Open dapperdandev opened 6 years ago
I have the exact same problem with almost the same setup. In my Powershell profile script I have:
Import-Module posh-git
Import-Module oh-my-posh
Set-Theme Agnoster
Apart from the extra whitespace being added like @djbreen7 has shown, some of the unicode characters are not being rendered properly (I'm using NerdFont's patched Fira Code as the font).
I'm using version 3.0.0-canary.8
I forgot I still had this open. I opened an issue with oh-my-posh regarding the extra whitespace: issue 127.
@osalinasv As a workaround for the cursore displacement, I edited the Agnoster theme by commenting out this code
# ~/Documents/WindowsPowerShell/Modules/oh-my-posh/2.0.247/Themes
# check for elevated prompt
If (Test-Administrator) {
$prompt += Write-Prompt -Object "$($sl.PromptSymbols.ElevatedSymbol) " -ForegroundColor $sl.Colors.AdminIconForegroundColor -BackgroundColor $sl.Colors.SessionInfoBackgroundColor
I have the exact same problem with almost the same setup. In my Powershell profile script I have:
Import-Module posh-git Import-Module oh-my-posh Set-Theme Agnoster
Apart from the extra whitespace being added like @djbreen7 has shown, some of the unicode characters are not being rendered properly (I'm using NerdFont's patched Fira Code as the font).
I'm using version 3.0.0-canary.8
the same issue,I can not find a way to solve it
Any followup so far? I like my emojis 🎈
Using Hyper with the oh-my-posh agnoster-theme causes cursor displacement when run as admin. It appears the lightning bolt emoji is partly the culprit, though it renders fine in cmder or conemu. In other words, the problem appears to be the way Hyper is rendering fonts/themes since the themes render fine in other terminals.
Repro Steps
Install-Module posh-git
Install-Module oh-my-posh
code $profile