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Dashboard for RRGraph API refactoring status #1868

Open tangxifan opened 2 years ago

tangxifan commented 2 years ago

Motivation of Refactoring effort

A detailed technical plan can be found at link

The overall refactoring effort aims to

image Fig. 1 Illustration of the relationship between data structures

image Fig. 2 Different levels of frame views of routing resource graphs to satisfy various needs from client functions.

The result/benefits of the refactoring efforts is


RRGraphBuilder API to be refactored:

RRGraphView API to be refactored:

tangxifan commented 2 years ago

@ethanroj23 @hariszafar-lm @hamzakhan-rs I summarized our ongoing refactoring effort here and created a checklist. The idea is to keep a memo for all of us on the progress bar, so that we all know where we are and how far we are to reach the destination.

baberali-rs commented 2 years ago

@tangxifan There are some new APIs which do not exist in rr_node.h or anywhere you mentioned above and we will implement them in RRGraphView or RRGraphBuilder, right? @ethanroj23 Can you please tell me which APIs you are currently working on? So that we can work on others.

ethanroj23 commented 2 years ago

@baberali-rs I am currently working on node_type(), node_type_string(), and node_side_string() in RRGraphView.

tangxifan commented 2 years ago

@ethanroj23 Thanks for the update. While are you working these APIs, would you mind the Rapidsilicon team working on merging the rr_segment into RRGraphView? We will be active in resolving any merging conflicts.

ethanroj23 commented 2 years ago

@tangxifan I would not mind. That would be very helpful, thanks!

tangxifan commented 2 years ago

@baberali-rs Yes. I have discussed with @vaughnbetz and @kmurray. We agree to

See details in

I believe you and your team can start developing the step 1 & 2 in the checklist and create pull requests.

Let me know if you have any questions.

tangxifan commented 2 years ago

As discussed with @vaughnbetz, once the API refactoring is done. We should do the follow-up refactoring

tangxifan commented 2 years ago

@vaughnbetz If I misunderstood your message, feel free to comment. I will formulate the problem.

tangxifan commented 2 years ago

As discussed with @ethanroj23 , some of the remaining tasks on the APIs will be assigned to Rapidsilicon team

vaughnbetz commented 2 years ago

Thanks @tangxifan. You captured my thoughts well. Basically refactoring into a separate library may not be desirable with a low-level function interface (which is what we have) as we may need inlining for acceptable performance, and that will be left the linker and may not be possible or reliable.

ethanroj23 commented 2 years ago

@tangxifan which API are you referencing above called nodes()? I could only find usages of a function called nodes() for the TimingGraph. The same is true for rr_switches(). Are these meant to be brand new APIs? If so, what would be your desired functionality for each?

tangxifan commented 2 years ago

@ethanroj23 You are right.

It is designed when we consider the context of t_rr_node (there are only nodes and we can access a node using rr_node[i]) However, now, this is a graph. The accessor API should be more precise. For example,

You can refer to my implementation at

It will help you when implementing the method

For other APIs, we may consider to deprecate them. Since current APIs always relay on an id to get the information you want, we no long return a data structure t_rr_node anymore. However, it is safer to double check. I am open to add other APIs if necessary.

For rr_switches(), it is brand new APIs. It is a similar story than merging the rr_segments into RRGraphView. Can you look into the PR #1910 ? After that, if you are still confused, we can talk.

Let me know what you think.

ethanroj23 commented 2 years ago

@tangxifan Thank you for the explanation, this makes more sense now! I will begin implementation of this new API and look for feedback once I have done enough for a WIP PR.

tangxifan commented 2 years ago

Hi @ethanroj23   I believe you can try the vtr::make_range(begin(), end()), since the existing APIs begin() and end() are already there.  You can refer to the rr_graph_ohj.h  

The begin() and end() are actually iterators. Just need to find a way to use the make_range() function  

tangxifan commented 2 years ago

@behzadmehmood-rs @umariqbal-rs Thank you very much on the good work. We have accomplished all the major tasks in this refactoring effort. We are approaching the final destination! I have listed the last few steps before we can extract the routing resource graph data structure as library.

Please let me know which step you want to take the ownership.

behzadmehmood-rs commented 2 years ago

@tangxifan Thank you for your support. We are ready to own the first four tasks.

vaughnbetz commented 2 weeks ago

@tangxifan : I think this can be closed. Agreed?

vaughnbetz commented 2 weeks ago

Or maybe it's waiting for the last item: unit tests?

tangxifan commented 2 weeks ago

@vaughnbetz The unit tests have been built in #2150 but not yet merged. Feel sorry for the delayed review. I will catch that this summer. I am o.k. to close the PR and create a new one on the unit tests.