run/server-runtime/dist/data.js:35:16)
dashboard:dev:     at callLoaderOrAction (/Users/tony/repos/teno/node_modules/@remix-run/router/router.ts:3568:16)
dashboard:dev:     at submit (/Users/tony/repos/teno/node_modules/@remix-run/router/router.ts:2835:16)
dashboard:dev:     at queryImpl (/Users/tony/repos/teno/node_modules/@remix-run/router/router.ts:2770:22)
dashboard:dev:     at Object.queryRoute (/Users/tony/repos/teno/node_modules/@remix-run/router/router.ts:2720:18)
dashboard:dev:     at handleResourceRequestRR (/Users/tony/repos/teno/node_modules/@remix-run/node/node_modules/@remix-run/server-runtime/dist/server.js:251:20)
dashboard:dev:     at requestHandler (/Users/tony/repos/teno/node_modules/@remix-run/node/node_modules/@remix-run/server-runtime/dist/server.js:59:18)
dashboard:dev:     at /Users/tony/repos/teno/node_modules/@remix-run/express/dist/server.js:39:22

This appears to be due to some web streams workaround that remix installs. It even occurs when hosted on vercel. This error does not occur if I move all of this code into a dedicated express api but that defeats the purpose of me using remix as it would be my only external api call.

Anyone had luck fixing this? I've tried implementing the solutions here with no luck.

I will try to produce a reproduction repo soon, but using any remix template should immediately reproduce the issue.

cephalization commented 1 year ago

Here is the polyfill code that is throwing the error

cephalization commented 1 year ago

I had to perform some unspeakable acts, but this package can be made compatible with remix actions now.

import { createEventStreamTransformer, trimStartOfStreamHelper } from 'ai';
import { ReadableStream as PolyfillReadableStream } from 'web-streams-polyfill';
import { createReadableStreamWrapper } from '@mattiasbuelens/web-streams-adapter';

// @ts-expect-error bad types
const toPolyfillReadable = createReadableStreamWrapper(PolyfillReadableStream);
const toNativeReadable = createReadableStreamWrapper(ReadableStream);

export class StreamingTextResponse extends Response {
    constructor(res: ReadableStream, init?: ResponseInit) {
        const headers: HeadersInit = {
            'Content-Type': 'text/plain; charset=utf-8',
        super(res, { ...init, status: 200, headers });

    getRequestHeaders() {
        return addRawHeaders(this.headers);

function addRawHeaders(headers: Headers) {
    // @ts-expect-error shame on me
    headers.raw = function () {
        const rawHeaders = {};
        const headerEntries = headers.entries();
        for (const [key, value] of headerEntries) {
            const headerKey = key.toLowerCase();
            if (rawHeaders.hasOwnProperty(headerKey)) {
                // @ts-expect-error shame on me
            } else {
                // @ts-expect-error shame on me
                rawHeaders[headerKey] = [value];
        return rawHeaders;
    return headers;

function parseOpenAIStream(): (data: string) => string | void {
    const trimStartOfStream = trimStartOfStreamHelper();
    return (data) => {
        // TODO: Needs a type
        const json = JSON.parse(data);

        // this can be used for either chat or completion models
        const text = trimStartOfStream(json.choices[0]?.delta?.content ?? json.choices[0]?.text ?? '');

        return text;

export function OpenAIStream(response: Response): ReadableStream<any> {
    if (!response.ok || !response.body) {
        throw new Error(`Failed to convert the response to stream. Received status code: ${response.status}.`);

    const responseBodyStream = toPolyfillReadable(response.body);

    // @ts-expect-error bad types
    return toNativeReadable(responseBodyStream.pipeThrough(createEventStreamTransformer(parseOpenAIStream())));

Just use this OpenAIStream instead of the one returned from ai and also return this StreamingTextResponse from your action and it will work.

There were two key issues:

Using these two patched functions in place of the ai ones used in the examples makes everything work in vercel!

MaxLeiter commented 1 year ago

Hi all,

After some research / asking around, I believe this is a remix issue rather than an SDK one (but please let me know if you disagree!)

