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Does the Verge team really develop XVG or make this coin by assembling the features from dead bodies??? #304

Closed kiennd closed 6 years ago

kiennd commented 6 years ago

Dear Verge Dev Team, In fact is not any official communication channel between all people and the Verge team without this github. I know that posts in github are for the developers’ logs during the development phase but I don’t know anywhere to get the dev team’s answers so I’m sorry for my post here.

From the bottom of my heart I have to publicize my doubts about your projects.

When the first time I knew the Verge (XVG), I was really impressed by the Verge’s idea in a charge of Verge hodler and considered this project to be very promising. But I have continually lost my faith in the Verge because:

  1. There have been a lot of problems in the quality of the Verge product. I reviewed your recent codes committed on github, and I found that on 1/1/2018 you still make some codes that are gotten from some dead crypto projects. I wonder if the Verge dev team have made the Verge with a lot of bugs ( by collecting the features of the dead bodies???

a. Fantom: ??? Fantom is from here ???


b. BottleCaps: ???\


c. ShadowCoin: ???


  1. There are a lot of ambiguity during the Verge release periods: the information is not consistent from your sources: Everyone can see your github link I don’t understand why you use ‘VVraith’ instead of ‘Wraith’ which is used in your road map and blackpaper, so why is the typo??? tricky???


Besides, as we know, your commitment is the Release 2’

Plz give us the official announcement instead of a lot of ambiguity with the answers from nickname VergeDev in your Discord (Where is the dev leader, sunerok with the nickname justinvendetta) , the unofficial words from the one called Verge Whale on twitter, ….???

Finally, thank you for your efforts in recent days. Have a nice day !

sasasavic82 commented 6 years ago

@kiennd ... you sound like an ant, trying to understand nuclear physics... or worse yet, an ant trying to lecture a nuclear physicist on how to build a nuclear reactor.

please do everybody a favour and close this ticket ... either help, or contribute in a meaningful way. if you're not sure about verge and the product, then sell your holdings and move on.

kiennd commented 6 years ago

I just want to share the info to all people who have the right to know about this crypto

rafaeloliveiras commented 6 years ago

Do you know what OPEN SOURCE means? Many coins share many techs in commom. Don't be a fool.. If a program or a part of it is OPEN, ANY DEV can USE the CODE. Facebok, YouTube and etc are a merge from many open sourced projects. Don't ask it again for anyone. OMG.

tomazzaman commented 6 years ago

@kiennd reading your comments, I assume you're not a developer. If you were, you'd understand that not much code is written from scratch these days. There are frameworks that help us build software by using common best practices, libraries that we use all the time, because we don't need to write everything from scratch.

We also often look into other similar open source projects and take what we think fits our use cases. So any developer, reading your doubts (which I think are sincere and not hateful), will only smile and move on, understanding what you do not.

rafaeloliveiras commented 6 years ago

OMG what a fool people.. Bmw manufactor EVERY SINGLE PIECE OF A CAR? The Boeing and Embraer manufactor 100% of all pieces like avionics and etc? The answer is NO. For god sake..

mnott commented 6 years ago

Actually, I think it deserves a comment. For once, just because I'm a developer and researcher myself, I very much am interested on which shoulders a project is standing. As a non-developer, I'd be rightly concerned seeing things that from the outside look like simple code copy/paste. That has the potential to create FUD.

A good practice from the research community would be to reference openly what was reused, i.e. to give credit to original writers; and then also to clearly state the contribution of the project. For example, there is ZEC.X (and of which the price we'd probably all want to see here at some point), and it also claims to have a stealth feature. What is the difference?

Otherwise saying, we should not complain about FUD: People have (albeit hopefully only temporarily) written off serious amounts of money. That makes them angry. Rather than shutting them off, this project here should clearly have a marketing - and more generally, documentation - strategy that is proactive, rather than reactive.

At this moment, all I get with Verge is a wallet that doesn't synchronize (and no firewall in between), that has very basic UI glitches (like the language dropdown), and that I need to compile from source, which in addition entails a whole set of additional steps. That's not a delivered product, it's something in development. I can live with that (also because I don't currently need the about 40k USD that I've dumped into this project, so I can wait).

An ex-boss of mine once said, I don't understand the fundamentals of software sales when I was asking why are we selling something that I, as the developer, know does not exist yet. It's not about having the product, it's about selling it.

I'm not suggesting not to do anything here, but I do suggest to get a lot better on the sales side. Bear in mind, second-best products tend to be the survivors.

fr4z3n commented 6 years ago

@kiennd Okay I understand your concerns.

I developed many years on WoW emulated servers. It's also based on opensource. There are many projects and some are better, some are worse. It's the same in crypto-development. Everything is opensource - some are good, some are bad.

