Open liho00 opened 2 months ago
What platform are you running on? Node.js version?
What platform are you running on? Node.js version?
tried node v18 and node v20, using remix js by hydrogen
"name": "epray",
"private": true,
"sideEffects": false,
"version": "2024.7.5",
"type": "module",
"scripts": {
"build": "shopify hydrogen build --codegen",
"dev": "shopify hydrogen dev --codegen",
"preview": "shopify hydrogen preview --build",
"lint": "eslint --no-error-on-unmatched-pattern --ext .js,.ts,.jsx,.tsx .",
"codegen": "shopify hydrogen codegen"
"prettier": "@shopify/prettier-config",
"dependencies": {
"@ai-sdk/openai": "^0.0.58",
"@remix-run/react": "^2.10.1",
"@remix-run/server-runtime": "^2.10.1",
"@shopify/hydrogen": "2024.7.4",
"@shopify/remix-oxygen": "^2.0.6",
"@vercel/remix": "^2.11.2",
"ai": "^3.3.32",
"graphql": "^16.6.0",
"graphql-tag": "^2.12.6",
"isbot": "^3.8.0",
"openai": "^4.58.2",
"react": "^18.2.0",
"react-dom": "^18.2.0",
"web-streams-polyfill": "^4.0.0"
"devDependencies": {
"@graphql-codegen/cli": "5.0.2",
"@remix-run/dev": "^2.10.1",
"@remix-run/eslint-config": "^2.10.1",
"@shopify/cli": "~3.65.3",
"@shopify/hydrogen-codegen": "^0.3.1",
"@shopify/mini-oxygen": "^3.0.4",
"@shopify/oxygen-workers-types": "^4.1.2",
"@shopify/prettier-config": "^1.1.2",
"@tailwindcss/vite": "4.0.0-alpha.17",
"@total-typescript/ts-reset": "^0.4.2",
"@types/eslint": "^8.4.10",
"@types/react": "^18.2.22",
"@types/react-dom": "^18.2.7",
"eslint": "^8.20.0",
"eslint-plugin-hydrogen": "0.12.2",
"prettier": "^2.8.4",
"typescript": "^5.2.2",
"vite": "^5.1.0",
"vite-tsconfig-paths": "^4.3.1"
"engines": {
"node": ">=18.0.0"
"browserslist": [
Whatever platform you are using (I guess hydrogen), it does not support the web standard ReadableStream pipeTo:
Can you inquire with them if they can add support?
Also, what is the exact version of @ai-sdk/openai
that you are using?
"@ai-sdk/openai": "^0.0.58",
"@ai-sdk/openai": "^0.0.58",
Whatever platform you are using (I guess hydrogen), it does not support the web standard ReadableStream pipeTo:
Can you inquire with them if they can add support?
hydrogen actually using remix js & vite js
Do you have a repo with a reproduction? Would love to take a closer look since it seems this should be supported, it's so basic.
Do you have a repo with a reproduction? Would love to take a closer look since it seems this should be supported, it's so basic.
here you go ser, but have to replace the code
I wish to use next js, however shopify hydrogen is using remix js which hitting a lot of issues, sad tho...
Code example
Additional context
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