verilator / verilator

Verilator open-source SystemVerilog simulator and lint system
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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Fix finding signals in interface above class #5208

Open solomatnikov opened 1 week ago

solomatnikov commented 1 week ago
%Error: Internal Error: t/t_interface_class.v:29:9: ../V3Scope.cpp:73: Can't locate varref scope
                                                  : ... note: In instance 'APB3_TB_top.apb3_intf.APB3_concrete_BFM'
   29 |         PENABLE <= '0;
      |         ^~~~~~~

Can you attach an example that shows the issue? (Must be openly licensed, ideally in test_regress format.)

From "Abstract BFMs Outshine Virtual Interfaces for Advanced SystemVerilog Testbenches"

// DESCRIPTION: Verilator: Verilog Test module
// This file ONLY is placed under the Creative Commons Public Domain, for
// any use, without warranty, 2024 by .
// SPDX-License-Identifier: CC0-1.0

package APB3_pkg_Fig4;
   virtual class APB3_BFM;
      pure virtual task write (int unsigned addr, data);
      pure virtual task read (int unsigned addr, output int unsigned data);

interface APB3_TB_intf(input bit PCLK);
   import APB3_pkg_Fig4::*;

   typedef logic [15:0] addr_t;
   typedef logic [15:0] data_t;

   addr_t PADDR;
   data_t PWDATA, PRDATA;

class APB3_concrete_BFM extends APB3_BFM;
   task write(int unsigned addr, data);
      @(posedge PCLK)
    PSEL <= '1;
        PENABLE <= '0;
        PWRITE <= '1;
        PADDR <= addr_t'(addr);
        PWDATA <= data_t'(data);
      @(posedge PCLK)
    PENABLE <= 1'b1;
      do @(posedge PCLK); while (!PREADY);
      PSEL <= 1'b0;
      PENABLE <= 1'b0 ;

   task read (int unsigned addr, output int unsigned data);
      @(posedge PCLK)
    PSEL <= '1;
        PENABLE <= '0;
        PWRITE <= '0;
        PADDR <= addr_t'(addr);
      @(posedge PCLK)
    PENABLE <= 1'b1;
      do @(posedge PCLK); while (!PREADY);
      PSEL <= '0;
      PENABLE <= '0 ;
      data = int'(PRDATA);

   APB3_concrete_BFM bfm = new;

module APB3_TB_top;
   import APB3_pkg_Fig4::*;

   bit CLK;
   always #5 CLK = ~CLK; // clock generator

   APB3_TB_intf apb3_intf(CLK);
/* -----\/----- EXCLUDED -----\/-----
   APB3_device DUT(
 -----/\----- EXCLUDED -----/\----- */
   initial begin : Test_Activity
      APB3_BFM bfm; // abstract BFM reference
      int read_data;
      bfm = apb3_intf.bfm; // reference to BFM
      bfm.write(100, 1234);, read_data);
      if (read_data != 1234)
    $display("error: unexpected read data");

What 'verilator' command line do we use to run your example?

verilator --prefix Vt_interface_class ../obj_vlt/t_interface_class/Vt_interface_class__main.cpp --exe --make gmake --x-assign unique -cc -Mdir obj_vlt/t_interface_class --fdedup --debug-check --comp-limit-members 10 --clk clk  -f +define+TEST_OBJ_DIR=obj_vlt/t_interface_class +define+TEST_DUMPFILE=obj_vlt/t_interface_class/simx.vcd --timing  t/t_interface_class.v

What 'verilator --version' are you using? Did you try it with the git master version?


What OS and distribution are you using?

Linux 5.14.0-427.20.1.el9_4.x86_64
wsnyder commented 1 week ago

Probably similar fix as to whatever's needed for #5212 - this one might be easier to fix first though.

As always due to large backlog pull requests to fix this are welcome.

solomatnikov commented 1 week ago

5212 might hit this bug too after 2 other bugs are fixed