Closed JerryCauser closed 6 years ago
@timneutkens any thoughts?
Does this work combining next-sass and next-less? I want with theming support and work my app with SASS.
I don't think we have to provide this as a plugin / next.js specific thing, as far as I know the current setup of how plugins work, which is:
const withTs = require('@zeit/next-typescript')
const withSass = require('@zeit/next-sass')
const config = {}
module.exports = withTs(withSass(config))
Where every plugin returns the configuration object. Is perfect for usage with for example: compose-function.
@sfernandezsl, yes it should work. next-less and next-sass will work together bcs they are using same textExtractor. If you wanna split them, then add you custom extractors in each config.
@timneutkens, what happen if I add config for withTs
? How it should look? With compose it will look like that:
const withTs = require('@zeit/next-typescript')
const withSass = require('@zeit/next-sass')
const compose = require('@zeit/next-compose')
const tsConfig = {}
const sassConfig = {}
module.exports = compose([
[withTs, tsConfig],
[withSass, sassConfig],
webpack: (config) => {
/**some special code code*/
return config
with surrent setupd it will looks like:
const withTs = require('@zeit/next-typescript')
const withSass = require('@zeit/next-sass')
const tsConfig = {}
const sassConfig = {}
module.exports = withTs({
webpack(config, options) {
return withSass({
webpack: (config, options) => {
/**some special code code*/
return config
And if we wanna to add new chunk between TS and Sass or shuffle it, we will rewrite it. It is a callback hell.
I used composing idea from babelrc, where we can add presets and plugins in same way: if we need pure plugin/preset - just add his name. If we wanna pass some arguments(options) in it, then pass plugin as an array where the first elem is a plugin and rest are arguments.
But if you really don't wan't add it as off pluginm then I can create comunity plugin. Is it okay?
You're wrong as to the configuration format:
The config is 1 object, taken my example:
const withTs = require('@zeit/next-typescript')
const withSass = require('@zeit/next-sass')
const config = {}
module.exports = withTs(withSass(config))
You can add sass and typescript config like:
const withTs = require('@zeit/next-typescript')
const withSass = require('@zeit/next-sass')
const config = {
sassLoaderOptions: {},
cssModules: true,
typescriptLoaderOptions: {}
module.exports = withTs(withSass(config))
basically plugins always extend the main configuration.
Yeah, my bad. I thought, we need to pass config for each plugin. But how can I use two textExtractors at same time then? Ah, I forgt what we can not pass the rule fields... And can't specify which folder will handle each rule... For myself I used modified next-sass. It can handle aditional rules. I created pull request for that feature and using in my projects.
One of my config:
const webpack = require('webpack')
const withSass = require('./scripts/next-sass')
const ExtractTextPlugin = require('extract-text-webpack-plugin')
const commonsChunkConfig = require('./scripts/next-sass/commons-chunk-config')
const compose = require('./scripts/next-compose')
const {join} = require('path')
const styleLoaderOptions = {
cssLoaderOptions({dev}) {
return {
modules: true,
localIdentName: dev ? '[local]-[hash:base64:5]' : '[hash:base64:5]',
sourceMap: false
sassLoaderOptions: {
sourceMap: false,
includePaths: ["./", "./styles/base"]
const extractVendorCSSPlugin = new ExtractTextPlugin('static/vendor.css')
const extractAppCSSPlugin = new ExtractTextPlugin('static/app.css')
module.exports = compose([
[withSass, {
cssLoaderOptions: { modules: false, sourceMap: false },
sassLoaderOptions: styleLoaderOptions.sassLoaderOptions,
extractCSSPlugin: extractVendorCSSPlugin,
rules: {
include: [join(__dirname, "styles")]
[withSass, {
extractCSSPlugin: extractAppCSSPlugin,
rules: {
exclude: [join(__dirname, "styles")]
webpack(config, options) {
const providePlugin = new webpack.ProvidePlugin({
'fetch': 'isomorphic-unfetch',
'React': 'react'
if (!options.isServer) {
config = commonsChunkConfig(config, /\.(scss|sass)$/)
return config
Yaeh, for current implemetation it is just another pattern of generating config. You are using sequince of decorators, I'm using composition.
So, is it okay to make it as community plugin?
And one more question: how work webpackDevMiddleware
? Is it calling webpack
and use config that return? And when we can use webpackDevMiddleware
It's a different configuration, for webpackDevMiddleware, you can check it out in the source code 👍
Should it be in off package?
code is very simple:
and using like that: