Closed silentdany closed 1 year ago
@silentdany would you mind inviting me to so I can try and reproduce / investigate?
Hey, I granted you access; you should be able to investigate, if not you can tell me.
I re-tried yesterday and it still fails.
taking a look!
thanks for your patience @silentdany, it seems like this is a bug with the platform or an upstream provider and not anything on your end. I've shared it internally and we're taking a look
Thanks for the quick support ! I'll wait :)
Hey, any ideas on why it doesn't work ? Server-side function handling ? Is there a better/other way to do it ?
I'm getting a new error, maybe it can help :
... [15:37:48.526] Attempted import error: 'preload' is not exported from 'react-dom' (imported as 'preload'). ... [15:38:41.077] An unexpected internal error occurred
hey @silentdany, can you try the most recent next@canary?
Exact same output sadly :/
Deployment ok with version 2.1.31 or 2.1.32, thanks guys.
I'm hitting a wall when I want to deploy my app to Vercel, it was building withtou problems prior I added ai package and used OpenAI functions.
Local build is ok :
``` ❯ pnpm build > @ build /home/dany/Projects/depikt > prisma generate && prisma migrate deploy && next build Environment variables loaded from .env Prisma schema loaded from prisma/schema.prisma ✔ Generated Prisma Client (4.14.1 | library) to ./node_modules/.pnpm/@prisma+client@4.14.1_prisma@4.14.1/node_modules/@prisma/client in 174ms You can now start using Prisma Client in your code. Reference: import { PrismaClient } from '@prisma/client' const prisma = new PrismaClient() Environment variables loaded from .env Prisma schema loaded from prisma/schema.prisma Datasource "db": PostgreSQL database "neondb", schema "public" at "" 7 migrations found in prisma/migrations No pending migrations to apply. - info Loaded env from /home/dany/Projects/depikt/.env - info Linting and checking validity of types - warn You are using an experimental edge runtime, the API might change. 🌼 daisyUI 3.1.0 ╰╮ ╰─ ✔︎ [ 1 ] theme is enabled. You can add more themes or make your own theme: ❤︎ Support daisyUI: - info Creating an optimized production build - info Compiled successfully - info Collecting page data - info Generating static pages (7/7) - info Finalizing page optimization Route (pages) Size First Load JS ┌ ○ / (498 ms) 30.1 kB 154 kB ├ /_app 0 B 86.2 kB ├ ○ /404 182 B 86.4 kB ├ λ /api/add-credits 0 B 86.2 kB ├ λ /api/auth/[...nextauth] 0 B 86.2 kB ├ λ /api/brevo 0 B 86.2 kB ├ ℇ /api/completion 0 B 86.2 kB ├ λ /api/generate 0 B 86.2 kB ├ λ /api/remaining 0 B 86.2 kB ├ λ /api/stripe-webhook 0 B 86.2 kB ├ ℇ /app 64.6 kB 189 kB ├ ○ /buy-credits 3.08 kB 99.3 kB ├ λ /dashboard 2.13 kB 98.3 kB ├ ○ /legals 2.12 kB 98.3 kB ├ ○ /privacy-policy 3.07 kB 106 kB └ ○ /terms-and-conditions 6.76 kB 110 kB + First Load JS shared by all 99.8 kB ├ chunks/framework-6698976aa0ea586d.js 45.2 kB ├ chunks/main-444a144387576671.js 27.7 kB ├ chunks/pages/_app-40393c9195184626.js 11.8 kB ├ chunks/webpack-e184921191803155.js 1.59 kB └ css/b15da71c0b4b522c.css 13.6 kB ℇ (Streaming) server-side renders with streaming (uses React 18 SSR streaming or Server Components) λ (Server) server-side renders at runtime (uses getInitialProps or getServerSideProps) ○ (Static) automatically rendered as static HTML (uses no initial props) > @ postbuild /home/dany/Projects/depikt > next-sitemap Loaded env from /home/dany/Projects/depikt/.env ✨ [next-sitemap] Loading next-sitemap config: file:///home/dany/Projects/depikt/next-sitemap.config.js ✅ [next-sitemap] Generation completed ┌───────────────┬────────┐ │ (index) │ Values │ ├───────────────┼────────┤ │ indexSitemaps │ 1 │ │ sitemaps │ 1 │ └───────────────┴────────┘ ----------------------------------------------------- SITEMAP INDICES ----------------------------------------------------- ○ http://localhost:3000/sitemap.xml ----------------------------------------------------- SITEMAPS ----------------------------------------------------- ○ http://localhost:3000/sitemap-0.xml ```But deployment always end up in "An unexpected internal error occurred"
Here the logs :
``` [11:45:59.896] Running build in Washington, D.C., USA (East) – iad1 [11:45:59.954] Cloning (Branch: dev, Commit: 21d1421) [11:45:59.959] Skipping build cache, deployment was triggered without cache. [11:46:00.595] Cloning completed: 638.708ms [11:46:00.771] Running "vercel build" [11:46:01.248] Vercel CLI 31.0.1 [11:46:01.542] Detected `pnpm-lock.yaml` version 6 generated by pnpm 8... [11:46:01.559] Installing dependencies... [11:46:02.092] Lockfile is up to date, resolution step is skipped [11:46:02.152] Progress: resolved 1, reused 0, downloaded 0, added 0 [11:46:02.310] Packages: +985 [11:46:02.311] ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ [11:46:02.698] Packages are hard linked from the content-addressable store to the virtual store. [11:46:02.698] Content-addressable store is at: /vercel/.local/share/pnpm/store/v3 [11:46:02.698] Virtual store is at: node_modules/.pnpm [11:46:03.159] Progress: resolved 985, reused 0, downloaded 14, added 13 [11:46:04.162] Progress: resolved 985, reused 0, downloaded 54, added 52 [11:46:05.165] Progress: resolved 985, reused 0, downloaded 128, added 123 [11:46:06.164] Progress: resolved 985, reused 0, downloaded 249, added 249 [11:46:07.165] Progress: resolved 985, reused 0, downloaded 331, added 328 [11:46:08.165] Progress: resolved 985, reused 0, downloaded 497, added 498 [11:46:09.165] Progress: resolved 985, reused 0, downloaded 675, added 674 [11:46:10.166] Progress: resolved 985, reused 0, downloaded 847, added 846 [11:46:11.170] Progress: resolved 985, reused 0, downloaded 940, added 941 [11:46:12.171] Progress: resolved 985, reused 0, downloaded 977, added 979 [11:46:13.172] Progress: resolved 985, reused 0, downloaded 980, added 982 [11:46:14.230] Progress: resolved 985, reused 0, downloaded 982, added 983 [11:46:15.151] .../deasync@0.1.28/node_modules/deasync install$ node ./build.js [11:46:15.152] .../node_modules/@prisma/engines postinstall$ node scripts/postinstall.js [11:46:15.208] .../deasync@0.1.28/node_modules/deasync install: `linux-x64-node-18` exists; testing [11:46:15.230] Progress: resolved 985, reused 0, downloaded 983, added 985, done [11:46:15.368] .../deasync@0.1.28/node_modules/deasync install: Binary is fine; exiting [11:46:15.373] .../deasync@0.1.28/node_modules/deasync install: Done [11:46:15.837] .../node_modules/@prisma/engines postinstall: Done [11:46:16.058] .../esbuild@0.14.47/node_modules/esbuild postinstall$ node install.js [11:46:16.058] .../esbuild@0.17.6/node_modules/esbuild postinstall$ node install.js [11:46:16.058] .../esbuild@0.16.3/node_modules/esbuild postinstall$ node install.js [11:46:16.136] .../esbuild@0.14.47/node_modules/esbuild postinstall: Done [11:46:16.141] .../prisma@4.14.1/node_modules/prisma preinstall$ node scripts/preinstall-entry.js [11:46:16.156] .../esbuild@0.17.6/node_modules/esbuild postinstall: Done [11:46:16.223] .../prisma@4.14.1/node_modules/prisma preinstall: Done [11:46:16.223] .../esbuild@0.16.3/node_modules/esbuild postinstall: Done [11:46:16.375] .../node_modules/@prisma/client postinstall$ node scripts/postinstall.js [11:46:16.902] .../node_modules/@prisma/client postinstall: Prisma schema loaded from prisma/schema.prisma [11:46:17.439] .../node_modules/@prisma/client postinstall: ✔ Generated Prisma Client (4.14.1 | library) to ./node_modules/.pnpm/@prisma+client@4.14.1_prisma@4.14.1/node_modules/@prisma/client in 117ms [11:46:17.440] .../node_modules/@prisma/client postinstall: You can now start using Prisma Client in your code. Reference: [11:46:17.440] .../node_modules/@prisma/client postinstall: ``` [11:46:17.440] .../node_modules/@prisma/client postinstall: import { PrismaClient } from '@prisma/client' [11:46:17.441] .../node_modules/@prisma/client postinstall: const prisma = new PrismaClient() [11:46:17.441] .../node_modules/@prisma/client postinstall: ``` [11:46:17.478] .../node_modules/@prisma/client postinstall: Done [11:46:17.652] .../node_modules/vercel preinstall$ node ./scripts/preinstall.js [11:46:17.705] .../node_modules/vercel preinstall: Done [11:46:18.052] [11:46:18.052] dependencies: [11:46:18.052] + @heroicons/react 2.0.18 [11:46:18.052] + @hookform/resolvers 3.1.0 [11:46:18.052] + @next-auth/prisma-adapter 1.0.6 [11:46:18.052] + @next/bundle-analyzer 13.4.7 [11:46:18.052] + @prisma/client 4.14.1 [11:46:18.052] + @sendinblue/client 3.3.1 [11:46:18.052] + @vercel/analytics 0.1.11 [11:46:18.052] + ai 2.1.13 [11:46:18.052] + cross-env 7.0.3 [11:46:18.052] + eventsource-parser 0.0.5 [11:46:18.052] + framer-motion 8.5.5 [11:46:18.052] + markdown-to-jsx 7.2.1 [11:46:18.052] + micro 10.0.1 [11:46:18.052] + micro-cors 0.1.1 [11:46:18.052] + next 13.4.7 [11:46:18.052] + next-auth 4.22.1 [11:46:18.052] + next-recaptcha-v3 1.1.5 [11:46:18.052] + next-seo 6.0.0 [11:46:18.052] + next-sitemap 4.1.3 [11:46:18.052] + objects-to-csv 1.3.6 [11:46:18.053] + openai-edge 1.1.1 [11:46:18.053] + prisma 4.14.1 [11:46:18.053] + raw-loader 4.0.2 [11:46:18.053] + react 18.2.0 [11:46:18.053] + react-compare-slider 2.2.0 [11:46:18.054] + react-countup 6.4.2 [11:46:18.054] + react-dom 18.2.0 [11:46:18.054] + react-hook-form 7.42.0 [11:46:18.054] + react-hot-toast 2.4.1 [11:46:18.054] + react-loader-spinner 5.3.4 [11:46:18.054] + react-player 2.12.0 [11:46:18.054] + react-uploader 3.32.0 [11:46:18.054] + react-use-measure 2.1.1 [11:46:18.054] + request-ip 3.3.0 [11:46:18.054] + stripe 11.18.0 [11:46:18.054] + swr 2.1.5 [11:46:18.054] + uploader 3.33.0 [11:46:18.054] + vercel 28.20.0 [11:46:18.054] + yup 1.2.0 [11:46:18.054] [11:46:18.054] devDependencies: [11:46:18.054] + @types/micro-cors 0.1.3 [11:46:18.054] + @types/node 18.11.3 [11:46:18.054] + @types/objects-to-csv 1.3.1 [11:46:18.054] + @types/react 18.0.21 [11:46:18.054] + @types/react-dom 18.0.6 [11:46:18.054] + @types/request-ip 0.0.37 [11:46:18.054] + autoprefixer 10.4.14 [11:46:18.054] + daisyui 3.1.0 [11:46:18.054] + postcss 8.4.23 [11:46:18.054] + tailwindcss 3.3.2 [11:46:18.055] + typescript 4.9.4 [11:46:18.055] [11:46:18.211] Done in 16.6s [11:46:18.239] Detected Next.js version: 13.4.7 [11:46:18.285] Running "pnpm run build" [11:46:18.756] [11:46:18.757] > @ build /vercel/path0 [11:46:18.757] > prisma generate && prisma migrate deploy && next build [11:46:18.757] [11:46:19.215] Prisma schema loaded from prisma/schema.prisma [11:46:19.726] [11:46:19.726] ✔ Generated Prisma Client (4.14.1 | library) to ./node_modules/.pnpm/@prisma+client@4.14.1_prisma@4.14.1/node_modules/@prisma/client in 106ms [11:46:19.726] You can now start using Prisma Client in your code. Reference: [11:46:19.726] ``` [11:46:19.726] import { PrismaClient } from '@prisma/client' [11:46:19.726] const prisma = new PrismaClient() [11:46:19.726] ``` [11:46:20.216] Prisma schema loaded from prisma/schema.prisma [11:46:20.219] Datasource "db": PostgreSQL database "neondb", schema "public" at "" [11:46:23.434] [11:46:23.434] 7 migrations found in prisma/migrations [11:46:23.435] [11:46:24.955] [11:46:24.955] No pending migrations to apply. [11:46:25.028] ┌─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ [11:46:25.028] │ Update available 4.14.1 -> 4.16.2 │ [11:46:25.028] │ Run the following to update │ [11:46:25.028] │ npm i --save-dev prisma@latest │ [11:46:25.028] │ npm i @prisma/client@latest │ [11:46:25.028] └─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ [11:46:25.479] Attention: Next.js now collects completely anonymous telemetry regarding usage. [11:46:25.479] This information is used to shape Next.js' roadmap and prioritize features. [11:46:25.479] You can learn more, including