vercel / next.js

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Fix: The issue in importing fonts in buildable next.js libraries #66889

Open sooraj-shukla opened 3 days ago

sooraj-shukla commented 3 days ago


In the current canary version of Next.js, importing Next.js fonts in any buildable Next.js library is not supported. Attempting to do so will result in a build failure, with an error indicating that the fonts are not exported from the package. I've created a fresh repository where the issue can be reproduced by following the instructions in the README.



There are following use cases of having a buildable library

  1. Creating a custom theme library for various Next.js applications.
  2. Utilizing buildable libraries to enable incremental building capabilities in monorepos (For example, when using Nx's incremental builds).


The barrel files in next/fonts didn't export the fonts which was the root cause of the issue.

Fixes #51476

ijjk commented 3 days ago

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sooraj-shukla commented 1 day ago

Could someone please take a look at this small change and suggest me if there is something else that I should do so that this gets merged? It's solving an existing issue in next/font due to which few people are not able to create next.js libraries where using font is required, for example, a theme library.