veripool / verilog-perl

Verilog parser, preprocessor, and related tools for the Verilog-Perl package
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need a parser for wire or reg signals #1677

Closed WilsonChen003 closed 1 year ago

WilsonChen003 commented 1 year ago

Hi Wilson, This is greeting from another Wilson ;-) I have a project for Verilog RTL stiching, also for IP/SOC integration, named as "HDLGen" --- But now I'm hitting a problem: how to parse any wire or reg logic ( not a whole design file) to know the signal name, and finally get its bit width? Sample Verilog code like below:

always @( cfg_is_int8_d0 or res_a_00 or res_b_00 ) begin pp_in_l0_a_00 = cfg_is_int8_d0[0] ? {2'b0, res_a_00[31:16], 2'b0, res_a_00[15:0]} : {4'b0, res_a_00[31:0]}; pp_in_l0_b_00 = cfg_is_int8_d0[0] ? {2'b0, res_b_00[31:16], 2'b0, res_b_00[15:0]} : {4'b0, res_b_00[31:0]}; end

I have no good idea at all, as Verilog source coding style is various between different Engineers, so regular express may not work. But I think you'd cleaned such issue early before, so I open this issue as a help actually :). The purpose I need this function is that I want to achieve a goal in my tool: egineer just write logic code, the signals used in such logic can be automically defined as wire or reg with bit width correct --- this really help IP or ASIC enginneers.

Best Regards, Wilson Chen

wsnyder commented 1 year ago


I'm not sure what is your question. It sounds like you want reg/wires, if so see the test files the sources here and also

If you want an example of how to edit code, see vppreproc here.

For your "stitch" function alternatively see AUTOs which have extensive industry usage.

WilsonChen003 commented 1 year ago

Thanks Wilson for kindly help! Yeah, EMAC is really cool! The AUTOPORT & AUTOREG is really what I want, but the auto instance is not, because I want to enable user to do his own conection through reg express. I'll try to understand all these links to see if I can use some of these source code. And thanks again. Wilson Chen