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Use with React Router 4 #1632

Closed Knaackee closed 4 years ago

Knaackee commented 7 years ago

Is it possible to use next.js with the new react router v4?

oyeanuj commented 7 years ago

@Knaackee Did you try out the possibility? I am wondering as well if someone has gotten it to work with any version of RR?

sergiodxa commented 7 years ago

Next has his own router, why use RR?

oyeanuj commented 7 years ago

@sergiodxa Weighing options as I port my existing app to Next. I have a static, nested route config working and wondering what can I keep using, and what not..

sergiodxa commented 7 years ago

@oyeanuj πŸ€” you can gradually migrate to Next, just set Next.js to handle 1 route and use a proxy to have both your current app and the Next.js one, then move a second route from RR to Next.js, and that way you can keep your current app while migrating, eventually you will have everything in Next.js

igl commented 6 years ago

From looking at the examples it seems that next has a single route table like RRv2-3 and does not support "nested routes" like RRv4. These are nice.

I would try to use RR or is there a big caveat i don't know about?

mrwillis commented 6 years ago

@igl Have you figured out a solution to that?

jcheroske commented 6 years ago

The new react-router 4 paradigm of nested routes is a game-changer, and is something of a must-have in our current project. I'm wondering if anyone has succeeded in getting rr4 to work with next.js?

malixsys commented 6 years ago

MemoryRouter does work, if not as intended... Otherwise, dynamic components can be client-side only, where HashRouter works fine...

const AdminPage = dynamic(
  { ssr: false }
pegiadise commented 6 years ago

I 'm also following @malixsys approach and handling client side routing with react-router and all the server rendered content with next router.

dennis-b commented 6 years ago

@malixsys @pegiadise can u please give some more details how to use next router and react-router together ?

pegiadise commented 6 years ago

You can set a flag in componentDidMount and conditionally render the <Router /> when the flag is truthy. (componentDidMount does not run on server πŸ˜‰)

jaydenseric commented 6 years ago

In fact, we're incorporating React Router inside Next.js soon :) β€”

JonCognioDigital commented 6 years ago

Is this still happening? I can see the release notes for V6 canary and there is no mention of it.

timneutkens commented 6 years ago

Eventually. It's definitely on our minds. We've got other priorities right now (layout component, reliable development and a few other long standing open issues).

JonCognioDigital commented 6 years ago

That is a shame, it might be low priority for the team but it's basically the only thing stopping people like me from starting to use it. I read your tutorial until I got to the bit where it said that routes have to be set up twice then gave up.

willopez commented 6 years ago

@timneutkens adding react router integration would help increase nextjs adoption and make development better. Devs like myself would love to see this happen, please consider increasing the priority.

romainquellec commented 6 years ago

That is a shame, it might be low priority for the team but it's basically the only thing stopping people like me from starting to use it.


benkingcode commented 6 years ago

Can we at least re-open this issue so it can be tracked?

timneutkens commented 6 years ago

I'm going to reopen this, but note that this is an open source project and we don't have a very strong case for it at this moment for, since we use Next.js for everything.

This is why I was saying it's part of the longer term goals and can't be implemented immediately, but we're working towards it.

The features I've been introducing in Next 6 are actually working towards React Router support.

We had other priorities for Next 6, which are tremendously improving Next.js's reliability and scalability, for example 100x faster page resolving, App Component, making next export work in development, babel 7, etc.

I hope this elaborates on my earlier comment.

So the TLDR is:

rauchg commented 6 years ago

To further extend @timneutkens's comment: we definitely want RR, but we don't have any pressing limitations in the current Router that make it a priority. All the routing use-cases you can imagine have been implemented successfully with the current Next.js API

There are two reasons we really want React Router support for:

As such, I agree we should keep this issue open!

merrywhether commented 6 years ago

As a counterpoint, not having react-router means that next works nicely with relay-modern and was one of the reasons we switched to next from our old react-router app.

igl commented 6 years ago

@merrywhether I worked on an RRv4 app with relay-modern last year. Care to be more specific? I don't remember us having serious issues because of either.

merrywhether commented 6 years ago

@igl This is according to relay's documentation:

The problem is that RRv4's component approach doesn't allow for determinism during the pre-compilation step, which can result in request waterfalls in the client.

benkingcode commented 6 years ago

@rauchg Out of interest, my understanding of Next's router is that it doesn't support the concept of nested routing, so you can keep outer markup while navigating within a page. Do you know if there is a way to make this possible with the current router?

sergiodxa commented 6 years ago

@dbbk check our nextgram example app (, it does exactly that

merrywhether commented 6 years ago

In next 5, we're accomplishing "outer markup" by having top-level layout components that all of our pages extend: base layout has top nav, then a few sub-layouts that extend base for lists/details/etc, and then our pages components extend these sub-layouts with their own specific content. In next 6, you could also accomplish basic "outer markup" using _app.js I believe.

srallen commented 5 years ago

Will the next version be configurable to choose a routing solution that is not React Router?

kontopro commented 5 years ago

Hi, i only need react router in order to pass props to pages (using <Route render ={} /> instead of <Route component ={} /> ), can i do it with Next?

vjpr commented 5 years ago

See There are scarce docs atm, but some brief explanation in

7c78 commented 5 years ago

From looking at the examples it seems that next has a single route table like RRv2-3 and does not support "nested routes" like RRv4. These are nice.


