Open moneyhouse opened 1 year ago
might be problems with shell as far as i know the default shell is cmd to fix this paste the below hyper.js:
{ "updateChannel": "stable", "fontSize": 12, "fontFamily": "Menlo, \"DejaVu Sans Mono\", Consolas, \"Lucida Console\", monospace", "fontWeight": "normal", "fontWeightBold": "bold", "lineHeight": 1, "letterSpacing": 0, "cursorColor": "rgba(248,28,229,0.8)", "cursorAccentColor": "#000", "cursorShape": "BLOCK", "cursorBlink": false, "foregroundColor": "#fff", "backgroundColor": "#000", "selectionColor": "rgba(248,28,229,0.3)", "borderColor": "#333", "css": "", "termCSS": "", "workingDirectory": "", "showHamburgerMenu": "", "showWindowControls": "", "padding": "12px 14px", "colors": { "black": "#000000", "red": "#C51E14", "green": "#1DC121", "yellow": "#C7C329", "blue": "#0A2FC4", "magenta": "#C839C5", "cyan": "#20C5C6", "white": "#C7C7C7", "lightBlack": "#686868", "lightRed": "#FD6F6B", "lightGreen": "#67F86F", "lightYellow": "#FFFA72", "lightBlue": "#6A76FB", "lightMagenta": "#FD7CFC", "lightCyan": "#68FDFE", "lightWhite": "#FFFFFF", "limeGreen": "#32CD32", "lightCoral": "#F08080" }, "shell": "pwsh", "shellArgs": [], "env": {}, "bell": "SOUND", "copyOnSelect": false, "defaultSSHApp": true, "quickEdit": false, "macOptionSelectionMode": "vertical", "webGLRenderer": true, "webLinksActivationKey": "", "disableLigatures": true, "disableAutoUpdates": false, "screenReaderMode": false, "preserveCWD": true }
also check if python is installed
another problem might be the user variable sometimes python or node js etc dont get acess to user variable as such you might find problems make sure to check it :)
[x] Your version is 3.4.1. Please verify you're using the latest version
[ ] I have searched the issues of this repo and believe that this is not a duplicate
Any relevant information from devtools? (CMD+OPTION+I on macOS, CTRL+SHIFT+I elsewhere):
Is the issue reproducible in vanilla
.hyper.js contents
```json { "plugins": [ "hypercwd", "hyper-search", "hyperpower", "hyper-material-theme" ], "localPlugins": [] } ```