verified-network-toolchain / petr4

Petr4: Formal Semantics for P4
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A wider range of serializable enums are well-formed in Petr4 compared to p4 spec #392

Open pataei opened 1 year ago

pataei commented 1 year ago

Petr4 defines a wider range of enum as well-formed compared to P4 spec. Specifically, Petr4 only checks that the underlying type is well-formed whereas P4 spec states that the underlying type can only be one of bit<w>, int<w>, or a type name defined by typedef where the base type is a fixed-length (signed or unsigned) integer. Note that Petr4 does check this when a serializable enum is being defined.

Petr4 code

The following is the related block of code for checking if a type is well-formed:

is_well_formed_type env (typ: Typed.Type.t) : bool =
  match saturate_type env typ with
 | ...
 | Enum {typ; _} ->
    begin match typ with
    | None -> true
    | Some typ -> is_well_formed_type env typ
 | ...

The following is the block of code for declaring a serializable enum, however, even here Petr4 doesn't check that the argument passed to the underlying type is constant, that is, Petr4 allows bit<exp> as the underlying type whereas P4 spec only allows bit<w>:

and type_serializable_enum env ctx tags annotations underlying_type (name: P4String.t) (members: (P4String.t * Expression.t) list) =
  let expr_ctx = ExprContext.of_decl_context ctx in
  let underlying_type =
    |> translate_type env []
    |> saturate_type env
  let underlying_type =
    match underlying_type with
    | Int _ | Bit _ -> underlying_type
    | _ -> raise_mismatch tags "fixed width numeric type for enum" underlying_type
  let member_names = ~f:(fun member -> (fst member).string) members in
  let enum_type: Typed.Type.t =
    Enum { name = name.string; typ = Some underlying_type; members = member_names }
  let add_member (env, members_typed) ((member: P4String.t) , expr) =
    let member_name = QualifiedName {prefix = []; tags = member.tags; name={tags = name.tags; string = name.string ^ "." ^ member.string}} in
    let expr_typed = cast_expression env expr_ctx underlying_type expr in
    match compile_time_eval_expr env expr_typed with
    | Some value ->
       |> CheckerEnv.insert_type_of member_name enum_type
       |> CheckerEnv.insert_const member_name
            (VEnumField { typ_name = name.string;
                          enum_name = member.string }),
       members_typed @ [ member, expr_typed ]
    | None -> failwith "could not evaluate enum member"
  let env = CheckerEnv.insert_type (QualifiedName {prefix=[]; name; tags = name.tags}) enum_type env in
  let env, member_names = List.fold_left ~f:add_member ~init:(env, []) members in
  let enum_typed =
    Prog.Declaration.SerializableEnum { annotations; typ=enum_type; name; members = member_names; tags } in
  enum_typed, env

P4 spec (v1.2.3)

Enumeration types states that: "The symbol typeRef in the grammar above must be one of the following types:

Quick fix

Add the check of assert_runtime_numeric and define a helper such as is_constant that checks that exp in bit<exp> or int<exp> is a constant.

pataei commented 1 year ago
pataei commented 1 year ago

discussed this with Ryan and we're wondering why P4 limits the underlying type of an enum to bit<W> and int<W>, instead of limiting them to be int<exp> or ibt<exp> and requiring exp to be compile-time-known. @jnfoster do you know?

pataei commented 1 year ago

This isn't the only place where P4 spec is more restrictive for fixed-length integers. See #397