Does this mean I have to create a single page for a single route?

Let say if I have 2 routes sign up, log in. I would have 1 page that shares the same layout, the only difference is area of forms. That is I just need to create 1 file in pages folder. But with next routes I have to create 2 files in pages folder. Is it?

If it is, then the layout is is remounted with every navigation, not just forms area, right?

7c78 commented 5 years ago

merrywhether commented 5 years ago

@7c78 One thing you can do is leverage _app.js for persistent page layout for all pages. The other thing to do is to create shared layout components that you can reuse throughout various pages in order to achieve what you are looking for:

// pages/login.js

class LoginPage extends React.Component {
  render() {
    return (
      <AuthForm>    // same component can be reused in signup
          ...implementation of login

Additionally, you can do what we've done recently and define base layout components that your page components all extend:


class BaseAuth extends React.Component {
  abstract formContent();  // we use typescript, but you can have the same concepts
  abstract formSubmit():

  render() {
    return (

And then you just extend BaseAuth in your login and signup pages and define formContent and formSubmit in each of them (these are toy examples, since I don't know you exact requirements).

7c78 commented 5 years ago

@merrywhether I currently use your approach, and next examples use it too.

But my concern is I need to create separate pages for separate forms. That is layout is reused but not page. And the layout is is remounted with every navigation.

With RRv4, we have single page and forms are rendered/remounted based on routes (not the whole page). Routes are just components.

Thank for fast response!

merrywhether commented 5 years ago

@7c78 That's true about remounting, though I do think the DOM nodes are re-used as the vDOM resolves to the same state.

It's not something we've been super concerned with because we also can't use react-router with relay-modern, so we've had to use this pattern regardless.

7c78 commented 5 years ago

@merrywhether I am not sure about vDOM because server returns new document/html for every routes. Sorry, ignore this assumption, I am just a newbie.

I agree that we have to use this pattern anyway. Thanks!

rovansteen commented 5 years ago

You can use RR with next.js by having your whole app be in the pages/index.js but you lose some of the goodies of next like out of the box code splitting and have to set that up yourself.

disintegrator commented 5 years ago

I would love it if Reach Router was considered. It's very similar to react-router and brings some important benefits:

romainquellec commented 5 years ago

Reach Router is also great πŸ₯‡

AndrewIngram commented 5 years ago

RR-style dynamic routes are a nice API, but static (and statically analysable) routing brings a lot of benefits too. Neither approach is a slam-dunk winner.

zenflow commented 5 years ago

@sorokinvj That's only supported via a plugin (currently) ..

williamli commented 5 years ago

static links are so basic that it doesn’t even support parameters in links...

i am using a third party package next-routes for now to get around it

Sent from my iPhone

On 24 Oct 2018, at 23:01, Andy Ingram wrote:

RR-style dynamic routes are a nice API, but static (and statically analysable) routing brings a lot of benefits too. Neither approach is a slam-dunk winner.

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merrywhether commented 5 years ago

We're using next-routes as well for the time-being, but I believe the next team is working on adding path parameters to their file-system routing via regex file names (inspired by Sapper).

curran commented 5 years ago

@merrywhether I'm using next-routes as well but would prefer this be part of Next.js core.

You mentioned

I believe the next team is working on adding path parameters...

I'm curious do you have any reference for this? Perhaps an open issue for route parameters? I'm not able to find one... Perhaps the plugin solves the need and that will be the recommended solution going forward.

merrywhether commented 5 years ago

@curran The source was a tweet from on of the sapper.js devs, saying that next was taking inspiration from sapper.js and implementing regex-filename-routing in a future version. Of course, Twitter being what it is, I could not for the life of me find the original tweet.

TrejGun commented 5 years ago

This issue was raised on Apr 5, 2017 and now is Feb 27, 2019. Almost 2 years and no solution May be its time to replace half-assed built-in router with something good?

curran commented 5 years ago

Ouch. That's quite insulting to NextJS devs who put many hours into the routing solution.

ivan-kleshnin commented 5 years ago

I missed ReactRouter at first. Now I don't even remember NextJS has a different Router until someone reminds me. Verbose Link API is trivial to wrap with proxies (depending on your data/API architecture), for example. Sharing this top secret: πŸ˜†

import _Link from "next/link"
export function Link({as, children, href}) {
  as = as || QS.parse(U.parse(href).query || "").url || null // QS, U are parsing libs
  return <_Link as={as} href={href}>
<Link as="/about" href="/page?url=/about"/> verbose
<Link href="/page?url=/about"/> ok

I think we all should spend less time complaining about secondary stuff πŸ˜‰

ceddybi commented 5 years ago

@ivan-kleshnin Nice i added a similar wrapper

timneutkens commented 5 years ago

As per previous comment I'd like to point to

I've hidden said comment.

revskill10 commented 5 years ago

I have no problem with next/router for most of use cases. But it should improve a bit on the universal routing part. In case of Now 2 deployment, i'd love to just take now.json and use it to route in my application.