vercel / turborepo

Build system optimized for JavaScript and TypeScript, written in Rust
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[turborepo] Possibility to define ignore patterns - .turboignore and respective property in pipeline configuration #3970

Closed b12k closed 7 months ago

b12k commented 1 year ago

Which project is this feature idea for?


Describe the feature you'd like to request

It would be very handy to be able to ignore directories/files/*.ext globally and per workspace (using .turboignore), per task (using turbo.json).

That will allow more freedom in monorepo structure and more granular control over task execution.

Describe the solution you'd like


Similar to .gitignore in the repo root and per workspace.

Also like .eslintignore, .prettierignore and other common tools do.


  "$schema": "",
  "pipeline": {
    "build": {
      "dependsOn": ["^build"],
      "outputs": ["dist"],
      "ignores": ["infra", "*.tf"]
    "publish": {
      "dependsOn": ["build"]

Describe alternatives you've considered

Different monorepo structure.

mehulkar commented 1 year ago

Just to make sure I understand, what would this feature do?

E.g. you can ignore files that Turborepo watches for changes to bust the cache by using the inputs option. I think something this would work:

  "$schema": "",
  "pipeline": {
    "build": {
      // all files in src except .tf files are "watched". When they change,
      // `turbo run build` will use a new cache key
      "inputs": ["src/**/*", "!*.tf"]
b12k commented 1 year ago


Regarding .turboignore

It would allow to ignore patterns globally/per-workspace with out a need to touch every pipeline in turbo.json. Folders with docs and architecture decision records are nice to keep alongside with code base they related to. But we do not want them to trigger pipelines - I would ignore them globally.

Regarding inputs

In test monorepo i created following instruction doesnt work:

"inputs": ["*", "!ignored/**/*"]

or any variation of it

"inputs": ["**/*", "!ignored/*"] etc...


It would be very handy to be able to include everything (no inputs prop) and explicitly exclude specified files/directories (ignores prop).

mehulkar commented 1 year ago

It would allow to ignore patterns globally/per-workspace

are you wanting to ignore global files (e.g ./ at the root of your monorepo)? Or the same set of files in every workspace? e.g. app-a/somefile.txt, app-b/somefile.txt, app-c/somefile.txt).

It would allow to ignore patterns

I'm still not 100% I understand why you mean by "ignore". I may have taken us off course by introducing inputs, since your original question mentioned outputs. For outputs, I think you could mean:

Could you clarify your use case a little more (apologies if I'm being dense and don't understand 😅 )

i created following instruction doesnt work:

On a side note, in 1.9 we'll have some insight into how globs are being expanded:, so hopefully that helps with this.

b12k commented 1 year ago

I'm not referencing outputs anywhere.

What I mean is to be able to ignore changes of the content of certain files or folders in a pipeline definition in turbo.json.

For example:

What I mean is to be able to specify what should be excluded (not included, or ignored) in cache affecting mechanism.

  "$schema": "",
  "pipeline": {
    "build": {
      "outputs": ["dist"],
      "inputs": ["*", "!*.md"] // take everything except *.md files (this doesn't work)


  "$schema": "",
  "pipeline": {
    "build": {
      "outputs": ["dist"],
      // no inputs prop - take everything
      "ignores": ["*.md"] // ignore *.md files

.turboignore and ignores prop - Specifies intentionally excluded files, directories from cache affecting list.

Word ignore is chosen because its common practice. .gitignore - what should not be included in git .eslintignore - what should be excluded from linting .prettierignore - what should not be code formatted

mehulkar commented 1 year ago

"inputs": ["", "!.md"] // take everything except *.md files (this doesn't work)

@b12k I think this is the bug that @gsoltis is fixing in! I think once that is merged that should give you a way to do what you're looking for.

I'm not referencing outputs anywhere.

My mistake :). I got that impression from the title of this issue: "[turborepo] Possibility to define ignore patterns - .turboignore and similar to outputs configuration"

b12k commented 1 year ago

@mehulkar Oops, take my apologies. Changed the title to be more correct.

jcollum-nutrien commented 1 year ago

I'd like to see some ignore options as well. I have tests in spec.ts files. Most of them are unit tests. But some are e2e tests that won't run locally so they aren't relevant for turbo. I see no way to ignore that folder that contains e2e tests in the docs.


    "test": {
      "inputs": ["!e2e/**"],

but it still tries to run e2e tests

psychobolt commented 1 year ago

This feature is needed if we wanted to cache lint task or running lint task only on root workspace e.g.

    "//#lint": {
      "inputs": ["**/*", "!packages/**", "!apps/**"]

Root workspace scripts

  "scripts": {
    "lint": "eslint ."

Running lint on root workspace, should not be a cache miss if for any workspace project change.

b12k commented 1 year ago


jkjustjoshing commented 10 months ago

If the eventual solution for this is to use a negative glob in the inputs array, I'd like to see an explicit example in the documentation on how to write a glob that mirrors the "inputs": [] behavior (take all files) but excludes a file/glob. Most of the negative glob examples I've seen are something like "inputs": ["src/**/*.js", "!src/**/*.test.js"], which doesn't behave at all similarly to [].

Which of these would be correct?

I don't know, and since globbing syntax is different everywhere, it's not clear how I can verify without experimenting with Turbo. If the Turbo documentation explicitly made it clear how to do this it would increase my confidence in this feature.

Alternatively (or in addition to), if all input globs are negative, have it first include all files in the workspace like [] does, and then apply the negative globs.

anthonyshew commented 7 months ago

Hey, folks! We were just discussing this Issue amongst a few of us on the core team and we're thinking today's turbo has this concern almost fully taken care of. A few notes:

Hopefully those three items get us a little closer to the needs in this Issue. Like I said, I think we're close.

Now, some thoughts on the design proposed in this Issue:

With those ideas in mind, I have a strawman I've been thinking about for awhile:

// turbo.json
  "templates": {
    "inputs": {
      "&&FOO&&": ["!*.md"],
      "&&BAR&&": ["!*.test.*"]
  "pipelines": {
    "build": {
      "inputs": ["$TURBO_DEFAULTS$", "&&FOO&&", "&&BAR&&", "!README.mdx"]

Hopefully I can let that code block speak for itself. I imagine I'll be writing an RFC for this in the future to gauge if other folks want this - but I've wanted it personally for quite some time! If anyone reading this doesn't want to wait for me to write it, feel free to beat me to it in a Discussion with the RFC label!

So, with that long-winded reply, I'm going to close this issue since turbo has changed in a few ways that materially impact this issue. If you feel strongly that we're way off here and that this feature request should still be taken into consideration, please do open a fresh RFC in Discussions with the features that have been released in the past year in mind!

Grsz commented 4 days ago


I see the documentation has been updated, supporting ! in inputs, but "inputs": [..., "!**/*.test.ts"] still triggers a rebuild when test files are changed in watch mode. I guess it's not expected behaviour.

anthonyshew commented 2 days ago

@Grsz Please open an issue with a reproduction.