vergoh / vnstat

vnStat - a network traffic monitor for Linux and BSD
GNU General Public License v2.0
1.36k stars 120 forks source link

CentOS 7 - very outdated version in EPEL repo #194

Closed nunoperalta closed 3 years ago

nunoperalta commented 3 years ago


I installed vnstat on CentOS 7 using yum, from EPEL.

The version installed seems to be vnStat 1.15. However, I see there have been loads of releases since, and this version is from 2015.

Is there a reason why the version in EPEL is so old, and is there a more maintained repo?

I understand I can build manually, but I'd like to avoid having to do that on every new release.

Thank you.

vergoh commented 3 years ago

I suspect that (but I can be wrong) EPEL 7 may no longer be updated as EPEL 8 also exists and looking from the latest version is available there. For Red Hat / Fedora / CentOS packaging, the correct issue tracker to ask for more information is as I'm not the binary package maintainer of any distribution.

nunoperalta commented 3 years ago

Version 1.15 doesn't even seem to work at all. Left it overnight, and only created errors in syslog, and didn't really log anything. Can't understand why CentOS keeps such old/broken version in their repos, all the time.

Compiled now 2.6 and works perfectly. Thank you very much!