[23:01:00.758] Running build in Washington, D.C., USA (East) – iad1
[23:01:00.973] Cloning github.com/moonheekim0118/nx-monorepo (Branch: main, Commit: f6398c8)
[23:01:01.574] Previous build cache not available
[23:01:01.753] Cloning completed: 778.829ms
[23:01:01.753] Running "npx nx-ignore app"
[23:01:03.334] npm WARN exec The following package was not found and will be installed: nx-ignore@19.2.0
[23:01:04.483] ≫ Using Nx to determine if this project (app) is affected by the commit...
[23:02:07.452] npm WARN using --force Recommended protections disabled.
[23:02:07.452] npm WARN deprecated inflight@1.0.6: This module is not supported, and leaks memory. Do not use it. Check out lru-cache if you want a good and tested way to coalesce async requests by a key value, which is much more comprehensive and powerful.
[23:02:07.452] npm WARN deprecated abab@2.0.6: Use your platform's native atob() and btoa() methods instead
[23:02:07.452] npm WARN deprecated domexception@4.0.0: Use your platform's native DOMException instead
[23:02:07.453] npm WARN deprecated rimraf@3.0.2: Rimraf versions prior to v4 are no longer supported
[23:02:07.453] npm WARN deprecated @humanwhocodes/object-schema@2.0.3: Use @eslint/object-schema instead
[23:02:07.453] npm WARN deprecated w3c-hr-time@1.0.2: Use your platform's native performance.now() and performance.timeOrigin.
[23:02:07.453] npm WARN deprecated glob@7.1.4: Glob versions prior to v9 are no longer supported
[23:02:07.453] npm WARN deprecated glob@7.1.7: Glob versions prior to v9 are no longer supported
[23:02:07.453] npm WARN deprecated @humanwhocodes/config-array@0.11.14: Use @eslint/config-array instead
[23:02:07.453] npm WARN deprecated glob@7.2.3: Glob versions prior to v9 are no longer supported
[23:02:08.372] fatal: Not a valid object name HEAD^
[23:02:08.372] fatal: No such ref: 'HEAD^'
[23:02:08.372] nx affected:graph
[23:02:08.372] Graph dependencies affected by changes
[23:02:08.373] Run command using --base=[SHA1] (affected by the committed, uncommitted and untracked changes):
[23:02:08.373] --base Base of the current branch (usually main) [string]
[23:02:08.373] or using --base=[SHA1] --head=[SHA2] (affected by the committed changes):
[23:02:08.373] --base Base of the current branch (usually main) [string]
[23:02:08.373] --head Latest commit of the current branch (usually HEAD) [string]
[23:02:08.373] or using:
[23:02:08.374] --files Change the way Nx is calculating the affected command by providing directly changed files, list of files delimited by commas [array]
[23:02:08.374] --uncommitted Uncommitted changes [boolean]
[23:02:08.374] --untracked Untracked changes [boolean]
[23:02:08.374] Options:
[23:02:08.374] --help Show help [boolean]
[23:02:08.374] --version Show version number [boolean]
[23:02:08.374] --file Output file (e.g. --file=output.json or --file=dep-graph.html) [string]
[23:02:08.376] --focus Use to show the project graph for a particular project and every node that is either an ancestor or a descendant. [string]
[23:02:08.376] --exclude Exclude certain projects from being processed [array] [default: []]
[23:02:08.376] --groupByFolder Group projects by folder in the project graph [boolean]
[23:02:08.376] --host Bind the project graph server to a specific ip address. [string]
[23:02:08.376] --port Bind the project graph server to a specific port. [number]
[23:02:08.376] --watch Watch for changes to project graph and update in-browser [boolean] [default: false]
[23:02:08.377] --open Open the project graph in the browser. [boolean] [default: true]
[23:02:08.377] --all All projects [boolean]
[23:02:08.377] --runner This is the name of the tasks runner configured in nx.json [string]
[23:02:08.377] --skip-nx-cache Rerun the tasks even when the results are available in the cache [boolean] [default: false]
[23:02:08.377] --configuration This is the configuration to use when performing tasks on projects [string]
[23:02:08.378] --only-failed Isolate projects which previously failed [deprecated: The command to rerun failed projects will appear if projects fail. This now does nothing and will be removed in v15.] [boolean] [default: false]
[23:02:08.378] --verbose Prints additional information about the commands (e.g., stack traces) [boolean] [default: false]
[23:02:08.378] --nx-bail Stop command execution after the first failed task [boolean] [default: false]
