veripool / verilog-perl

Verilog parser, preprocessor, and related tools for the Verilog-Perl package
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contassign in interface causes missing method error in Verilog::Netlist #1682

Open CoreyTeffetalor opened 3 days ago

CoreyTeffetalor commented 3 days ago

This reproduces in 3.480 and I don't see any related code changes in the 3.483 version. Continuous assignments in an interface cause a missing method error for new_contassign which exists on Verilog::Netlist::Module but not Verilog::Netlist::Interface

Can't locate object method "new_contassign" via package "Verilog::Netlist::Interface" at lib/site_perl/5.38.2/x86_64-linux-thread-multi/Verilog/Netlist/ line 98.

Below is a trivial testcase script and a workaround inline which declares an empty method that does nothing when the parser encounters a assign in a interface. The Interface object does not track statements currently and I don't have any need of this either, but avoiding the error being raised during evaluation of Verilog with these structures would likely be preferable to the current behavior.

#! /usr/local/bin/perl

use Verilog::Netlist;
use strict; use warnings FATAL => qw(all); use 5.014;

open my $fh, '>', '' or die $@;

printf "$Verilog::Netlist::VERSION\n";

printf {$fh} <<"EOF";
interface myif(input i);
    logic j;
    assign j = i;

module mybuf (input a, output z);
    assign z = a;

close $fh;

if (0) {
eval "
package Verilog::Netlist::Interface {
    sub new_contassign {
        # Deliberately does nothing, workaround for missing method

my $nl = new Verilog::Netlist();
wsnyder commented 3 days ago

This package is currently only in maintenance mode. If you'd like to contribute a pull to fix this it would be appreciated, otherwise it's not likely to get fixed. Thanks.