vercel / geist-font
SIL Open Font License 1.1
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Using with Tailwind CSS docs leads to Cumulative Layout Shift #53

Open barrymichaeldoyle opened 8 months ago

barrymichaeldoyle commented 8 months ago

Font Name (Geist Sans/Geist Mono):

Description of the Issue: When using the docs supplied here there is an initial flash of rendering a fallback font which causes a Cumulative Layout Shift from initially rendering the screen. It's not great for my lighthouse score :)

Reverting to solves it.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Follow the
  2. See layout shift on load (disable cache and run on slow network to se layout shift on text)
  3. Follow to see it working fine

Expected Behavior: I expect the tailwind css docs to recommend a way that works without cumulative layout shift (i.e. it should work like the app-router docs)

Environment (please complete the following information):