how to opt-out if you'd not like to participate in this anonymous program, by visiting the following URL: [11:46:25.479] [11:46:25.479] [11:46:25.566] - info Linting and checking validity of types... [11:46:30.065] - info Creating an optimized production build... [11:46:30.172] - warn You are using an experimental edge runtime, the API might change. [11:46:44.254] [11:46:44.254] [35m🌼 daisyUI 3.1.0[0m [0m [11:46:44.386] ╰╮ [11:46:44.387] ╰─ [32m✔︎[0m [2m[ [0m1[2m ][0m theme is enabled. You can add more themes or make your own theme: [11:46:44.387] [11:46:44.387] [11:46:44.387] [32m ❤︎ Support daisyUI[0m:[0m [11:46:44.387] [11:46:48.504] - info Compiled successfully [11:46:48.511] - info Collecting page data... [11:46:58.936] - info Generating static pages (0/7) [11:46:59.016] - info Generating static pages (1/7) [11:46:59.094] - info Generating static pages (3/7) [11:46:59.108] - info Generating static pages (5/7) [11:46:59.234] - info Generating static pages (7/7) [11:46:59.459] - info Finalizing page optimization... [11:46:59.462] [11:46:59.471] Route (pages) Size First Load JS [11:46:59.471] ┌ ○ / 30.1 kB 154 kB [11:46:59.471] ├ /_app 0 B 86.2 kB [11:46:59.472] ├ ○ /404 182 B 86.4 kB [11:46:59.472] ├ λ /api/add-credits 0 B 86.2 kB [11:46:59.472] ├ λ /api/auth/[...nextauth] 0 B 86.2 kB [11:46:59.473] ├ λ /api/brevo 0 B 86.2 kB [11:46:59.473] ├ ℇ /api/completion 0 B 86.2 kB [11:46:59.473] ├ λ /api/generate 0 B 86.2 kB [11:46:59.473] ├ λ /api/remaining 0 B 86.2 kB [11:46:59.473] ├ λ /api/stripe-webhook 0 B 86.2 kB [11:46:59.473] ├ ℇ /app 64.6 kB 189 kB [11:46:59.473] ├ ○ /buy-credits 3.08 kB 99.3 kB [11:46:59.473] ├ λ /dashboard 2.13 kB 98.3 kB [11:46:59.473] ├ ○ /legals 2.12 kB 98.3 kB [11:46:59.473] ├ ○ /privacy-policy 3.07 kB 106 kB [11:46:59.473] └ ○ /terms-and-conditions 6.76 kB 110 kB [11:46:59.473] + First Load JS shared by all 99.8 kB [11:46:59.474] ├ chunks/framework-6698976aa0ea586d.js 45.2 kB [11:46:59.474] ├ chunks/main-444a144387576671.js 27.7 kB [11:46:59.474] ├ chunks/pages/_app-40393c9195184626.js 11.8 kB [11:46:59.474] ├ chunks/webpack-e184921191803155.js 1.59 kB [11:46:59.474] └ css/b15da71c0b4b522c.css 13.6 kB [11:46:59.474] [11:46:59.474] ℇ (Streaming) server-side renders with streaming (uses React 18 SSR streaming or Server Components) [11:46:59.474] λ (Server) server-side renders at runtime (uses getInitialProps or getServerSideProps) [11:46:59.474] ○ (Static) automatically rendered as static HTML (uses no initial props) [11:46:59.474] [11:47:00.185] [11:47:00.185] > @ postbuild /vercel/path0 [11:47:00.185] > next-sitemap [11:47:00.185] [11:47:00.280] ✨ [next-sitemap] Loading next-sitemap config: file:///vercel/path0/next-sitemap.config.js [11:47:00.286] ✅ [next-sitemap] Generation completed [11:47:00.287] ┌───────────────┬────────┐ [11:47:00.287] │ (index) │ Values │ [11:47:00.287] ├───────────────┼────────┤ [11:47:00.287] │ indexSitemaps │ 1 │ [11:47:00.287] │ sitemaps │ 1 │ [11:47:00.287] └───────────────┴────────┘ [11:47:00.287] ----------------------------------------------------- [11:47:00.287] SITEMAP INDICES [11:47:00.287] ----------------------------------------------------- [11:47:00.288] [11:47:00.288] ○ [11:47:00.288] [11:47:00.288] [11:47:00.288] ----------------------------------------------------- [11:47:00.288] SITEMAPS [11:47:00.288] ----------------------------------------------------- [11:47:00.288] [11:47:00.288] ○ [11:47:00.288] [11:47:00.288] [11:47:02.895] Traced Next.js server files in: 2.575s [11:47:06.714] Created all serverless functions in: 3.818s [11:47:06.923] Collected static files (public/, static/, .next/static): 5.266ms [11:47:08.065] Build Completed in /vercel/output [1m] [11:47:08.491] Deploying outputs... [11:47:08.492] Injecting preview comments into the build output, you can disable this in your project settings. [11:47:29.808] An unexpected internal error occurred ```Thanks