Basically Remix uses node-fetch and we're using the spec compliant fetch implementation. If you use the edge runtime on Vercel it should work:

export const config = { runtime: "edge" };

You shouldn't need to use the edge runtime though (even though we recommend it) so I'll look into the appropriate way to handle this. It seems like we'll either need to add polyfills to vercel/remix or submit something upstream.

cephalization commented 1 year ago

It would be really funny if this just worked 😅

I tried this while the action was on the same route as the component and it did not work. Let me try with the action on a dedicated resource route

cephalization commented 1 year ago

This does not work for local dev, which is a non starter for me unfortunately

AvidDabbler commented 1 year ago

This is the same for HuggingFaceStream. Would love for this to work.

@cephalization if you have any workarounds or end up using something else would love to know and would I can do the same for you 😄

cephalization commented 1 year ago

My workaround reimplementation above works on local and hosted so I am happy with it for now. We will see if that changes when I try to upgrade the package in the future 😂

MaxLeiter commented 1 year ago

I've found these relevant upstream issues:

  2. 2a. which is really about
cephalization commented 1 year ago

@AvidDabbler copy paste the code from this comment into a new file, then import and use StreamingTextResponse from your new file.

To get huggingfacestream working, you can likely tweak the openaistream I have shown with whatever hugging face specific logic there is, if any. Checkout the source code from this repo and see what you can make happen

AvidDabbler commented 1 year ago

@AvidDabbler copy paste the code from this comment into a new file, then import and use StreamingTextResponse from your new file.

To get huggingfacestream working, you can likely tweak the openaistream I have shown with whatever hugging face specific logic there is, if any. Checkout the source code from this repo and see what you can make happen

IDK how i missed that 🤦

yarapolana commented 1 year ago

@cephalization Hey how is your client side? I get Could not parse content as FormData. And when I use the alternative await request.json()

I get a HTML stream as if you were doing a get request.

cephalization commented 1 year ago


My action looks just like it does at the beginning of this post. It is on its own route called routes/ and in the frontend code, that uses the useChat hook, I give it the api location of /api/chat

I am using ai@^2.1.7 if it helps

yarapolana commented 1 year ago


My action looks just like it does at the beginning of this post. It is on its own route called routes/ and in the frontend code, that uses the useChat hook, I give it the api location of /api/chat

I am using ai@^2.1.7 if it helps

Tried for two days to work around it, and downgraded ai lib but I still get the full html as response. To clarify the messages from usechat give me <!doctype html ...etc

and that html response does not include the actual streaming values. just styling/meta/head etc

I am using ChakraUI

Im going to try this on a new project and see what happens.

Thanks for sharing though.

cephalization commented 1 year ago

@yarapolana I can give you my code snippets.

Here is my usage of the chat hook

        const { messages, append, reload, stop, isLoading, input, setInput } = useChat({
        api: '/api/chat',
        headers: {
            'Content-Type': 'application/json',
        body: {
            transcriptId: meeting.transcript.redisKey,

Here is my /api/chat route

import type { ActionArgs } from '@vercel/remix';
import type { ChatCompletionRequestMessage } from 'openai-edge';
import { Configuration, OpenAIApi } from 'openai-edge';
import { z } from 'zod';
import { countMessageTokens, optimizeTranscriptModel } from 'llm';

import { transcriptQueries, redis } from '@/server/kv.server';
import { OpenAIStream, StreamingTextResponse } from '@/server/streamingTextResponse.server';
import { checkAuth } from '@/server/auth.utils.server';

const oConfig = new Configuration({
    apiKey: process.env.OPENAI_API_KEY ?? '',
const openai = new OpenAIApi(oConfig);

export const action = async ({ request }: ActionArgs) => {

    const { messages, transcriptId } = z
            messages: z.array(
                        content: z.string(),
                        role: z.union([z.literal('user'), z.literal('system'), z.literal('assistant')]),
            transcriptId: z.string(),
        .parse(await request.json());

