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ODIN_II: always block doesn't behave properly with or and * #1368

Open emacdo12 opened 4 years ago

emacdo12 commented 4 years ago

Expected Behaviour

An always block executes when the signal inside changes. For instance, if the always block is written as: always@(a or b), the statements in said block will execute when either signal a or b changes. This error also occurs when always @(*) . This is the equivalent of always@(a or b) if a and b are the only inputs. If there was an input c it would be equivalent to always@(a or b or c)

Current Behaviour

Odin doesn't wait for a signal change but executes in each instance. The exception is when posedge or negedge is called then is waits for a posedge or negedge and in the meantime outputs xs.

Possible Solution

It should be similar to posedgoe or negedge but just compare that it changes.

Steps to Reproduce

module simple_op(a,b,c,out);
    input  a;
    input  b;
     input  c;
    output reg out;

    always @(a or c) begin
        out = a & b;
0 0 0 0
1 0 1 0
0 1 0 0
1 1 1 0
1 1 1 1
✔ {12:11}[]~/workspace/vtr-verilog-to-routing/ODIN_II:[ML/DNN ✭|… 12⚑ 1] ➭ ./odin_II -V regression_test/benchmark/verilog/ML/always_or_event.v -t regression_test/benchmark/verilog/ML/always_or_event_input -T regression_test/benchmark/verilog/ML/always_or_event_output 
Welcome to ODIN II version 0.1 - the better High level synthesis tools++ targetting FPGAs (mainly VPR)
Email: and for support issues

Using Lut input width of: -1
Verilog: always_or_event.v
High-level synthesis Begin
Parser starting - we'll create an abstract syntax tree. Note this tree can be viewed using Grap Viz (see documentation)
Adding file regression_test/benchmark/verilog/ML/always_or_event.v to parse list
Optimizing module by AST based optimizations
Converting AST into a Netlist. Note this netlist can be viewed using GraphViz (see documentation)
Detected Top Level Module:  simple_op
Performing Optimizations of the Netlist
Performing Partial Map to target device
Outputting the netlist to the specified output format
Successful High-level synthesis by Odin
    Blif file available at default_out.blif

    ==== Stats ====
Number of <FF_NODE> node:                 0
Number of <INPUT_NODE> node:              2
Number of <OUTPUT_NODE> node:             1
Number of <CLOCK_NODE> node:              0
Number of <GENERIC> node:                 1
Total estimated number of lut:            1
Total number of node:                     1
Longest path:                             3
Average path:                             3

Elaboration Time: 0.9ms

Reading top level module
Reading blif netlist...
100%|==================================================>| Total time: 0.5ms    
Netlist Simulation Begin
Simulation starts 
Beginning simulation. Output_files located @: .
Simulating 5 existing vectors from "regression_test/benchmark/verilog/ML/always_or_event_input".

  Nodes:           10
  Connections:     4
  Threads:         1
  Degree:          0.40
  Stages:          4
  Nodes/thread:    10(100.00%)

100%|==================================================>| Total time: 0.2ms    

Warning::OUTPUT_BLIF Vector 0 equivalent but output vector has bits set when expecting don't care :
    0  in output_vectors
    x in regression_test/benchmark/verilog/ML/always_or_event_output
Warning::OUTPUT_BLIF Vector 1 equivalent but output vector has bits set when expecting don't care :
    0  in output_vectors
    x in regression_test/benchmark/verilog/ML/always_or_event_output
Warning::OUTPUT_BLIF Vector 3 mismatch:
    1  in output_vectors
    0 in regression_test/benchmark/verilog/ML/always_or_event_output
Error::OUTPUT_BLIF Vector files differ.
/home/emacdo12/workspace/vtr-verilog-to-routing/ODIN_II/SRC/simulate_blif.cpp:223: void simulate_netlist(netlist_t*): Fatal error
Aborted (core dumped)
.model simple_op
.inputs simple_op^a simple_op^b simple_op^c
.outputs simple_op^out

.names gnd
.names unconn
.names vcc

.names simple_op^a simple_op^b simple_op^bAND~0^lAND~2
11 1

.names simple_op^bAND~0^lAND~2 simple_op^out
1 1



Your Environment

jeanlego commented 4 years ago

could you also attach the blif file to verify whether this is indeed a synthesis problem and not part of the simulator

jeanlego commented 3 years ago

this is broken in synthesis, not simulation