verifykit / verifykit-sdk-android

VerifyKit Android SDK
MIT License
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Getting 429 for a long time #8

Closed mbi-at-vngrs closed 1 year ago

mbi-at-vngrs commented 1 year ago


We are using verifykit's sms verification method to confirm our users from their phone numbers. Sending requests to /v1.0/send-otp and /v1.0/check-otp endpoints of verifykit. However, one of the environment is stacked due to getting 429 Too many request error for these requests although we can do same operations from other environments such as dev and local environments with the same token successfully. We think that our env's ip has been blocked from verifykit side.

How can we resolve this situation without any change from our side? Any tips or recommendations?

mbi-at-vngrs commented 1 year ago

ping for the latest committers @hsmnzaydn @rooest would you help me to resolve this ? 😄

mbi-at-vngrs commented 1 year ago

this issue resolved thanks to the product manager help. They are waiting X-Vfk-Forwarded-For in the request headers such as

curl  --request POST '' --header 'X-Vfk-Server-Key: YOUR-SERVER-KEY' --header 'X-Vfk-Forwarded-For: END-USER-IP-ADDRESS' --header 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"phoneNumber":"PHONE_NUMBER","countryCode":"COUNTRY_CODE"}'

We have missed this detail but it can be checked from this link too