veripool / verilog-mode

Verilog-Mode for Emacs with Indentation, Hightlighting and AUTOs. Master repository for pushing to GNU, and
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/*AUTOWIRE*/ is ignoring existing declaring of typedef objectss #1731

Closed afuller525 closed 2 years ago

afuller525 commented 2 years ago

I am attempting to use user-defined struct objects on the port list of a submodule. I discovered that /AUTOWIRE/ is failing to notice if an intermediate bus is already defined if it is of a user-defined type. This leads to the bus being added to the automatic wire list unnecessarily, and then the compiler gives a redeclaration error.

Below is a very contrived and simplified example. In the top module, the object "b" gets added to the automatic wires list even though it is already declared in this module scope.


module top (c, a);

typedef struct {
logic   x;
logic   y;
} mystruct_t;

// Beginning of automatic outputs (from unused autoinst outputs)
output mystruct_t   c;          // From inst1 of submod.v
// End of automatics

// Beginning of automatic inputs (from unused autoinst inputs)
input mystruct_t    a;          // To inst0 of submod.v
// End of automatics

// Wire declarations
mystruct_t b;

// Beginning of automatic wires (for undeclared instantiated-module outputs)
mystruct_t      b;          // From inst0 of submod.v
// End of automatics

/* submod AUTO_TEMPLATE (
 .out   (b[]),
 .in    (a[]),
 ); */    
submod  inst0
(// Outputs
 // Outputs
 .out               (b),             // Templated
 // Inputs
 .in                (a));            // Templated

/* submod AUTO_TEMPLATE (
 .out   (c[]),
 .in    (b[]),
 ); */    
submod  inst1
 // Outputs
 .out               (c),             // Templated
 // Inputs
 .in                (b));            // Templated

endmodule // Local Variables: // verilog-typedef-regexp: "_t$" // End:


module submod (out, in); typedef struct { logic x; logic y; } mystruct_t;

output mystruct_t   out;
input mystruct_t    in;

assign      out = ~in;

endmodule // Local Variables: // verilog-typedef-regexp: "_t$" // End:

Thanks for your help.

wsnyder commented 2 years ago

I don't see the AUTOWIRE declaring mystruct_t. Are you sure you are using the most recent version of verilog-mode?

afuller525 commented 2 years ago

I apologize, it looks like my company is using a very old version (840). I tested a local override with the newest version and the problem is resolved.