[23:02:08.378] --nx-ignore-cycles Ignore cycles in the task graph [boolean] [default: false]
[23:02:08.378] Examples:
[23:02:08.379] affected:graph --files=libs/mylib/src/index.ts Open the project graph of the workspace in the browser, and highlight the projects affected by changing the index.ts file
[23:02:08.379] affected:graph --base=main --head=HEAD Open the project graph of the workspace in the browser, and highlight the projects affected by the changes between main and HEAD (e.g., PR)
[23:02:08.379] affected:graph --base=main --head=HEAD --file=output.json Save the project graph of the workspace in a json file, and highlight the projects affected by the changes between main and HEAD (e.g., PR)
[23:02:08.379] affected:graph --base=main --head=HEAD --file=output.html Generate a static website with project graph data in an html file, highlighting the projects affected by the changes between main and HEAD (e.g., PR)
[23:02:08.379] affected:graph --base=main~1 --head=main Open the project graph of the workspace in the browser, and highlight the projects affected by the last commit on main
[23:02:08.380] affected:graph --exclude=project-one,project-two Open the project graph of the workspace in the browser, highlight the projects affected, but exclude project-one and project-two
[23:02:08.380] Find more information and examples at https://nx.dev/cli/affected-graph
[23:02:08.380] Error: Command failed: git merge-base --fork-point "HEAD^" "HEAD"
[23:02:08.380] fatal: No such ref: 'HEAD^'
[23:02:08.380] at genericNodeError (node:internal/errors:984:15)
[23:02:08.381] at wrappedFn (node:internal/errors:538:14)
[23:02:08.381] at checkExecSyncError (node:child_process:890:11)
[23:02:08.381] at execSync (node:child_process:962:15)
[23:02:08.381] at getFilesUsingBaseAndHead (/vercel/path0/node_modules/nx/src/utils/command-line-utils.js:283:50)
[23:02:08.381] at parseFiles (/vercel/path0/node_modules/nx/src/utils/command-line-utils.js:252:20)
[23:02:08.381] at projectsToRun (/vercel/path0/node_modules/nx/src/command-line/affected.js:100:145)
[23:02:08.381] at Object.<anonymous> (/vercel/path0/node_modules/nx/src/command-line/affected.js:29:26)
[23:02:08.381] at Generator.next (<anonymous>)
[23:02:08.382] at fulfilled (/vercel/path0/node_modules/tslib/tslib.js:166:62) {
[23:02:08.382] status: 128,
[23:02:08.382] signal: null,
[23:02:08.382] output: [
[23:02:08.382] null,
[23:02:08.382] <Buffer >,
[23:02:08.382] <Buffer 66 61 74 61 6c 3a 20 4e 6f 20 73 75 63 68 20 72 65 66 3a 20 27 48 45 41 44 5e 27 0a>
[23:02:08.383] ],
[23:02:08.383] pid: 242,
[23:02:08.383] stdout: <Buffer >,
[23:02:08.383] stderr: <Buffer 66 61 74 61 6c 3a 20 4e 6f 20 73 75 63 68 20 72 65 66 3a 20 27 48 45 41 44 5e 27 0a>
[23:02:08.383] }
[23:02:08.386] > NX Nx didn't recognize the following args: file, watch, open
[23:02:08.387] When using '--' all executor args have to be defined after '--'.
[23:02:08.387] fatal: Not a valid object name HEAD^
[23:02:08.387] fatal: No such ref: 'HEAD^'
[23:02:08.387] nx affected:graph
[23:02:08.387] Graph dependencies affected by changes
[23:02:08.388] Run command using --base=[SHA1] (affected by the committed, uncommitted and untracked changes):
[23:02:08.388] --base Base of the current branch (usually main) [string]
[23:02:08.388] or using --base=[SHA1] --head=[SHA2] (affected by the committed changes):
[23:02:08.388] --base Base of the current branch (usually main) [string]
[23:02:08.388] --head Latest commit of the current branch (usually HEAD) [string]
[23:02:08.389] or using:
[23:02:08.389] --files Change the way Nx is calculating the affected command by providing directly changed files, list of files delimited by commas [array]
[23:02:08.389] --uncommitted Uncommitted changes [boolean]
[23:02:08.389] --untracked Untracked changes [boolean]
[23:02:08.389] Options:
[23:02:08.389] --help Show help [boolean]
[23:02:08.390] --version Show version number [boolean]
[23:02:08.390] --file Output file (e.g. --file=output.json or --file=dep-graph.html) [string]
[23:02:08.390] --focus Use to show the project graph for a particular project and every node that is either an ancestor or a descendant. [string]
[23:02:08.390] --exclude Exclude certain projects from being processed [array] [default: []]
[23:02:08.390] --groupByFolder Group projects by folder in the project graph [boolean]