    // Load transcript set from Redis, turn it into a string
    const transcriptArray = await transcriptQueries.getTranscriptArray(redis, { transcriptKey: transcriptId });
    const transcript = transcriptArray;
    const prompt = `HERE IS MY PROMPT`;
    const { model, shortenedTranscript } = optimizeTranscriptModel(transcript, {
        promptTokenBuffer: countMessageTokens(prompt),
    const content = prompt.replace('{transcript}', shortenedTranscript.join('\n'));

    const newMessages: ChatCompletionRequestMessage[] = [
            role: 'system',

    const response = await openai.createChatCompletion({
        messages: newMessages,
        stream: true,
    const stream = OpenAIStream(response);

    const sResponse = new StreamingTextResponse(stream);

    return sResponse;
yarapolana commented 1 year ago

@cephalization Ah I am embarrassed right now, didn't think of using the action inside a specific api route, had it with all the rest of the page. Its working fine 😅

cephalization commented 1 year ago

@yarapolana I ran into the same issue! very confusing. I think actions in a page route behave slightly differently than on their own route

Klingefjord commented 1 year ago

Hope this gets fixed soon!

cephalization commented 1 year ago

I haven't tested this yet but the ServerNodePolyfillOptions added in look promising

cephalization commented 1 year ago

Nope, that option does not appear to do anything useful in local dev at least

mindblight commented 1 year ago

@cephalization I'm actually not quite sure how your earlier example works. I just upgraded to 1.19 to try turning of the polyfills - same issue :(.

The server-side polyfill seems to override the native ReadableStream. Here's what I'm seeing:

import {
  ReadableStream as PolyfillReadableStream,
  TransformStream as PolyfillTransformStream,
  WritableStream as PolyfillfWritableStream,
} from "web-streams-polyfill/ponyfill";

console.log("read", ReadableStream === PolyfillReadableStream); // true
console.log("transform", TransformStream === PolyfillTransformStream); // false
console.log("write", WritableStream === PolyfillfWritableStream); // true

One other weird thing. This works fine:

return new Response(response.body, {
  headers: {
    "Content-Type": "text/event-stream",

This hangs:

return new Response(new ReadableStream(response.body), {
    headers: {
      "Content-Type": "text/event-stream",

I've tried playing around with direct imports too, since all supported node versions have an official implementation (import { ReadableStream} from 'node:stream/web'). No luck so far. But, that's also due to hanging. If I can figure out what's causing the polyfill to hang, that might translate to the official implementation too.

cephalization commented 1 year ago

@mindblight note for my example to work, you need to reimplement OpenAIStream and StreamingTextResponse like I've done at the top of this issue.

This "fix" still works for the latest version of ai but you miss out on lots of fixes and features since my patch was written a while ago.

Hoping for some action on the remix side soon.

mindblight commented 1 year ago

@cephalization Ah, sorry - I was unclear. I'm not actually using the 'ai' library - I just use fetch to hit OpenAI's api directly for streaming. However, I am using remix, which means I'm running into the same polyfill issue. I got linked here from an issue in the remix repo, and you seem like you're the only person who's come up with an actual solution :p.

Rewriting it makes sense. Here's the line that's confusing to me:

// @ts-expect-error bad types
const toPolyfillReadable = createReadableStreamWrapper(PolyfillReadableStream);
const toNativeReadable = createReadableStreamWrapper(ReadableStream);

From what I can tell, remix globally injects PolyfillReadableStream and overrides ReadableStream (See above). I'm pretty sure they're the same object. Doing import { ReadableStream as NodeReadableStream } from 'node:streams/web' imports the actual stream implementation that was originally overridden.

I'd like to find a slightly more generic solution that doesn't require rewriting specific stream implementations. I've tried both new PolyfillReadableStream(response.body) and new NodeReadableStream(response.body). Both hang :/. I think that if I just write an implementation of ReadableStream that works with response.body, then we can just do new RemixStream(response.body).pipeThrough(...) like normal.

