verisign / storm-graphite

An Apache Storm IMetricsConsumer that forwards Storm's built-in metrics to a Graphite server for real-time graphing, visualization, and operational dashboards.
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taskInfo not fully populated (hostname, port) #10

Closed jwestboston closed 9 years ago

jwestboston commented 9 years ago

For some reason the taskInfo object seems to not be fully populated on/with Apache Storm 0.9.3 on CentOS 7. Therefore, the metric name does not contain the hostname, port, and other items.

When running the word-count example from Pyleus, for example, the metrics sent to my system are like so:


with my prefix being set to "storm".

Unfortunately, this means I cannot graph metrics for each worker process :-(

What can I do to assist in troubleshooting?

jwestboston commented 9 years ago

Ahh! This is because items such as srcWorkerHost are not added to the metric name in 0.1.4 :-D

This is however available in master.

I guess this is just an issue with the documentation not matching the latest [stable] release? No doubt to be fixed once 0.1.5 is set as stable/released...

miguno commented 9 years ago

You can simply build+package 0.1.5-SNAPSHOT (from master) if you need these semantics already right now. Take a look at the build/package instructions, which are identical for releases and snapshots.

jwestboston commented 9 years ago

@miguno Exactly what I did. Workin' great -- thanks.

On a side note, it seems that metrics emitted from storm-graphite do not match metrics presented in the Storm UI. Is this due to the Storm UI not being accurate due to only taking samples?

miguno commented 9 years ago

Happy to hear it works for you now!

And yes, the metrics in Storm’s UI are sampled. See Config.TOPOLOGY_STATS_SAMPLE_RATE as described at

jwestboston commented 9 years ago

@miguno Thanks!