Firstly you adress the issue of the quality. The quality is not bad because of the underlying sourcecodes, it is because it was rushed to be released and many bugs were discovered after the release. This is NORMAL for an opensource project! Because there is no tester team. (most of the time)

Secondly you adress that sourcecode is taken from "dead" projects. Well they might be dead, because their vision was not good enough, but the sourcecode might be great. I know that! So I'm not going further down with your listing of the dead bodies.

Third you adress the issue that in the release period there was no consistent information: Yes I can confirm this and would like to see some improvments there. The community is going on github and searching for news, but many of the users don't understand the development and waiting for travis builds which means nothing. I would like to have consistent news between twitter / facebook / website, when a release is done.

Thank you for reading.

sasasavic82 commented 6 years ago

^^^ what he said

kiennd commented 6 years ago

If you are developers, you will understand my words when looking into the source codes :).

In the software development, the product need to be tested successfully before releasing a version for public. But until know, although announcing the 'VVraith Release 2' (not 'Wraith Release 2) unofficially, there have bean a lot of basic errors in coding, and no commitment with the deadline (1/1/2018), unplanned :D, who knows when the wraith works well??? the dev leader Sunerok (justinvendetta), XVGWhale, McAffee or someone else can answer us???

Really unprofessionally in the Verge team :) Plz listen to me :D I don't intend to ruin the Verge but I think my info really helps you, HODLERS, INVESTORS and Verge FANS :)

Plz don't deceive yourself and looking into the truth :)

fr4z3n commented 6 years ago

Okay, we tried to explain it to you, but you have no clue of development. And no clue about opensourceprojects.

Your answer is not valuable to me because of your smilies and overused questionmarks.

Best regards

kiennd commented 6 years ago

@fr4z3n: I have some emotions because I feel funny when you don't want to see the truth. You want we deceive together about something bad.

fr4z3n commented 6 years ago

You are referring to software development and it has to be tested. Did you ever work as a developer? I know how the code looks and can understand the commithistory. I'm not amused by what I see but I can understand the developer. I'm not amused but I'm used to it. This is opensource and not a mainstream company. Therefore I believe in the potential.

TheOwlie commented 6 years ago

Having been a coder for 20 years I can second what @fr4z3n said.

In any product there is reused code. (all websites, all apps on the internet use third party libraries and open source frameworks). If you would to reinvent the wheel every time you code.. you would be years left behind so no coder does that anymore. I'm content with 20% being own code.

And to remind people this isn't a well oiled release process company, and they do not have any great marketing team (yet), but neither was any 5 man team from the beginning. Next release they will have learned and more people on board to help with that process.

Writing 100% coverage tests is more or less impossible (at least on a 5 man team), sometimes it's better to release fast and rely on users for quick feedback (but making sure basics works which they missed on one bug IMHO, but that they also solved).

If you do not know the basics of product development and especially a release process. Just get out and invest in Verge when you think it's ready enough, you won't get as much out of it as someone with knowledge of the prior.. but you can feel safe if that's your main concern.

I got a working version in under 3 days after deadline, I'd say that is pretty good on a second version of a product.

Also @kiennd just stop trolling, you obviously don't have enough knowledge about anything above here... and then you do not hold the truth.

Now just close this issue, since it's not an issue.

fr4z3n commented 6 years ago

@TheOwlie well said. Nothing more to add.

kiennd commented 6 years ago

@tomazzaman tom I am developer and I know that developers like me reuse source codes to make a project. As you know, we need polish our products and make it the best as we can before publicizing a release of the product, right? And you can see the carelessness of the dev, why there is still the name of another dead project in the committed code. What's the hell? This shows not good and careless developers, right??? so who commits the quality of the Verge (XVG) projects and make a warranty for your XVG coins????? You want someday your coins to be disappeared with no reason???


satrya-sabeni commented 6 years ago

@kiennd Yes, it's the release was earlier than ideal but at the same time the deadline really needed be met this time. Look at the work that's been pushed out the last 2 days, obviously they're working very hard to polish it. You can see the code that needs to be be updated, being updated. You expect them to completely reinvent the wheel again when it's already there? It's part of the game, adopt what you can, adjust it to your own project and make it better, that's how it's always been. Just give it some time.

akvn90 commented 6 years ago

@kiennd You said:" why there is still the name of another dead project in the committed code" The codes in Red Color are the ORIGINAL codes. They were replaced with the NEW codes in Green Color. Github keeps the old code so that developers can see which lines were changed in a commit. All the other dead projects ' names have been replaced.
Please don't pretend that you are a developer. You know nothing about open source.

sasasavic82 commented 6 years ago

he's trolling.. close this issue

justinvforvendetta commented 6 years ago

monero is forked from bytecoin

zcash is forked from bitcoin, and so on...

maybe you dont understand how this works because the most complex thing in your repository is a sudoku game.