I thought NodeReadableStream would handle this, so I'm a little confused why that's not working as well :/. I'm gonna experiment with creating a RemixStream that implements NodeReadableStream, plus trying to override the injected polyfills. I'll let you know if I have any luck

mindblight commented 1 year ago

Alright, I figured something out:

// stream-compat.server.ts
import {
  ReadableStream as NodeReadableStream,
  TextDecoderStream as NodeTextDecoderStream,
  TextEncoderStream as NodeTextEncoderStream,
  TransformStream as NodeTransformStream,
  WritableStream as NodeWritableStream,
} from "node:stream/web";

async function* iterStream<T>(body?: ReadableStream<T> | null) {
  if (!body) {
  const reader = body.getReader();

  while (true) {
    const r = await;
    if (r.done) {
    } else {
      yield r.value;

// Ensures that custom streams are compatible with node streams
(global as any).ReadableStream = NodeReadableStream;
(global as any).TransformStream = NodeTransformStream;
(global as any).WritableStream = NodeWritableStream;
(global as any).TextDecoderStream = NodeTextDecoderStream;
(global as any).TextEncoderStream = NodeTextEncoderStream;

export const toNodeReadableStream = <T>(
  polyStream: ReadableStream<T> | null | undefined
) => {
  const iterator = iterStream(polyStream);

  return new NodeReadableStream<T>({
    async pull(controller) {
      const r = await;
      if (r.done) {
      } else {
    // This is *mostly* correct. There are slight type issues between the two streams
  }) as ReadableStream<T>;

export const StreamCompat = {
  toReadable: toNodeReadableStream,
  // lib.dom.d.ts and web.d.ts typings are apparently incompatible.
  // Remix routes use web.d.ts and .server.ts files use lib.dom.d.ts
  // This exposes lib.dom.d.ts typings for the routes

In an action, you can now do


And everything should JustWork™️. In theory, you can now use the official ai stream rather than re-writing it :). I'm using TextDecoderStream with a number of custom streams to make handling the data easier, so I wanted to be able to use and define whatever I feel like.

I'm gonna cross-post on the issue in the remix-run. Hope this helps someone!

cephalization commented 1 year ago

@mindblight will give this a try later, thanks! Was really hoping to avoid using my patch at work. This looks more maintainable

yarapolana commented 1 year ago

This is great stuff @mindblight. you and @cephalization seem to be "on the money".

Any way to tag the remix team here?

Klingefjord commented 1 year ago

Any news?

MaxLeiter commented 1 year ago

@Klingefjord have you tried something like

mindblight commented 1 year ago

@yarapolana I posted this in the remix issue that led me here. I haven't heard anything. The Remix 2 roadmap includes dropping polyfills by default, so I suspect that we won't get an official fix until that's released. Once the polyfills are gone, then this is no longer a problem

giuseppeg commented 1 year ago

Ok I figured out a better workaround.

The issue is with OpenAI using node-fetch or Remix using @remix-run/web-fetch which uses @remix-run/web-stream which uses a polyfilled version of ReadableStream which has a check on an internal polyfill property in pipeThrough.

When the OpenAI client returns a response, Vercel's AI passes a standard non-polyfilled TransformStream to responseBodyStream.pipeThrough() which runs some checks on it. Since the TransformStream is not polyfilled the checks don't pass.

The solution

Remove these polyfills in @remix-run/web-fetch

If the issue persists after the polyfills removal, OpenAI's package might also be causing it since they use node-fetch. In that case you can pass a custom fetch to the OpenAI client:

  const openai = new OpenAI({
    apiKey: process.env.apiKey,
    organization: process.env.organization,
    fetch: globalThis.fetch

The temporary workaround

Since the problem is with TransformStream you can replace the global one with the polyfilled one and use a custom StreamingTextResponse that adds raw headers:

import OpenAI from "openai";
import { OpenAIStream } from "ai";

export const action = async ({ request }: ActionArgs) => {
  const { messages } = await request.json();
  const openai = new OpenAI({
    apiKey: process.env.apiKey,
    organization: process.env.organization,

