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Public IP addresses? #210

Closed dragGH102 closed 6 years ago

dragGH102 commented 6 years ago

I think Verge is a great project. However, when I found this, I got quite astonished...:

Is this source reliable? i.e. does Verge blockchain keep IP addresses linked to transactions? Because if so, I see no privacy here

Thanks for clarifying

wertzuiop123 commented 6 years ago

dont post fud trash here... You do realize there is an option for the transaction to be public OR private right? Or do you even read? That means, if chosen public...the IP address WOULD be visible

wertzuiop123 commented 6 years ago

dont post fud trash here... You do realize there is an option for the transaction to be public OR private right? Or do you even read? That means, if chosen public...the IP address WOULD be visible

dragGH102 commented 6 years ago

@wertzuiop123 I do have some XVG, I have NO interest in spreading FUD. This is Github. Issues are meant to highlight issues. If you provide a clear explanation (instead of just "can choose") I'll be happy to amend my comment. Also reading of people being banned from Discord and everything, that's not nice

dragGH102 commented 6 years ago

btw, @wertzuiop123 I see you joined Github TODAY. I believe accountability matters when making statements :) Please clarify and I'll be glad not just to amend my post but also write a post IN FAVOR or Verge

scottAnselmo commented 6 years ago

@dragGH102 Yes, reliable source. Core wallet prior to the 4.0 release didn't have integrated Tor and leaked IP. New wallet (4. 0) despite containing Tor code doesn't actually obfuscate IPs which means it isn't private even according to Justin's (dev) definition. Connections to and cryptoradio are also sent over HTTP instead of HTTPS.

Fr4g3roO commented 6 years ago

@monceeef hey , can you post some images so the whole FUD can be stopped

justinvforvendetta commented 6 years ago

radio is no longer connected. tor is integrated just needs to be put into the makefiles and the new update pushed

Fr4g3roO commented 6 years ago

@justinvforvendetta awesome work bruh, put it in twitter with images so the whole fuzz gets over xD

sciack76 commented 6 years ago

exactly there is no radio in verge qt 4.0... Tor wasn't enabled yet. Just relax and everything will be fine.

dragGH102 commented 6 years ago

Guys, chill. Verge is not just a money machine but technology. Discussions on potential issues are only healthy for the project in the mid/long-term. Provide clear explanations and I'll write a post anti-FUD :D

ghost commented 6 years ago

PLEASE learn the difference between private/public ledger addresses and IP obfuscation (hiding your network IP)...

Wraith is supposed to enable hiding of private wallet addresses/transactions...

IP obfuscation (hiding your network IP), on the other hand has been well established within verge for a very long time. Utilizing the TOR (onion router) and i2p networks, wraith was not about this.

dragGH102 commented 6 years ago

@anicca444 thanks for the explanation. I don't know Verge enough to confirm it's a good answer, but for now I consider it as such. Closing the issues and no FUD here ;)

scottAnselmo commented 6 years ago

Utilizing the TOR (onion router) and i2p networks, wraith was not about this.

@anicca444 It is according to Verge team. Multiple graphics from Verge team reference integrated Tor integration being a part of Wraith (although as noted above, all versions of Verge core wallet, Wraith or not leak your ResNet IP's which makes Verge not private according to Justin/dev's own definition):

For proof of Tor integration that is supposed to be a part of Wraith see this graphic from

And this graphic from

Or Justin's comment that Tor is integrated, but not released.

justinvforvendetta commented 6 years ago

this is where tor is being integrated, and its very near completion:

justinvforvendetta commented 6 years ago

and yes, our android app has been hiding users ip addresses via onion since it was released.

bryanx86 commented 6 years ago

It hid my IP. I did not find it in a search of the leaked ip's.

bryanx86 commented 6 years ago

I know fud when I read it. This is GitHub tho, not twitter. Lol. Keep up the great work. I love the UI on the Android app. Dark theme. @justinvforvendetta

CryptoSyndrome commented 6 years ago

@dragGH102 hey drag, in general any reliable source will provide the steps of reproducing the steps which lead to his conclusion. I asked the owner of the tweet (which had that site as his " evidence " of the leaked IP) about the steps he made to collect the claimed leaked IPs. no answer until now.

@sanecito would you mind writing down the steps and the commands lines which led to exposing these IPs?

justinvforvendetta commented 6 years ago

@CryptoSyndrome running netstat on the p2p port of a core wallet returns users and nodes that are connected to it. the verge electrum and android wallets do not do that, and we are making this core wallet retain user ip as well, but integration of tor, in the wraith-tor branch. it's near completion now.

justinvforvendetta commented 6 years ago

as seen in this article:

some people think it isn't a huge flaw to expose ip, but here at verge, we take that seriously, and do think it is a huge problem, which is why we release tor and i2p wallets in android and electrum, and now, this one will be as well.