vercel / ai

Build AI-powered applications with React, Svelte, Vue, and Solid
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Observability with OpenTelemetry #916

Open nirga opened 5 months ago

nirga commented 5 months ago

Feature Description

Instrument apps built with the AI SDK with OpenTelemetry so that users can connect it to any observability tool they want - Datadog, Honeycomb, Traceloop, etc. and get full traces of their LLMs.


Use Case

Be able to debug prompts, completions as whole traces

Additional context

I'm the maintainer of OpenLLMetry where we built a set of extensions of OpenTelemetry for GenAI applications, supporting Python and Typescript.

navkuun commented 3 weeks ago

Hey @nirga currently trying to implement openLLMetry on my vercel ai sdk application, specifically I'm using vercels AI UI sdk and it doesn't seem to be logging the traces.

nirga commented 3 weeks ago

Hey @navkuun I'm curious to learn more. Are you on nextjs? Which version?

I'd try to do 2 things to debug it:

  1. Changing log level to debug:
  2. Manually instrumenting libraries:

If you want, I'm also available on our community slack.