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SystemVerilog support using Verific #849

Open MohamedElgammal opened 4 years ago

MohamedElgammal commented 4 years ago

As for know, Odin doesn't support SystemVerilog. I think of using Verific as frontend tool to parse systemVerilog and even verilog for Odin. I tried to do so and parse the designs using Verific then dump a verilog netlist but the problem was that Verific doesn't dump all its data structures in the verilog netlist. However, if you could add a parser to parse verific data structure, you will have a complete verilog/systemverilog support.

mithro commented 4 years ago

FYI -- You can use a Yosys Commercial License (which is Yosys + Verific library) with VtR to parse SystemVerilog.

MohamedElgammal commented 4 years ago

Hi Tim, Yeah I know that flow and already tried it too. But it's main issue is that it maps everything thing to soft logic and never used hard blocks like DSPs and BRAMs. Regards, Mohamed.

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From: Tim Ansell Sent: Tuesday, July 23, 5:45 p.m. Subject: Re: [verilog-to-routing/vtr-verilog-to-routing] SystemVerilog support using Verific (#849) To: verilog-to-routing/vtr-verilog-to-routing Cc: Mohamed Elgammal, Author

FYI -- You can use a Yosys Commercial License (which is Yosys + Verific library) with VtR to parse SystemVerilog. — You are receiving this because you authored the thread. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub, or mute the thread

jeanlego commented 4 years ago

Thanks for this :)

We are actively trying to get up to par with Verilog 2005 and hopefully have a large part of it in soon. Afterwards, we will definitely have a look as this is a very demanded feature!

mithro commented 4 years ago

@MohamedElgammal - To map to BRAM + DSPs you need to set up your techmaps in Yosys. See an example for Xilinx Series 7 --

vaughnbetz commented 4 years ago

@jeanlego verific parses System Verilog, and loads up a netlist. As Mohamed said, he tried dumping that into vanilla structural verilog for Odin-II to parse, but both the yosys+verific dumper and the verific Tcl script dumper leave important info about the design out of their output netlist, so the output isn't complete.

Presumably all the data is indeed in memory in the verific data structures, so Odin-II could link to them, query them, and get the netlist.

We have an academic license for verific, so we didn't have to pay to get this functionality, and presumably other academic users wouldn't have to either.

So this is a significant project, but is something to consider as an alternative/complementary path to improved language support.

mithro commented 4 years ago

@vaughnbetz what is the data that you are missing from the Yosys output?

MohamedElgammal commented 4 years ago

@mithro rom blocks for example are dumped as empty blocks as shown in this block diagram: Ram_in_verific_dump

mithro commented 4 years ago

@MohamedEldafrawy What is your yosys script look like?

MohamedEldafrawy commented 4 years ago

I think you meant to mention @MohamedElgammal

Sorry for closing the discussion by mistake!

MohamedElgammal commented 4 years ago

To dump Verilog netlist using yosys passes, I used the following commands: verific -sv verific -import -d top.v

I have also tried to dump from verific tcl interface directly using the following script: analyze -sysv elaborate optimize write -format verilog top.v

mithro commented 4 years ago

Have you tried;

verific -sv
verific -import
write_verilog top.v

Might also need a synth or similar in there....

MohamedElgammal commented 4 years ago

@mithro thanks alot. I tried it now and it worked and dumped the memory cells.