  // This is the fix
  const { TransformStream } = await import("web-streams-polyfill");
  globalThis.TransformStream = TransformStream;

  const response = await{
    stream: true,
    model: "gpt-3.5-turbo",
    temperature: 1,

  const stream = OpenAIStream(response);
  return new StreamingTextResponse(stream);


import { StreamingTextResponse as _StreamingTextResponse } from "ai";

// vercel/ai's StreamingTextResponse does not include request.headers.raw()
// which @vercel/remix uses when deployed on vercel.
// Therefore we use a custom one.
export class StreamingTextResponse extends _StreamingTextResponse {
  constructor(res: ReadableStream, init?: ResponseInit) {
    super(res, init);

  getRequestHeaders() {
    return addRawHeaders(this.headers);

const addRawHeaders = function addRawHeaders(headers: Headers) {
  // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-ts-comment
  // @ts-ignore
  headers.raw = function () {
    const rawHeaders: { [k in string]: string[] } = {};
    const headerEntries = headers.entries();
    for (const [key, value] of headerEntries) {
      const headerKey = key.toLowerCase();
      // eslint-disable-next-line no-prototype-builtins
      if (rawHeaders.hasOwnProperty(headerKey)) {
      } else {
        rawHeaders[headerKey] = [value];
    return rawHeaders;
  return headers;
Klingefjord commented 1 year ago

So Remix v2 is officially out now, wherein this is no longer an issue 🎉

joelriveradev commented 7 months ago

I don't think this issue is fixed because I'm also getting TypeError: nodeResponse.headers.raw is not a function when I return new StreamingTextResponse(OpenAIStream(response)) from an action inside a resource route in remix. I'm on remix version 2.7.2, and (vercel) ai version 2.2.37.

On localhost it works perfectly fine. The issue is when I deploy to vercel.

Screenshot 2024-03-08 at 3 38 30 PM
Klingefjord commented 7 months ago

I don't think this issue is fixed because I'm also getting TypeError: nodeResponse.headers.raw is not a function when I return new StreamingTextResponse(OpenAIStream(response)) from an action inside a resource route in remix. I'm on remix version 2.7.2, and (vercel) ai version 2.2.37.

On localhost it works perfectly fine. The issue is when I deploy to vercel.

Screenshot 2024-03-08 at 3 38 30 PM

Same for me. Might be a problem with Vercel adapter

hzhu commented 4 months ago

I'm pretty sure the root problem lies within the Vercel adapter. Specifically, here: packages/vercel-remix/server.ts#L105. What do you think @TooTallNate, should one of us create a PR?

EDIT: I was also getting the same error as @joelriveradev, but @MaxLeiter's solution worked for me! 🚀

lgrammel commented 4 months ago

Not sure if this helps, but the AI SDK uses the Node standard fetch.

Have you tried setting the following in vite.config.js?

installGlobals({ nativeFetch: true })

More info:

rushil-patel commented 2 weeks ago

I have a remix app running on vercel, and was running into this issue trying to use the streamText method. What finally ended up working for me is the following:

upgrade node to v20.x previously I was on v18.20.3 I guess the difference here is that in v18 fetch is still experimental With just the above had my packages at:

  "@vercel/remix": "2.12.0",
  "ai": "3.4.7",
  "@remix-run/node": "^2.10.2",
  "@remix-run/react": "^2.10.2",
  "@remix-run/serve": "^2.10.2"

According to the remix 2.9.0 if you're on node 20.x you need should remove the installGlobals call in `vite.config.js, so I did.

At this point, when running remix vite:dev locally streaming was working but I would run into this TypeError: First parameter has member 'readable' that is not a ReadableStream. error when deployed to vercel.

What got it working on a vercel deploy was to provide the undici fetch to the openai provider, like this:

import { fetch } from "undici";
import { createOpenAI } from "@ai-sdk/openai";
import { streamText } from "ai";
const openAI = createOpenAI({
      fetch: fetch,
const result = await streamText({
     model: openAI('gpt-4o')

For anyone who is running into this issue, with streamText hope this helps