[23:02:08.390] --host Bind the project graph server to a specific ip address. [string]
[23:02:08.390] --port Bind the project graph server to a specific port. [number]
[23:02:08.391] --watch Watch for changes to project graph and update in-browser [boolean] [default: false]
[23:02:08.391] --open Open the project graph in the browser. [boolean] [default: true]
[23:02:08.391] --all All projects [boolean]
[23:02:08.391] --runner This is the name of the tasks runner configured in nx.json [string]
[23:02:08.391] --skip-nx-cache Rerun the tasks even when the results are available in the cache [boolean] [default: false]
[23:02:08.391] --configuration This is the configuration to use when performing tasks on projects [string]
[23:02:08.391] --only-failed Isolate projects which previously failed [deprecated: The command to rerun failed projects will appear if projects fail. This now does nothing and will be removed in v15.] [boolean] [default: false]
[23:02:08.391] --verbose Prints additional information about the commands (e.g., stack traces) [boolean] [default: false]
[23:02:08.392] --nx-bail Stop command execution after the first failed task [boolean] [default: false]
[23:02:08.392] --nx-ignore-cycles Ignore cycles in the task graph [boolean] [default: false]
[23:02:08.392] Examples:
[23:02:08.392] affected:graph --files=libs/mylib/src/index.ts Open the project graph of the workspace in the browser, and highlight the projects affected by changing the index.ts file
[23:02:08.392] affected:graph --base=main --head=HEAD Open the project graph of the workspace in the browser, and highlight the projects affected by the changes between main and HEAD (e.g., PR)
[23:02:08.392] affected:graph --base=main --head=HEAD --file=output.json Save the project graph of the workspace in a json file, and highlight the projects affected by the changes between main and HEAD (e.g., PR)
[23:02:08.393] affected:graph --base=main --head=HEAD --file=output.html Generate a static website with project graph data in an html file, highlighting the projects affected by the changes between main and HEAD (e.g., PR)
[23:02:08.393] affected:graph --base=main~1 --head=main Open the project graph of the workspace in the browser, and highlight the projects affected by the last commit on main
[23:02:08.393] affected:graph --exclude=project-one,project-two Open the project graph of the workspace in the browser, highlight the projects affected, but exclude project-one and project-two
[23:02:08.393] Find more information and examples at https://nx.dev/cli/affected-graph
[23:02:08.393] Error: Command failed: git merge-base --fork-point "HEAD^" "HEAD"
[23:02:08.393] fatal: No such ref: 'HEAD^'
[23:02:08.394] at genericNodeError (node:internal/errors:984:15)
[23:02:08.394] at wrappedFn (node:internal/errors:538:14)
[23:02:08.394] at checkExecSyncError (node:child_process:890:11)
[23:02:08.394] at execSync (node:child_process:962:15)
[23:02:08.394] at getFilesUsingBaseAndHead (/vercel/path0/node_modules/nx/src/utils/command-line-utils.js:283:50)
[23:02:08.394] at parseFiles (/vercel/path0/node_modules/nx/src/utils/command-line-utils.js:252:20)
[23:02:08.394] at projectsToRun (/vercel/path0/node_modules/nx/src/command-line/affected.js:100:145)
[23:02:08.394] at Object.<anonymous> (/vercel/path0/node_modules/nx/src/command-line/affected.js:29:26)
[23:02:08.395] at Generator.next (<anonymous>)
[23:02:08.395] at fulfilled (/vercel/path0/node_modules/tslib/tslib.js:166:62) {
[23:02:08.395] status: 128,
[23:02:08.395] signal: null,
[23:02:08.395] output: [
[23:02:08.396] null,
[23:02:08.396] <Buffer >,
[23:02:08.396] <Buffer 66 61 74 61 6c 3a 20 4e 6f 20 73 75 63 68 20 72 65 66 3a 20 27 48 45 41 44 5e 27 0a>
[23:02:08.397] ],
[23:02:08.397] pid: 242,
[23:02:08.397] stdout: <Buffer >,
[23:02:08.397] stderr: <Buffer 66 61 74 61 6c 3a 20 4e 6f 20 73 75 63 68 20 72 65 66 3a 20 27 48 45 41 44 5e 27 0a>
[23:02:08.398] }
[23:02:08.398] 🛑 - Build cancelled due to the error above. You may need to use --additional-packages option if using Nx plugins to infer targets e.g. Project Crystal. (Hint: commit with "[nx deploy]" to force deployment if necessary)
[23:02:08.405] The Deployment has been canceled as a result of running the command defined in the "Ignored Build Step" setting.
I followed this documentation and got some errors
nx monorepo exmple build failed with theses logs